Absolutely Disgusting

I've just read reports of zoomers rubbing snot on 1 dollar bills and planting them in parking lots. This is absolutely disgusting behavior. If I catch any of you little faggots doing this I'm going to give you a beating like you've never before experienced!

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These zoomers also happen to be urban youfs?

Just dont be a jew and you wont get sick

Who the fuck would pick up a one dollar bill in a parking lot? I would ignore anything under a twenty

>that nose piercing


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I'd let her lick on my ice cream if you know what I mean ;)

What happens to the zoomers when all the doctors are busy with covid and they eat a box of tide pods?

>>Zoomers removing boomer
>>Saves the future

would love to get a pair of pliers and yank that fucking cunts nose piercing out of her septum

Pods don't come in boxes, boomer

(((Who))) indeed.

Leave them outside of synagogues on Saturdays.

fuck em.

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I cum in your moms box faggot.

imagine being so poor that you are willing to pickup a dollar bill off the ground.

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there is nothing more sexy than an 18/19 yo zoomer female with this amount of carelessness and spontaneity, i would do anything to fuck their tight pussies

She’s cute

imagine being so poor that you resort to picking up $20
I bend over in public for nothing less than $50, and even then, only if I'm bored.

I picked up a five dollar bill at my waste water plant and gave it to the chick at circle k while I was wearing gloves. I picked it off the fine screens (basically the entry point of the plant). I bought a candy bar

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a few Problems less in this world

pretty based way to infect jews if you ask me

>I bend over in public for nothing less than $50, and even then, only if I'm bored.
I bet you do but the question is do you get a reach around from the John?

Everyone on this board would change her diaper

>those nigger facial Features
>nigger Tier behaviour
>can smell the Gender studies degree literaly jumping out of the pic

you faggots are the first ones to die in the boogaloo

imagine being so poor that you resort to picking up $50
I bend over in public for nothing less than $100, and even then, only if I'm bored.

imagine being so thin, that you actually could bend your knees, without breaking them both, to pick something up

Press it twice

Can use pennies instead.

Copper is antimicrobial

based zoomers dabbin on every1 else

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I hope everyone in that video dies violently in a lot of pain.

Imagine taking my post seriously.
Do you actually think I would perform the poverty squat for just $50?

There is no currency denomination that I would consider worthy of my dignity. If I came across a $500 prepaid Visa, I might consider grabbing it. But only because I'm concerned about microplastics in the water supply.

fuck. forgot about that

>I've just read reports


they deserve it. retarded little shits.

>>This fucking poor
Bro, if there was a gold bar sitting on the ground, I wouldn't pick it up unless I were already sitting next to it.

Good. Beat the shit out of them. Shoot them for all I care. If these fucking people are doing this NOW, they deserve whatever they get.

Also don't EVER buy unsealed food or if you have to, wash the shit out of it.

I pick up oily pennies at the gas station on the ground near the pumps. money is money to me (inb4 jew) nope.

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>not pausing at the toll booth to open your door and pick up the coins that missed the basket

These are clearly college age millennials. Don't pin this degeneracy on my generation.

Oh no, that’s terrible?
Which parking lots is this happening at, I need to protect people from those infected dollars.

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the youngest millenials are 24. Most college kids are zoomers.

Never buy something unsealed.

so much poverty in this thread. i pretty much expect there to be money all over the floor. if there isn't, i'll immediately assume i ended up on the wrong side of the tracks and turn around.

Look like jew shoes to me.

Fuck I ate blue bell ice cream last week.


dude they're all niggers, gross. that's how you get THE AIDS

I'd let the first one suck my cock

Who's the thot at 0:30?

You mean niggers right?

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That girl is a qt

boomers are only now posting about last year's garbo meme "challenge" so you're good, probably

Just seal the lid dumbfucks

You have horrible taste

pennies are mostly zinc, they only have some copper, at one point the copper in them was worth more than one cent and people began hoarding pennies which the govt soon outlawed


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I'm old enough to remember when almost nothing had a seal on it.

this shit is staged, there's another plastic lid under the lid in those ice cream cups

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It''s called basic hygiene here, not just for nigger proof.

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my life is sad af, I need to coom to some dirty fat nigga on the internet!

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