keep taking those Trump-approved pills hahaha
Trumpanzees already dying from taking chloroquine
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Trump is good boy
Asking, if enough people die (from their irresponsible use of the medication, which is proven to work, taking 10 pills per day for example), will it get banned? Because, I'm starting to see the pattern.
So this is how desperate kikes are to stop people from using this treatment. Too bad. New York starts tomorrow.
i say you are full of shit because we use it here in the hospitals as default treatment right now and it works.
low life kikes
No, don't post anything helpful. Just keep the anti Trump crying jag going. He's going to win again, faggot.
Obviously don’t self medicate but the treatment is promising.
Thousands are likely to die. Why should we care about this one idiot that overdosed himself?
>self medicating
>Draumpht's fault
yeah, ok
>1 "trump supporter" dies from chloroquine
>128 leftist junkies die from heroin every day
cope, trump tranny
>Self medicated
>Had easy access to anti malaria pills
Shiggy diggy
New York is taking those Trump-approved Pills tomorrow.
I wonder how many libshits will refuse to take medication their doctors prescribe to them just because Trump said something nice about it.
I hope its a lot, the world could always use more dead democrats.
>>Don't take it goyim, just look at this title without any information.
Let trump tards use it. If they a kill, then no one gives a shit
>trump tranny
This guy corona chan.
Are you a bot?
A shill?
Just so new you have no idea what the fuck you are saying, but still desperately trying to fit in?
The world may never know.
How do you know they were trump voters?
"just a prank bro!"
Darwin award from overdoing it to hit the 5 minutes.
They probably took too high a dose.
Good hope it’s 6 million holocaust of the boomers
>trump touts medication for coronavirus
>cuomo touts the exact same medicine
The idea that this causes QT Elongation is bunk.
Anyone claiming it does is a kike that's paid by Gilead to shill for Remdesevir because it's $50,000 a dose instead of $6.
Why are they doing this? Why does the press keeps hating on Trump so bad to the point it becomes irrational? It's been shown to be a VERY promising treatment. It's been used in countries like France/Italy. Why the fuck can't they simply say "please, consult with your doctor" instead of "Trump touting treatment is DEADLY!"
Bernvictims still seething?
Of course
forgot to add,
t. pharmacist
Trump suggested Hydroxychloroquine, not chloroquine. Guess who did suggest chrloroquine? David Rothschild on twatter and a bunch of others who took what Trump said, changed it to Chloroquinine dishonestly, and then talked like that was what he suggested, dishonestly. If anyone is responsible for their deaths, it's those liars.
Trump said it MIGHT work he didn’t say go out and get it now. Just because someone has a good feeling about something doesn’t make it gospel. I swear you fucking demonrat shills all deserve to die.
kys faggot.
How did you make the leap from "don't be a retard" to "fuck trump" chingaling? Is Chinkland trying to prevent America from testing a potentially useful treatment?
Self administered Dena.
well no shit.
chloroquin is not new and overdose has been known to be deadly for decades.
The only accepted side effects of HCQ, generally are Diarrhea, Nausea and if taken over long periods (months) or at high doses, retinopathy.
The side effect profile for Azithromycin is even milder. Millions of doses are prescribed to Americans every year for things like Sinus Infections, etc.
The black box warning that was added to it years back was based on a single study published in the NEJM that was never able to be replicated by further studies. Much of this was an effort by researchers to scare MD's into not over prescribing abx than it was legitimate concern over arrhythmias.
He called it chloroquine before hydroxychloroquine though. Self medicating people aren't too smart, weren't paying attention enough I guess.
Because they lost their minds in 2016 and they're never coming back. Trump shattered their illusion of control and they can't ever get that back. This is how a genocide works you have to psyche yourself up for awhile first before you can go out and slaughter the "bad people" with machetes.
They were retards, no loss.
The idots took Chloroquine Phosphate.
The medication is Hydroxychloroquine. There're very different molecules outisde of
their Chloroquine radical.
>It has chloroquine in the name, it must be it.
Are you faggot muts blind? Do I have to put a monkey cock here to get a response? I have to pretend to be reactionary
you can erridicate a bed bug infestation with $8 worth of horse dewormer
if you are dumb enough to take medical advice from Trump, then Jesus help you
He is just forcing natural selection to kill off nigger IQ ppl
There's no way he's gonna win next elections.
So is Hydroxychloroquine the most promising treatment at the moment?
>corona tourist upset no one wants to talk to him
M8, you do this in every thread shut up and lurk
He's killing his own voters.
Why would a spaghetti nigger even care who the king of America is? I don't care who leads your boot full of moors?
Clearly fake news
Actor Daniel Dae Kim says malaria drug was ‘secret weapon’ in coronavirus recovery
Yes, let's condemn a medication that has already saved millions upon millions of lives. I swear, the fucking kikes are out thick on this one.
If is wasn't for hydrogen chloroquine, who knows how many people would be dead from maleria.
Neck yourself you fucking fear mongering psychopath. Fucks sake.
Wait until people drink tonic water
Meanwhile covid 19 kills hundreds of people everyday.
Fuck off kike.
they are scared:
1 that trump appears as the savior of the world and gets instant reelection
2 of a chloroquine shortage for their elite asses
>People seemingly taking drugs at random as a preventive measure(?)
>Problems arise
Did they even have Kung Flu?
*Malaria...fucking autocorrect
Take your meds schizo I barely post here
seething bernouts are so pathetic.
Not only does Corona Chan directly cull the herd of boomers but in their idiocy they kill themselves while attempting to flee the logical conclusion of their globalizing policies.
Insha allah the boomercide will continue
We've a clone of your democratic party here in italy.
Hey frog, it's Hydroxychloroquine
Based on the safety profile, a few studies and anecdotal results from use in several countries, i'd say HCQ + Az is the most effective treatment at the moment... I've only heard a few stories about Remdesevir. Most of the cases it was used in were cases where the patients were already intubated and probably past the point of no return honestly.
It's also notable that Remdesevir is expensive (~$50,000 a dose) and is administered per infusion while HCQ+Az is taken orally and dirty cheap.
I'd say the most surefire treatment though will be harvesting antibodies from people who already have developed immunity...this is the approach Israel seems to be taking. Problem is, it takes time and alot more effort.
If HCQ+Az even provides modest benefit (the difference between needing a vent or not) it's worth it being prescribed.
that's just my opinion though, it would be up to individuals doctors/hospitals as to what they think is most appropriate for any given patient. I cannot give medical advice over the internet for obvious reasons.
> ingested chloroquine phosphate, an additive commonly used at aquariums to clean fish tanks
Darwin award winners.
sloppy job mosad
>self medicated
Got what they deserved. Either do your research or go to a doctor. Herbs grow in all fields btw
It was a glorified pain killer. What did they EXPECT was going to happen!?!?
The chosen tribe is so against it because it's generic and cheap and they all bought shares in Gilead.
Maybe. Still an anecdote. People have recovered from this on their own and he is not a fossil.
I already am doing this. Because being locked inside for 7 days straight and I need an excuse to get sauced of G&Ts but still pretend I'm being responsible.
Self medicating people are plenty smart, you just don't hear about them because they purposely keep quiet about it. You shouldn't generalize like that. I wonder about the ethnicity of the people who died from the chloroquinine because certain ethnicities can't handle it and have a toxic reaction to it. I wouldn't say that's Trump's fault. That's just them not doing enough research before putting something into their bodies.
This guy already had a recovery using hydroxychloroquinine.
There's no known (safe) treatment.
>anti-malarial drugs
I forget the side effects but they fuck you up and can kill you
>HIV medications
fucked up immune system
You're telling me that there's a treatment based on harvesting goyim blood and that the kikes are at the forefront? What a shock!
IF a few more studies show this to be effective (and by effective i don't mean 100% cure, but at minimum effective from keeping it from progressing to the point that inpatient care is needed) then it should be rolled out to Hospital Staff, First Responders, and the Elderly, in that order, and then to the general public as a whole. I've seen a few reports that it could potentially have a prophylactic effect which if true, hospital staff should be given first go at it.
What was the dosage that they took? They self-medicated without understanding what dosage to take. You need to consult with a doctor before you take these medications.
Dena Minning Grayson is an American medical doctor, researcher and politician. In 2016, she ran unsuccessfully for the Democratic nomination for the United States House of Representatives for Florida's 9th congressional district.
Sex, 'lies' and the Grayson family drama
By Marc Caputo, Politico 07/29/2016
His ex-wife's battery allegations threaten to tank his new wife's bid for his House seat.
As Rep. Alan Grayson’s Senate campaign began falling apart over allegations he beat his ex-wife, he blasted out a new robocall touting a Grayson for U.S. House campaign.
Grayson, however, wasn’t dropping out of the Senate race and running for reelection. Instead, he was phoning Wednesday on behalf of his new wife, Dena Minning Grayson. She married him during the election season on Memorial Day weekend, when she was running as Dena Minning. She promptly changed her last name and began campaigning as his ideological and familial heir in a district where she didn’t live and was once a complete political unknown.
But now that Alan Grayson is bleeding support and staff as top fellow Democrats call on him to quit the Senate race, Dena Grayson’s relationship with her new husband is starting to vex her.
For starters, the ex-wife of Alan Grayson who filed multiple domestic violence reports against him blames Dena Grayson for committing adultery with the congressman before the divorce.
“In the last few years of my marriage, Alan Mark Grayson was unfaithful to me with Dena Minning,” Lolita Grayson wrote Thursday in an email to POLITICO, marking the first time she named Minning, who is otherwise listed as one of the congressman’s alleged “paramours” in his ex’s divorce filings.