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Based chad

This shitbag nigger just became the next amerifat meme.

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what a chad

This is kid is why Odin is slapping the white race awake it's not gonna be pretty but end result is the strongest sword

I fucking hate this country
They talk shit on the ONLY part of the western world ignoring quarantine, while the entire goddamn nation is out drinking in parks for 花見
For fuck's sake, their airport quarantines aren't even enforced and some fucking teenage girl just skipped out on it and brought another confirmed case to Okinawa on flights & public transportation
This country is full of niggers to a degree you cannot even imagine until you see it, this year has been a fucking eye opener here

are you a gook or english teacher?

why isnt he wearing a t shirt, fucking monkeys.

>t. Private Hunter Skylar Jamal Thompson Smith

ok VPNip

sucking in that yum yum skin cancer good shit.

he is at the beach

he's at the beach, retard. why would you wear a shirt to the beach, are you fat or something?


Are you the lard beast that keeps his shirt on at the water park?

Dancing monkey
I can speak English you nigger, obviously I'm a fucking poorfag teacher and not a mouthbreathing recruit
My status as faggot先生 does not invalidate how fucking subhuman the entire Japanese population is demonstrating itself to be on a global stage right now
These people are genetically underequipped to be skeptical of literally fucking anything and they're acting like fucking monkeys right now
For Christ's sake they still don't wash their hands after they shit, even with massive signs literally EVERYWHERE begging them to do so and free sanitizer at the door to every packed shithouse izakaya

suck my dick jose

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Yet Japan has had Corona spreading longer at a lower rate than the US.

>Literal Nip subhuman

japanese war crimes.

are you just mad you haven't got that tight nip pussy
it's okay you can tell us

>falling for the "teach english abroad" meme

lmao you fucking retard. you're from a flyover state aren't you :^)

he's not gonna die if he gets corona,
he's not gonna give it to love ones because he probably lives in some dorm
Why should he fucking care?
Dude is literally dabbing on boomers

They're not fucking testing for it you mong, read literally anything that's come out of this country in the past 3 months
Doctors have been publicly complaining about legal mandates saying they cannot test patients, the law here demands that anyone confirmed with a highly infectious disease must be hospitalized and there isn't enough ICU capacity in the country to hospitalize every confirmed case, so they're simply refusing to test patients
They've done less than 40k tests total and they're portraying an infection rate of 0.7-1.4, the books are cooked

Who cares. I'm living life like it ain't happening.


in canadian terms LOL

Why should I take the opinion of a dancing monkey who has n5-tier Japanese ability seriously? Learn a language before moving to a country, you're as bad as the fucking mexicans.

Why do they shit so much? Bet its the eels

No, he's an English teaching subhuman.

Based zoomer, they can't stop us partying bro

I-i wear a shirt at the beach.

Good God the USA looks like a hellhole.

So why aren't there sick people overwhelming the hospitals? Where are the corpses?

YOU are the sub-human

ハハハ、バカ英語先生ゴウ ホム

I'm white you dumb fuck
it's immensely overrated, I thought I hated white roasties until I came here but now I legitimately miss them in comparison, these women are schizoid at best, psychopaths at worst
Mexicans are incapable of filing for visas, shit analogy nigel

lmao classic Asian country. Past the veil they really are not that different to China and Korea. Corruption and lying is still big, just not quite as widespread or easily seen.

honestly for me, this ugly bitch is the worst out of all them.

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He's Nordic. Nordics are immune

Japanese women creaming themselves after witnessing such testosterone ooze out of their screens meanwhile Japanese men are watching and jerking off to anime and manga.

Do white people even go to waterparks anymore? I stopped going a decade ago, it's just taking a bath with hundreds of brown people. Just matter of time until your whole family has full body gonorrhea and aids mixed with pink eye.

Really nigger? 外人もこれを書いた

You should genocide Anglos next time not out pet projects you baka

because [spoiler]yes I know spoilers don't work on Yas Forums[/spoiler]
this corona bullshit is just them overhyping the yearly cold in order to force a market correction and make a ton of money on short sales and buying the dip

Wow, asians dicks are really small

>The women are crazy
You can't speak to them, so you wouldn't know. You're getting the dregs that speak English and have been passed around by the other gaijin. Learn the language and get a real job, you parasite.

もちろん。日本人はYas Forumsに来ない

are you fat?

user :D! why are you wearing a shirt in the pool lol, don't be shy

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So what happened in Italy?

Now that is what I'd call a pencil dick


attaboy, you're alright in my book fellow monkey

He doesn't bother learning the language and complains when he gets slim pickings. It's hilarious. All the girls I've dated here have been an absolute dream to date. Maybe I'm just good at picking them, but i have never had to deal with a schizo crazy girl in Japan.

Of course no self respecting normal nip girl would date a lowly english teacher. It's pathetic really that weeaboos think they'll get 10/10 wife material with a job that's almost as bad as being a garbage man in Japan

>what happened in Italy?
claiming that every person who has the cold, I mean COVID, who dies - while also having cancer or whatever else - doesn't mean the cold was anything at all out of the ordinary. the flu, as an example, is blamed for the deaths tens of thousands a year.

When I see someone wearing their hat like that, my immediate thought about them is "douchebag"

Yea she's gross lol

Ya know how you always kinda knew your little brother was kinda retarded? This guy represents an entire generation of little brothers.

user-kun wa nigger desu ne

cope harder デビドくん
Anyone that comes here claiming the women are better than their own race is a faggot that couldn't succeed in his homeland

That makes no sense why would the cold suddenly cause thousands of people put in the ICU dying.



Ah the gaijin totem pole, don't miss it. So what are you, IT monkey? Consultant monkey? Sales rep monkey? Or you at the top of the loser pile, with a real job?

I prefer ワイトデビル but sure we all are in the grand scheme of things, aren't we?


I smell a hafu

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Kek fucking honest and brutal
Honorary nips

There is a word for that, it's 毛唐, or アメ公 for Yanks

Japan is boring.

I see it as a two year vacation, so I paid for two student visa with my money since I have enough of it. I plan to open a resturaunt with my friend here in the future.

Bullshit. I have seen multiple studied showing that 85% of Japan washes their hands. They remove their shoes in doors. They don't shake hands or touch one another. Maybe you just love in a nigger tier area of Japan and mistake foreigner Asians for Japanese

If you stuck your dick in there would it be head or anal?

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>Not having superior Sapporo Beer
>Only cheap 発泡酒


Americans are playing with fire and the entire clusterfuck of them not taking this seriously could potentially make them the worst case in the world.


lmao. no one actually uses this form of "why", you fucking retarded weebshits. yes, i know you're using google translate but FFS, just kys

this thread has devolved into weebshit and for that reason im out

>why are people who are already in poor health more susceptible to negative outcomes when infected with yet another disease

of all things to complain about lmao

Umm they do though...

>hes dead in three weeks!!!

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We had a joke in the barracks in Iwakuni.
> For every cute Japanese girl there were a 100 ugly ones standing behind her. Some with faces like asphalt.

>lmao. no one actually uses this form of "why"
Who told you that? We use なぜ and なんで too moron.

Japan is like prison as opposed to living in USA.


lmao yeah you and every other foreigner. Good luck with that, you'll be out of business in 6 months. But seriously, good luck, you'll need it. Restaurant game in Japan is brutal, and has a massive failure rate. And every gaijin has a brilliant idea that's never been done before.

Gaijin. - he called you a nigger.

I don't agree. But I don't hate or care if you think otherwise. Just means less gaijin in Japan.

It's just funny when english teachers think they will pull in some 10/10 pussy having such a lowly pathetic job living a a room the size of a woman's shoe closet


is japan like fastandfurious: tokyo drift?

Oh yeah i definitely know that. I think resturaunts owned and operated 100% by gaijin have a 100% failure rate. But we have japanese business partners too.

Thanks for the concern though, friend.

Fuckin’ LUL

No, never saw any Initial D-esque touge racing in my life.


Someone go beat the ever living fuck out of this faggot.

these are both true
It is a vacation, and that's why you're retarded for not accepting that it's time to leave after your visa is up

HAHAHHAHHAHAHAH international. To be remembered through all history as the dumbest piece of shit. Even him committing suicide when he's older is going to make me laugh so fucking hard.

Yeah, but he didn't let it stop him from partying. So, at the end of the day, who really won?

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How are the female Japanese prostitutes?

It's true, there isn't enough fat and protein here to nourish my twinkbones and I survive primarily on fried chicken and pork as is

>Yet Japan has had Corona spreading longer at a lower rate than the US.
Like 60% on the cruise that tested negative for corona virus in Japan tested positive when they got home. Japan doesn't know what it's doing. Japan is fallen.

Honestly the young ones are annoying and I couldn't stop laughing at the nipple licking, but the $2 Chinese coronaMILF with the golden hands was the best experience I've had
>thought I liked young girls before I got here
>instantly became a mommyfag upon further experience

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Listen, no one cares that your weeb fantasy of becoming a english teacher with your pathetic degree and making at most $20,000 a year didn't work out for you.

Just go home and learn your lesson that you're just a pathetic and salty loser for ever thinking you'd accomplish anything doing what you did.

Next time you move to a different country that barely speaks English, if you ever do, try to learn the language during or before you arrive you mush brained pathetic faggot


I am on this dude’s side. He represents freedom