Have any of you noticed

That the moment you mention adrenochrome shills flock to the thread to scream SCHIZO over and over again. There has to be a reason, I just can't figure out why.

Attached: ADRENOEPI1.png (2335x2310, 3.68M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off and take your meds. Jesus.

It's so weird how that happens, what's even weirder is last time I posted about Adrenochrome I was accused of hating Jews, and I didn't even mention Jews.

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fuck off schizo take your meds stop with this Q larp shit on this board its cringe tier boomer conspiracy

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I mean, for the most part, all the Jewish people I know are great people all the way around. So I have no idea why shills would tell me to "take my meds" just for asking questions and then accuse me of hating Gods wonderfully chosen people, cause I don't hate Jews at all.

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The evidence isn't compelling enough to devote attention to and there are many other more important things to discuss.

Right on cue

Fuck off retard, nobody believe in this shit. Look at those badly shopped pics, holy shit.

I really don't get it, it's like when pizzagate went down and everyone said that anyone looking into it hated Jews, I mean Alefantis doesn't seem like a Jewish name to me?

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quality shizoposting

He's likely a Rothschild

Because you keep taking up space on the board with this idiocy.

Yes. Reminds me of poocoin shills on Yas Forums. Or how butthurt fud shills raid Chainlink threads. Pretty easy to spot the patterns.

You aren't getting spammed by shills you're getting spammed by the original members of this website before you took up residence you cancerous boomer cunts.

It's almost like they try to shut the conversation down by screaming everyone is a schizo jew hater. What was that law called about that, God Wins law or something?

Can anyone tell me why they hate anyone talk about adrenochrome so bad? I really want to be in the loop.

Attached: covid-adrenochrome.png (2428x2204, 3.17M)

>boomer cunts.
Like this guy called me a "cancerous boomer cunt" Not very nice, but completely unnecessary. I am just trying to understand and be high IQ like he is, also I was born in 1998 so I don't think I'm a boomer but they keep saying it, weird.

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Schizo is just the new “conspiracy theorist” to discredit someone without debate or reason. The more schizo replies you get the closer you are to the truth

I mean there is OBVIOUSLY nothing to adrenochrome what so ever, and the fact that it comes from the lab in Wuhan is strictly a coincidence. I wish I could stop being a low IQ schizo and big brained like these anons I linked here.

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Kill yourself. You fucking Jewropean cunt.

I can't imagine hating Jews. They're so good at banking and movies, what would we do without them

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fuck off schizo take your meds

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Yeah okay so you’re telling me it’s not plausible to submit young souls to living hell for the purpose of extracting their “life flash before my eyes” juice?


cause it's happening

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fuck the shills, put out all relevant info. Be prepared for faggot trannies jannies to move this to bantz like they have been for the past few days

A normal user sees a thread they don’t like and doesn’t click on that thread. Shills go into an active thread and start trying to shout down a conversation between anons who are interested in the topic. Shills are ALWAYS in pedogate threads and never in boring threads about boring politics.

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Yeah, you retards put it in the place where I tried to commemorate my birthday 1, 2 or 3 years ago.

>jew media mentions Yas Forums
>Yas Forums gets flooded with bluepilled normies
alot of faggots refuse to see shit right in front of them yet they stay here and turn the place into 2010 Yas Forums

adrenochrome causes schizophrenia so it's just projecting vampires

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Shills are in every thread every day.

Holy shit, this video is great.

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Check out this amazing ART, guys!

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>t-take your meds... g-goy
Literally every fucking time

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The Q stuff sounds like textbook schizophrenic delusion, that's why.

There are people out there trying to tell me that secret symbols hidden in Ellen Degeneres' Instagram videos are sending coded messages. That is literal "homeless guy ranting about the Knights Templar" level crazy, dudes.

If there are genuine newfags here who dont understand it. please dont scream shitzo. lord knows there a few here (esp on /x/) ask them to explain thier thoery. if you are not convinced (after reading the sources the poster has used) please ask why.

for all we know gentleman. this could be the begining of the end as the OP said. there are going to be a lot of people given promises and money that they will never recieve in full.

please. ask. why.

Stop responding to shills that are being paid to type stuff.

I want to know the playbook answer when it’s said in plain words

>The Q stuff sounds like textbook schizophrenic delusion,

Check out this schizo delusion

Jan 5. 2 days ahead of schedule
(2 days later)
Jan 7. Feel Sick Yet?
Jan 11. First death in China
(2 days later)
Jan 13. Checkmate
Jan 13. [Scare] Necessary Event
JAN 13. We are at WAR [@] - 03/17 @RealDonaldTrump "we are at war with an invisible enemy"
JAN 13. 4-6% (6% death rate in MILAN, ITALY reported)

Jan 18. 2018 Will be glorious (Meningitis vaccine lasts 2 years)
Jan 18. The 'CURE' will spread WW
Jan 19. The Great Awakening
Jan 19. Remember THIS DAY
Jan 19. Q 3776 link to drop 572 (2 DAYS AHEAD) Jan 21. THE GREAT AWAKENING
Jan 21. FEAR the STORM (Cytokine storm syndrome aka Cytokine release syndrome)

Attached: cure ww.png (3016x3632, 1.8M)

Tell us why everyone else ITT is wrong.

Take your meds

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Issue is that Adrenochrome casually is manufactured in that china laboratory. So it should be able to be produced artificially elsewhere which in turn would mean that the whole torturing children to get it wouldnt be a useful way to bind the pedos to another as if they are in it for the drug only they would get it through less risky means.

Fuck off schizo

All those tweets are either clearly intended to be about non-coronavirus topics, or are meaningless generic astrology-tier pap that could be made to fit ANY major event.

"OMG LOOK AT MY AMAZING PATTERN RECOGNITION!!!" is *also* homeless-guy-level schizo ranting. You may as well post about how you're being "gangstalked".

try again rabbi

>Take your meds
Guys, guys, please stop calling me a schizo so much. You're going to make other people the site believe my opinions/research isn't worth hearing.

It's almost like you are trying to get people to dismiss me as a crazy person.

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Fite me, shills.

somebody catch me up on this adrenochrone shit please

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You are literally insane.

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... some humans are very evil, children of the light unite ...

I keep seeing this term everywhere. Can someone give me a quick rundown on this conspiracy?

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>You are literally insane.
Why though?

The elites are torturing children for their magical youth elixir

Attached: 4FF9B083-0555-49D3-B279-29A51E999D07.jpg (720x556, 69.6K)

Elites torture kids, kids' brains produce adrenochrome under stress, elites harvest it, elites use it because it has rejuvenating properties.


>humans are able to produce drugs in there brain
>some very evil humans know this
>harvest other peoples for this drug

>The elites are torturing children for their magical youth elixir
That and for forced organ harvesting. Abattoir is what they call them

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-21 China Killing Prisoners To Harvest Organs For Transplant BMC Report Accuses China Of ‘Falsifying’ Data.png (602x3899, 404.21K)

Adrenochrome might be a red herring. Or maybe it's part of a cocktail of neurotransmitters and hormones that a child produces when he knows he's going to die. It could be purely ritual-spiritual and/or used as blackmail. Or maybe nobody ever ritually tortures/sacrifices children.

Take ur meds

>That the moment you mention adrenochrome shills flock to the thread to scream SCHIZO
Or maybe its because your evidence is based so heavily on coincidental matching numbers, evidence that is only compelling to people with broken schizoid brains

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same thing happens to me when i make threads about elvis presley living in my attic

Whatcha doing, rabbi?

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sounds plausible

>coincidental matching numbers
Literally nothing in my posts on this thread where "coincidental matching numbers" 0%

I always reply to random posts with "take your meds schizo" because it weeds out the paranoid fucks and it's funny to watch them spin their wheels.

Getting a bit nervous, rabbi?

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Ok then, this leaves another question:
If the adrenochrome from the lab doesnt fulfill its purpose and isnt used by the cabal, how does the talk about (((them))) being on adrenochrome withdrawel because of the virus fit? I mean they have many supply lines and surely know people who if nothing else just kidnap a child fresh off the street. So the virus wouldnt be able to stop the supply. How then would that relate to another?

And Im not even saying that the children arent tortured and murdered, there are reasons for this without adrenochrome even . I just feell that the Adrenochrome stuff is kind of a red hering.

Anybody that takes seriously what's written in the DSM is a gullible faggot.

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>spin their wheels.
No wheel spinning here friend, just honest and genuine attempt to understand why anyone that talks about child trafficking is called a jew hating schizo.

Like I literally LOVE ALL JEWISH PEOPLE, all of them, so I don't get it.

Attached: NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!.png (2437x1190, 1.32M)

although its not politic related talking about adrenochrome is fine. what is not fine is spamming the thread

day 2
>adrenochrome withdrawal
>ardenochrome withdrawal
>radenomochrom withdrawal

>don't even have to post the bait to make the schizo sperg
take your meds schizo

Take your foreskin, rabbi.

are you saying we need more corona threads?

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Get 4chanX and filter them like the rest of us do.

Take your meds

Because its mostly schizos i dont mind the jew stuff

Spoken like someone who didnt research the sekrit message hidden in the digits of my last post


hope these faggots rot in hell for eternity. Isn't that what they wanted? to be closer to the devil?

who gives a fuck if somebody accuses you of hating jews on Yas Forums just do your own thing

you're slipping, HW is confirmed to have corona
take the meds

Nice try, rabbi.

real good chance been dealing with black markets for 20 years+. never even heard of ardrenochrome. not buying it

I believe this.

Thanks for putting the infographics together, anons.

Best of luck to us all.

They are scared.