Why are modern women so ugly?
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Why are modern women so ugly?
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Women back in the day
UK women are disgusting and she from there.
How can any other woman compete?
Cuz quality of man went down
Have you seen her tits? They're massive
lol they arent, you bitter little incel.
Soulless chink bugman shill with small penis and smooth brain who thinks like a cat. Parents so shame.
Not modern. Not a woman.
Your world is fake and crumbling into oblivion.
Good times. :)
Lauren Bacall.
Find love
Gross that little harlot looks like Lil Xan that mumble rapper I remember seeing posted here. Both look like little young boys.
this is the woman of my dreams, always has been. only ever had one girl that closely resembles her and it worked out well for years until i broke it off due to my own selfish desires.
Post pics
You people are retarded. You pick out a girl from a magazine ad and act like they looked like the general population lol
Oh Claudia. I was in love with her as a teenager in '90
Yes, actually had a poster of her on my b.room wall
I'd want her to spit in my mouth but she's a coalburner so no thanks.
No, you are retarded for thinking that's what's been done.
You used to have to be attractive for people to want to take photos of you. Now everyone is constantly photographed and you get to see the median.
Plus obesity = bad skin
Wow are those natural? She must be chubby if they are. anyone have body shots/bikini pics?
the physical body is a reflection of the soul within
can confirm after a quick browse
zoomer girls all look filthy, unhealthy and poorly kept. i'd rather go for a well aged gen x milf than for the average zoomer girl.
I doubt she even knows what color her fucking hair actually is.
They're not ugly. Just trashy and soulless. They have no shine to them.
There's a video out there somewhere.
>No ugly people existed 50 years ago
you are retarded
Billie is really cute she just dress like a homeless black dude
No shit, RETARD.
Her big tits are cancelled out by her cankles
Disgusting. They are so willing to defile themselves nowadays thanks to the Jews.
Only Avril would be the exception
Producers also have no taste anymore. Women are children of Cain, they wish to destroy the ideal to feel better about themselves.
Who is that emo looking bitch? She looks familiar.
nigga u gay. i would let that emo girl step on me any day
she is a mudshark
There is one best girl on this board.
Meanwhile, OP looks like he got beat with a fugly stick.
wtf is your problem? go back to Yas Forums faggot.
They have been jewified. by the Jews.
We have to kill all jews men, it's the only way to revert this shit.
Ingrid Thulin is my all time fav
Both of these look like shit. Billie Eilish because she's a tranny and the other one because she's boring as fuck.
She is honestly too ugly to even be allowed in public. Imagine how many days are ruined by allowing your gaze to fall upon her revolting visage?
I hate her edgy teenager face
Only the extermination of the Amerijuden and all other juden will stop this.
Complete Holohax, for real.
I am 30 and I have a 40 year old girlfriend for this very reason. I just dont like woman my age or younger.
Shut the fuck up, simp.
>why are women such ugly and or fat sluts now?
Feminism and female empowerment. Giving women too much freedom and not punishing them for bad behavior. But how will you change women for the better when guys are such desperate and pathetic cucks now? Everyone has to suffer a lot before things get better because men can't help themselves from being so pathetic in a comfortable environment. Once this "pandemic" scare is over it will be right back to the same degeneracy.
Diluted Genetics nigger.
...and Dana Delany in China Beach (FUGG) but you kids weren't even born
It's the only way.
And you fall, and you crawl, and you break
And you take, what you get, and you turn it into
Honesty and promise me I'm never gonna find you fake it
No, no, no
>not posting the webm
That’s a man in a dress
Because women's dna is breaking down.
This guy answered your question. All the Gil Elvgrin(sp?) type girls got boring and predictable. Notice how uncannily weird models look now.
Wait maybe it was this one
user I...
Their kike cancer has been polluting women's minds for the last 100 years in the west.
Only the removal of all kike influence in Education, Media and public will cure this Illness.
Next year, vids of her sucking BBC.
Because modern women need the BBC
so many newfags. so so many
just gonna leave this here
Can you believe the kikey directors and producers thought she was ugly and fat, put her on a diet of coffee, cigarettes and amphetamines. Goodtimes.
How do you go from this
to this?
At least post a good one.
Based mexibro!
Eilish is super cute.
You’re just delusional.
He’s a Jew? Holy shit I should’ve known.
She's gorgeous. You're blind.
Mutt's Law
Is that her mother or grandmother
Jesus, she looks like she's made out of wood.
Gonna need more tit pics just to be sure
Where you get that high def version top left user?
imo teh hottest woman ever to walk this planet
Why do they always pick the most retarded looking nigs
Todays women are prettier.
you gay? I'd fuck the shit out of her
The sooner we start the sooner the kikery ends.
From women aging like milk, their relevance is in their youth and so it's short lived.