We're in lockdown then boys

We're in lockdown then boys.

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He’s based.
But why is his name Boris? I thought that was a Slavic name??


Squaddies on stag on the M25 stopping the nogs fleeing that shithole.

Boris has my vote. Upmost confidence in the lad.

Yeah, he's Russian agent.

It had to happen, to many people weren't listening to the advice. It feels pretty weird though.

I feel like this virus is making countries turn into dictatorships...

I don't think they have a choice. People aren't listening at all, if the NHS gets overloaded we are fucked.

But young people don't really get hurt by it and corona will be here to stay so will they force everyone to literally be confined to their homes from a thing that isn't even deadly for most people...

It's young people getting it and passing it on though. Or a young person who gets it and maybe needs to go to hospital with it, then there won't be enough doctors to care for everyone, and other people with other illnesses won't get seen, and more people die. I think that's what young people aren't understanding, they will survive it but other people won't if they pass it on.

But you can't shut down society completely though for a long time you know. And not allowing young people to live their lives isn't really something that I like.

The idea is to shut people in, the virus dies off and buys time for the NHS. And young people will need to get on with it.

what are they going to do even if they do get it under control? keep us in lockdown until there is a vaccine? it's still going to spread even in lockdown it's just going to spread slower so then when lockdown is lifted it will take off again. lock down isn't going to kill it off completely so it's always going to come back again. so unless we're meant to stay in lockdown for 12-18months then wtf

> vote Tory cos muh corb is a commie
> get full blown communism within 6 months anyway

>the virus dies off
it will die back, it won't die off because people will still move around it will just slow it down. that means lockdown measures will have to stay indefinitely until a vaccine is created.

Based Jeltsin

I don't think that the virus will die off just because people stay at home. And the effects this will have to education, work etc will be absolutely devastating imo.

So when we opening the gyms again?

Gets us to summer so other general shit people go to hospital for in winter isn't a problem. This whole thing is about none overwhelming the NHS.

eventually even people will have had it and recovered to achieve herd immunity
given that it is very virulent it wont take long
italy is already starting to get less cases and china is doing fine

We should all form a public gathering on social media and congregate at one specific point in the city refusing to go home to protest said laws

couldn't make it up

It has done that in other countries. What do you suggest, just carry on as normal and starting having thousands of people a die dead, the NHS total fucked, people who need treatment for cancer or anything else are pretty much fucked?

Someone I used to know and care about in the UK has the virus. What should I do?

Idk what we should do, but forcing people to stay home all day and not being able to work or get educated will have devastating effects for countries too you know.

R.I.P civil liberties

If you go full China the virus will die off. It can only live outside the human body for a few hours at most.


He is a powerful TÜRKman bringing KARA BOGA to Britainistan

shut the fuck up boomer, I will personally break into your house and coof in your face, of course the rozzers won't do shit about it

This lockdown is 3 weeks. It should bring the number of infected down, making sure that when we do and probably will get a second wave it won't as bad, and again, less strenuous on the NHS so we can handle it through summer.

UK full police state, good luck m8s. Whether in sci fi or real life the UK always goes police state. We'll be praying for you all.

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it needs to reach 60% of the population for herd immunity to be effective, it won't do that under lockdown.

Italy is getting less cases for now. as soon as lockdown is lifted it will take off again, that's what im saying how can we keep the worlds economies closed for months, it's not possible.

Herd immunity

His name is Alexander.

Everyone is doing it, we actually held off for a pretty long time compared to other people.

Why do you think it won't come back again after a short while after us going back to normal though?? Also per capita my country has WAAAY more cases than China ever did.
Why can't just old people stay inside then instead of forcing literally everyone to stay inside since you're the only ones who are actually hurt by it... Like young people can live normally with it so why not just stay inside yourself boomer instead of taking away people's youth?

commie shill

This is a test of compliance by the Jews. We're fucked if you're willing to roll over for them. Millions die from flu each year, but the Jewish created Coronavirus is more significant?


Herd immunity isn't a bad thing you know.

But do i still have to work???!!!

Corona wasn't created by "the jews".

why do you think a second wave wont be as bad? it will be just as bad as the first wave if not worse. even if we assume 100,000 have been infected so far and lockdown works to slow the spread, there are still 66.5 million people who haven't had it yet, so the second wave will just build up to the same level as the first again if lockdown isn't maintained.

Do you think you're talking to a 70 year old here? A lot of young people live with old people. If you can't grasp why we'd lock down for 3 weeks then I can't help you. Go outside, knock yourself out. You sound like a spoilt little bitch.

literally nothing will change for me except WFH, pretty based

I seriously hope you all have updated your licenses.

I've got my shopping license, exercise license and work license


>Jew worked in lab merely a mile from the epicenter which can create this, the only lab in China that can do so
>Jew immediately arrested by the FBI upon returning to America
>I-it's not Jewish

If everyone is isolated for a few weeks those that have it will either fight off the virus or die and a few hours after that moment there will be no more active virus particles.
It can't come back at that point.

God I hope my staff accommodation is covered by the eviction ban otherwise I'm proper scuppered lads...

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You already were

What do you suggest? A lockdown is working to bring numbers down in other countries. We can;t just carry on as normal or we will be fucked. What can you not understand about the less people who have it now, then less people will be able to infect other people in the probable second wave. And in the second wave we will less people in hospital with viruses from winter, and we will be in summer, making it easier for the NHS to cope with the second wave, taking us closer to a hopeful vaccine.

Or we could all just fuck it off, carry on as normal, all of us get infected and the NHS won't be able to treat anyone.

>Do you think you're talking to a 70 year old here?
Yes I do actually..
>A lot of young people live with old people.
Well I don't and if you do then don't go out. But you shouldn't force everyone else to suffer with you.
>You sound like a spoilt little bitch.
Stop trying to drag everyone else down with you just because your life sucks. I want to go back to normal and old people can just isolate themselves so that the rest of us don't have to do it with them.
Shut up, seriously.
Why wouldn't it come back? It can come from another country for example and even if there's like only a dozen cases then it can still spread again you know.

We're pretty much fucked either way. Countries should have shifted as much manufacturing as the could have over to medical equipment back in January so that you could let it burn through the population quicker without overshooting your surge capacity.

They’re not stopping me, I’m going out and seeing all my mates like usual. If I get pulled it’s either my daily excercise or I’m caring for my Nan who is ill.

there have been cases of reinfection after recovery, nigger

You sound like some 16 year old college child who wants to go and play fortnite with his friends and is upset that he can't for 3 or more weeks.

that will only work if they are completely isolated and you know every single case even the ones that show no symptoms. and you lock them into their house 24/7 and never let them come into contact with another human for 14 days. only china is capable of that and even then china is lying so.

>taking away people's youth
lmao what a faggot
"i cant stay inside for a moment, literally hitler, i have to go be in one or two other rooms inside or i will AKSHULLAY DIE"
all of your posts can comfortably read in c1 through the nose, stop crying no one cares about a grain of salt in an ocean

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That'd only work if everyone everywhere did that at the exact same time