My landlord sent out an email this morning reminding us we can pay online in advance. Me and my partner live paycheck to paycheck and both of us lost our hours/jobs. Neither of us have ever been on welfare or food stamps. What’s going to happen in April?
My landlord sent out an email this morning reminding us we can pay online in advance...
A sheriffs deputy is gonna show up with a notice to vacate and tell you how many days you have until they come and remove you.
>my partner
get a load of this fag
False. In most states they have to give you a 15 day notice to pay, then they have to hire an attorney who has to send you a formal notice to vacate within 30 days and a court date to dispute it. If neither an attorney or the civil court aren't available to issue this notice they can't evict you. I'm sure you're fine, for the time being. At the very earliest it'll be 45 days before they can force you out.
Hi kike. There’s a global pandemic and basically every sector isn’t making money. Tell me again what’s going to happen in April.
also to add to that, they then have to have a sheriffs department willing to serve that eviction warrant.
Life goes on goy, life goes on for those with money and owning property.
Is your landlord in the same building as you?
Walk downstairs and calmly paint his living room wall with his brains.
Then go back upstairs and return to normal.
How can you be so irresponsible with money that you live check to check
Good hope you and your thot GF get booted out.
Eh United Nations charter on human rights and an international tribunal?
april showers bring may flowers. don't worry
As far as I’m aware there hasn’t been any official bill passed that says rent isn’t due anymore.
A national socialist brownshirt is gonna show up with a notice to protect the health of the nation and tell the landlord how many days they have until they come and remove them.
They closed their offices actually. They aren’t working at all and they’re safe at their McMansion expecting rent paid online in advance.
>rent is 1700 for a two bedroom apartment
>split it at 850
>make 15 an hour
>take home 1800 a month
>450 left over every check
>still have to pay utilities, cell phone payment, car insurance, fuel, groceries
not hard to figure out how it would be incredibly difficult to save money in this market for your average wage slave.
While that is true, your expectations don’t align with reality and if you’re actually a shitposting landlord your expectations really aren’t going to align with reality in April.
Why are you living week to week?
I’m on NEETbux for the last 5 years and I have $30k in the bank.
>Me and my partner
Kill yourself you aids ridden disease vector.
for what reason though no one specifies in this site how he gets it
real injury?
>My partner
Go to the YMCA, it's fun to stay there.
don’t you realize our government doesn’t care about us
Can we stay on topic?
Fucking kikes
That sounds like the perfect reason to not squander financial resources when you have no income.
Then defend your new property when he mistakenly tries to repossess it.
>Me and my partner
Tell your landlord you want to meet in person because you only have cash. You know what to do next, you'll do everyone a service.
Beg to trump so he can go to congress and say "Ha! Told you they needed it!"
I guess you're going to either bootstrap or die. Remember to give em a firm handshake, champ!
Most neetbux in America make it illegal to save
Multiple this problem by millions and tell me what’s going to happen in April somebody. I’m thinking red.
I'm on neetbux (psychiatric issues), but I go to college. LET ME TELL YOU RIGHT NOW that a paycheck or direct deposit from the man will feel much more satisfying then if it comes from SSI.
It's hip to be square. Nobody wants to starve.
Hope you told that jew boy where he could jam it.
how the fuck can anyone want 1700 for 2 fucking befrooms ?
Fucking hell, if you just built a house and paid that 1700 off each month youd allready be a landlord yourself
is it possible that you are living in a place/city that you can't afford?
You sound like my brother in law, not a good thing.
Burn your Complex down to avoid going into debt
Millions of communist faggots are going to be kicked to the street?
Fucking based
You're gonna learn what a cock tastes like that's what.
why live in this slavery?
you work for your own prison.
can't you just go live in the woods and be self-sufficient?
Not under capitalism because all land is privatized. Personal land ownership is a ridiculous concept, but here we are.
>Take home 1800 a month
Well, he's probably scared at the prospect of no one paying and if he has a job or small business its probably closed. The whole world is due for a shake up.
>Me and my partner live paycheck to paycheck
git gud, fincel.
Anyone who lives paycheck to paycheck is a massive faggot who deserved to be homeless
>Me and my partner
Is this a reaction roll for ants?
Bet you had to get a lawyer to get those bux
>15 an hour
>1800 per month
You don't work you've got a part time job, get off your ass you lazy bum
Trump ordered foreclosures and evictions cannot happen during the pandemic.
waaaaghhhh life isn't faiiiiirrrrr everything should be freeeeeeeeee
of course it's from venezuela. Fucking subhuman commie piece of shit
Based socialist Trump.
Yeah, this user has it right. I've known people who were chronic bums and would scrape up enough to get an apartment, make the first payment then coast for the next two or three months rent free until the landlord nagged the sheriff to show up and tell them to leave.
Honestly, the sheriffs are going to have much bigger things to worry about in the next 15 days, never mind 45.
>What’s going to happen in April?
Nothing, they can't get a judge's signature on an eviction notice until September. You'll just owe the money in the meantime. Maybe consider moving in with parents/friends? If it's one month arrears the landlord will take it out of your bond anyway.
This tell your landlord to eat a fat sack of dicks
what kind of a soft state do you live in where cops dont protect landlord's property?
Neither do landlords or their bootlickers. As we can tell from your posts.
April Showers!!!
The stupid will not survive.
People aren’t stupid because they have a low income Cletus.
That's 6 days a week at 8 hours a day you dumb kike.
Civil matters don't concern the cops. No civil courts open, no civil action may be initiated. If a landlord gets hissy and tries to strongarm you out of the property, it's a criminal act and then the cops will remove the landlord from the premises. Most landlords know this already. I expect they are hoping that the government reverse-taxes laid off employees for six months, although from what Trump was tweeting it may be everything goes back to normal in America in two weeks regardless of the deathcount anyway.
Why do you have to post repeat threads?. There's already a landlord thread up
Why do you have to cry like a little bitch?
Wrong. I evicted someone yesterday. Police stations not closed here. Nor is my lawyers office
Nice larp retard. It’s late March.
And they've been getting evicted for months. Once the cops finally get around to removing you they'll do it
Bullshit you have prove your income is 5x the rent to get anything ever since 2011-2012ish. If this is your story then your mommy and daddy leased you a place and you work at whole foods part time. Fuck off with your poverty fantasy.
Well, that's just B.S.
Most states I know of work on a 3 Day Notice (pay rent or leave) system, after the Third Day, I can personally go down to the Courthouse and pay $85 to file an eviction, the Court mails them a notice to appear, takes about a week to get on the docket.
Appear in Magistrate Eviction Court, Magistrate asks me if they've paid the rent? I say No. Magistrate asks deadbeats will pay the rent, 9-x-out of-10 they spin a tale of lies. Magistrate doesn't buy that shit.
Eviction granted for Non Payment Of Rent
Get a Writ of Restitution, 7 to 15 days later a Court Bailiff meets me at the house and I can legally lock the deadbeats out and they're on the street.
Trump only halted evictions on FEDERAL properties.
Private and Corporate Landlords can still evict.
Lawyer user from other day had answers to all this... lemme search archives..