/NSG/ + /SIG/

ᛋᛋ Hello, and welcome to /nsg/+/sig/: National Socialism General + Self-Improvement General. ᛋᛋ

This is your one-stop-shop for every redpill known to Yas Forums.

This thread covers the discussion of topics such as:
·Fascist/NatSoc ideology
·Race Realism
·The Aryan Ideal
·Nationalism & Patriotism
·Racial Identity Movements
·Physical and Mental improvements

What are you waiting for? Improve yourself, comrades, community, and folk altogether!
>卐 - SMASH (((MARXISM)))

>But what really is National Socialism?

Would you like to know more? Check out the pastebin & learn the truth!

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These are your allies. They fight for your freedom:
- projectwhite.org/
- gab.com/ProjectWhite
- bitchute.com/channel/projectwhite/
- t.me/project_white
- gab.com/Der_Sieg

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Heil Hitler everyone!

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Do you think people will eventually wake up to the idea that blacks commit the most crimes?

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To be honest i think they already kinda have.
Racialist ideas and acceptance of differentiation between the races in certain key aspects are already way more accepted then the were in the 1990s or early 2000s.
While we have by no means "won over" the public, we have made definite progress specifically in the last 5-6 years.
If we keep the overton i suspect /our/ views have a decent shot of going mainstream in the 20s.

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Surely. People already know 13/50 quite well. It's just a matter of time until they realize socioeconomics is a meme.

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Brave German user. Did any of you try to kill Merkel yet?

Nice statistics, here's a webm in return

Attached: france_colonization.webm (853x480, 2.86M)

Anyone know of any legit NatSoc parties besides the on in Slovakia?
They seem pretty legit but i was hopping to find other contemporary examples

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Sweden has NRM although they're not a party yet. Greece has Golden Dawn which is Fascist. Germany has AfD which is pretty far-right.

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She is in quarantine. Her time has come.

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>Replacement is a myth goy!

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JFK her.

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The NPD in germany

> Germany has AfD which is pretty far-right.
Thought they were cucked for a long time desu but after they were ordered by the state to "purge their radical wing" i've started to take them more seriously
What about the Brothers of Italy in your home country Italian bro?
I know their openly racialist and rising in the polls quicker and quicker which is based (though the league seems to be falling)
I know they're not espoused NatSocs
But do you know if there is a fair amount of closeted NatSocs in the party??
Will give them a look Brit Bro.
Though i'm guessing their prety small right now as they havent made the news much.
(I try to keep up with as many european Ethno-Nationalist parties as i can)

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Is there a site or something where I can listen to unedited Hitler speeches and not just highlights?

The White Boi JUST can’t compete with the BBC

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Tbh we have only center-right parties. Not really anything more left than that. Brothers of Italy aren't really as much; Forza Nuova is more far-right.

I don't know really. Sites just for that? I doubt. Bitchute?

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Why are anti-Natsoc Posters always unironic cuck posters??
This is so gay and retarded that its fucking hilarious.

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Ignore him. He's the same cuck every time.

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Schizo, schizo. Another zionist fag from the land of apartheid using VPN. Sage

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Oh hey!
Whats up faggot?
Back from last thread i se
Still have no arguments i take it?
Of course you dont.
You cant argue against position that is fundamentally right
Please feel free to make yourself look like a retarded mindless shill again like you did last time
And thanks again for the Bumps
They are always appreciated.

Attached: homohangingfromcross.jpg (720x720, 35.2K)

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Thanks, but like I said, I'm trying to find unedited speeches, in their entirety. Not a bunch of clips of different speeches edited together with melodramatic music piped in.


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Nazis were created by zionists so they could hide behind the holocaust and jews--which they are not- you need to wake up years ago and realize that the whole point of ww1 and ww2 (when psyops were first used) was to create the "antisemite" aka nazi's the soldiers and patsy hitler were thrown under

but the whole purpose was to establish the illegal state

the Rothschild'sproject and big move to become the NWO-

The smart but evil Nazis were behind the original MK UltRA- they used mesc as a truth chemical-- then lsd was invented- the CIA brought them in for their expertise the ret is history\

Zionism CIA an Nazi's are still in power

and its too late to stop falling for this bullshit

but you could at least not make such fucking fools of yourselves

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Kek alright well I dont know if this will have your looking for but my best suggestion would be here
Dont know if he still has them up on his site but he used to have full unedeted hitler speeches on his youtube along with his usualy complications as well.

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Coming in strong spitting facts.
Based canadians. Uh. That's weird.

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While i know your arguing in bad faith and wont respond intellectually honestly to any of this
For the sake of my OWN Intellectual honesty allow me to adres your points.
>Nazis were created by zionists so they could hide behind the holocaust and jews
Litterally makes zero sense when one considers the facts of World War II.
Hitler Decimated the Army of the USSR, Forced the Jews to pull the US ouf of the great derpession (which was manufactured in order to cause them to go communist) and basically threw a giant fucking wrench in the plans of the Jewish world order which wanted to create a world communist state whos capital was Israel.
They managed to only get HALF of what they wanted and as a result, we in America can still question their power today. (despite how kiked are own system is in and of itself) As we would not be able to under a Jewish Communist Regime.
Read the works of (((lennin))) and (((Trotsky)))
They're very explicit about their plans for this period
Communist Revolutions In Germany, American and China. From there conquer the whole of the world for Jewish Communism. Hitler fucked up those plans and forced them to change
He was in no way shape or form their agent.

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>literally made zero sense

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Attached: deathtoalljews (1) (1) (1) (1).jpg (1600x830, 160.33K)

communism works out just fine in Vietnam
not china but capitalism? the perfect system to brainwash dumb goy into fighting, killing, bein tortured and now that we have served our purpose--- we cn die

look at Russia Compared to the usa

who is doing better now?

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this jew in 1933 knew what was up and he didnt even have Yas Forums

Attached: download (7).jpg (328x237, 19.23K)

>communism works out just fine in Vietnam
In fucking what way? kek.
They litterally slave away making nickies all fucking day at fucking 1/5th wages of western workers.
Thats your "Communism" for you kek.
The shit is litteraly two sides of the same damn jewish coin
pic fucking related
>look at Russia Compared to the usa
>who is doing better now?
The Country that ISNT((( Capitalist))) OR ((((Communist))))) right now.
>A jew shilling the same shit you are today
You're really not helping your case bro.

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looks like fat sam hyde

Hitler wanted to ship the Jews to Madagascar but they didnt own it. He helped Jews that weren't openly subversive to the Reich emigrate to Palestine because it was the best option if you didnt want to kill them all ( which they didnt ). It had nothing to do with the violent Israeli state that currently exists, that is a creation of Britain and America mostly.


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Is that the German equivalent of the CIA?

yeah the BND

There was also a plan pre-war to leave them to the allies, but they refused. No one wants Jews huh? Peculiar.

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> 77% European DNA
> 13% sub-saharan African DNA
> Look and act white

What sub-race am I?

Hey kid, want to blow up a schnitzel bar?

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Here is a good one

Far end of Mediterranean? Border though.

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And the numbers are right, btw. The rest is mostly unassigned.


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Well, to be honest, most Portuguese are more to 95%+ European... so I don't know. I'm not one of those subversive cunts who say everybody is mixed and the world is a meltpot. My mother has doomed my purity marrying a mutt.

You're just a slightly mutted med dude
Try to mary a girl with the same ammount of mutt and form a community of like minded friends with said amount of mutt.
Differing people emmerge over time despite admixture, the Fins are good enough examples of that.
Just because your race is relatively young doesnt mean you shouldnt love it.
