

Attached: 1584986607074.jpg (763x593, 290.03K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Look at this

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What am I looking at? The virus?

2018-2019 Flu deaths **80,000 deaths** in USA


2020-present Flu deaths **40,000 deaths** in USA


2020-present Corona-virus COVID-19 **458 deaths** in USA


look at the retard

Attached: indsadex.jpg (285x177, 9.43K)

Medication time.

That map is beyond retarded. It turns out, the virus spreads in cities, which is where lots of people live.
What about the outbreaks in Utah and Kentucky?

>st gallen mafia

Would you shut the fuck up? This thread isn't even about that. Also death rate isn't what people are worried about, it's hospitalization rate. Our hospitals are failing to keep up with the amount of people, which will result in more deaths.

Apparently you have a hard time reading nigger. Adrenochrome molecule.



damn good catch
any more info on that event

this basically made me think it was a small group of people doing this to me thinking it is much more widespread then we know

Ok bros, this shit is gonna turn me schizophrenic.

I'm ready to dive headfirst down the rabbit hole.

I'm at the point I can't go back to work

We either rid our society of these satanic fags or we burn it all down

They must be doing it on purpose to keep the q people on check


Its easter, take your meds.

Quit noticing patterns, goy.

It's happening ahhhhhhgggggagaghgahHhagvsgshudnejejjs

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We are living on a farm.

Yes, it is Easter goy.

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Holy shit you fucking GLOW

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Our hospitals are 95% empty retard.

>Easter isn't for almost 4 weeks

Attached: 4.png (128x128, 20.35K)

Meant for

Not New York and WA retard.

Fucking buy or synthesize this shit already and test it. Plenty of people claim that they tried it and it has no psychoactive effect. There is no single report that it works

I have only ever heard of Gemma O'Doherty from people calling her crazy. I didn't care enough to read what she actually says.
wtf nobody told me she was based and rabbitpilled.

Yea, I'll just go out and buy adrenaline harvested from a tortured child at my nearest pharmacy.

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This really activates my almonds

Its true, the easter bunny is satanic!

so what the fuck are we supposed to be noticing? other than the rabbit? what does the map have to do with anything?

big if huge

>satanic st gallen mafia

Kek wtf take your meds

hahahahaaha. where did you get that number from you absolute mongoloid? your hospitals are 95% full when there is no crisis because they need to give the maximal possible RoI to investors

Any laborant can synthesize this

No but seriously what the fuck is this supposed to be and what does it have to do with satanic pedophiles?

Highly doubt that. But you will just assert this anyway and tell people to take their meds I bet. Adrenochrome, the white rabbit, is most likely real and being harvested from people, the banking cartel elites are sick enough for this, never doubt their malicious nature.

This. :(

Vampires are incapable of self reflection, don't stand up to the scrutiny of daylight, and prey on the lifeblood of the naive.
>go stab a pale guy with a stick!
Archons consume fear, but fear and loathing was just a movie.

These Q fags need to be banned.

The transmission vector of bat to pig is exactly as it was portrayed in the 2011 movie, Contagion, with Gwenyth Paltrow.

reptilian blood rituals

>banking cartel elites kidnap children, run international pedo rings, torture them and harvest their bodies
>lol Q fags
kys you naive little faggot

Just a coincidence goy

God I hate these fucking conspiracy retards, do you really think if some big cabal existed they would put signs of their presence everywhere for some "elite" online nerds to pick up their trail and blow open their whole scheme?

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Why does every deep state GS 15 and above in DC etc wear those same damn gay ass glasses. You're not intellectuals, people, you're fucking pawns in the big chess game. Stop trying to make it seem like you're so smart and "learned".

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Kys your self

you will never stop them from eating baby blood
no matter how hard you try

The internet is new, the symbolism is old. You know this of course.


Heng deg selv, svenske. Naive lille fjols.

Take your meds, schizo

Obama's $65,000 "hotdog" party was a Alice in Wonderland themed party

Check the dates, they line up

Follow the white rabbit....

Attached: article-2084800-0F678EA500000578-382_634x519.jpg (634x519, 103.29K)

Fucking saved!
Q is still a gay larp for boomers and schizos, though

I've seen that guy in a movie or two

Occult user here.

Want a big tip? When the color blue is left of the color red (in any blue color/red color pairing like corporate logos and such), it signifies an upside down Tree of Life (from the Kabbalah). In a right side up proper Tree of Life, Red (the sephira of Geburah/Mars) is always Left of Blue (the sephira of Chesed/Jupiter). Why is this important? A normal right side up Tree of Life signifies man on Earth working his way up from Earth to reach and become one with God in Heaven. An upside down Tree of Life, on the other hand, signifies the Left Hand Path trope as man believing he is God, manifesting his desires into the Material Realm/Earth (for example, think of black magician EA Koettings slogan of "Become A Living God"). An upside down Tree of Life also symbolizes the demonic realm of the Qliphoth, also known as the Tree of Death (pic related), which contains all sorts of demonic entities from Lillith to Lucifer to Satan and Moloch, amongst many others.

You know who else has the color Blue left of the color Red? The logo of Commet Ping Pong Pizza. Think its just a coincidence? Take the Comet Ping Pong logo, and compare it side by side with an upside down Tree of Life (make sure it is a colored Tree of Life picture), placing the logo over the Tipareth sephira, and see where all FOUR of the logo's colors match up with Tree's sephira.

So cute watching you guys get all confused and come up with all sorts of funny theories on the occult and its symbolsim. This is just a mere teaser, you have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes (another hint: "rabbit" and "rabbit hole" are also tied into Qliphoth/upside down Tree of Life symbolism, think of Alice in Wonderland and Alice climbing DOWN into the rabbit hole BELOW a TREE. Or how about the UPSIDE DOWN WORLD in the TV show Stranger Things? Wasnt one portal to there located at the BASE of a TREE? Enjoy these real bread crumbs, Qties.)

Isn't it interesting that Yas Forums is being flooded with schizo posts at the same exact time as major news events are happening.
This isn't a coincidence. The schizo posting is a psy-op.

Th schizo threads accomplish 3 things:
1. They bump real political discussions out of the catalog.
2. They make the board look retarded.
3. They confuse normal anons, and the less intelligent anons may start to believe some of the bullshit, especially idiot boomers.

If the admins at Yas Forums are going to allow schizo posting, it needs to be quarantined at These threads are low-quality and not politics related
Yas Forums's daytime mods usually delete these threads, but the night time mods usually leave them up and they fuck up the board.

ps. Don't go shooting up any pizza places, you fucking retards.

Attached: DiJBEbDQ.jpg (512x512, 39.83K)

So 4chans not letting me upload files for some reason, so here is the link to the (pic related) I was referencing to...