Face it, minorities are treated as second class citizens. They don't even have the same legal rights as the majority.
Face it, minorities are treated as second class citizens. They don't even have the same legal rights as the majority
Op, faggot chink bugman shill with small penis who thinks like a cat. Parents so shame.
You are incorrect.
And that’s a good thing
The only harm minorities have to face in western countries is normative pressure, which is less and less about embracing the norm and more and more about praising bearded women.
Now do your homework and read about how minorities are treated in Middle East, Africa or Asia and understand why some white people might be afraid of being a minority in a non white country.
Response? Maybe not bugman.
because whites pay for everything and if they become a minority then the country will collapse you dumb cunt
>Cops target you because of skin color
>Voting rights under attack by the courts
>Intentionally making policies meant to fuck over minorities
>Cutting social security because some might not go to White people despite everyone paying into the system
>Normative pressure
You'd say jim crow wasn't racist too, I bet
What can a white person legally do that a minority legally cannot?
omg u rekt him!!! :0
Couldn't have said it better myself, friend.
The police in the US ripped apart a bunch of families by making petty offenses like 10-20 years in jail and shit. They regularly practice entrapment, evidence tampering and fucking shoot people over petty shit. They're not like European cops, they have the right to kill you and shit
>despite everyone paying into the system
get a load of this guy
No, because you fucking retards can’t do anything right on your own.
Jews are the enemy
So you would agree everyone should be a majority in their own lands? I agree with you there bucko. Based nationalist commie you are the smartest of your bunch.
Nice MSPaint drawing
Good question, I shall ask the white minority population in Rhodesia, the Congo, Katanga, Haiti, North Africa, Anatolia, and the Middle East and then get back to your with the results.
>They don't even have the same legal rights as the majority.
Name one
So-called "minorities" are given many special rights and privileges under a white majority. To the point that they have more rights the average person... But what happens when whites become a minority? Do they receive the same considerations? Look no further than South Africa.
It's too bad modern whites are brainwashed, self-loathing cucks, because I would LOVE to racially oppress niggers, Jews, and the rest of the genetic waste.
The time of things that I'd do to them would make the Third Reich and the Confederacy look tame by comparison.
Because minorities don't have the same self destructing compassion whites have
they behave (Rìrightfully so) instinctually and will seek to destroy the whites if they gain power
no they aren't
white people are still a majority and they are already being treated like subhumans
because the people in power believe that the majority oppressed the minority, therefore hatred towards them is justified
KeK. You can't bump your own thread, faggot.
paid for
>Cops target you because of skin color
Are Asians harassed by cops in America?
>Voting rights under attack by the courts
how so?
>Intentionally making policies meant to fuck over minorities
>despite everyone paying into the system
hon hon
lol this newb bumped his own shitpost. what a literal faggot.
whites have always been minorities. take a quick look at world populations. you need us China. who will you hack and steal technology if we are gone?
One of my college professors used this exact argument in the OP image, word for word. I didn't really know how to argue against it even though I know he's wrong.
sounds like (((frank collin))). these posts are just what ABC and drudge are looking for. I wonder (((who))) posts these comments?
>Are Asians?
Different races, different stereotypes on the caste system
>Voting rights
The Voting rights amendment getting stripped down in 2013 is the big one
>Minority policies
This goes back to Nixon, you look at lifestyles and that make what that lifestyle does illegal. Bloomberg did that too by banning 2 liter sodas, just making policies to torture black kids. It's fucked.
>They don't even have the same legal rights as the majority.
He doesn't know.
That image is simply not true though.
Plenty of retired white people live in Thailand and whatnot as minorities.
It's simply that whenever niggers or sandniggers represent the majority, it is pretty much always a piece of shit country
ah yes, the old "White people are racist but we have to follow them around and mooch off them because we're too dumb and incompetent to create our own productive societies"
You're probably some small dick chink
ask him if the 1st Ammenent is respected among these new populations? It has taken the West thousands of years to develope our methods of protecting free speech. Socrates was martyr #1. These elaborate Constitutional systems are not the default. Tribal tyranny is the default.
be white, no get told from birth that you should be ashamed of the color of your skin. be told your ancestors are bad people and you should feel bad for existing. no scholarship even though poor because white priviledge. hard to get white collar job cause white priviledge. have to pay 40% taxes once job acquired because white priviledge. Fucking roasties give you jaekwon's std cause white priviledge.
you fucking niggers have life on easy mode if you only had a fucking room temp iq. fucking kikes have billions set aside to push you fuckers into the upper echelons of society but all you fuckers care about is muh dick and being a baller or rapper or some shit so shut the fuck up. dont be butt hurt because you fucking threw your ticket to success in the fucking trash. also fuck you I'll stomp you and your crew's fucking shit in faggot bitch.
It's wrong because they have additional legal rights and other privileges, at least in the USA.
If you ain’t white I shoot on sight
Almost as if the argument is correct and you let your emotions get the better of you.
>minorities are treated as second class citizens.
No, they just create second class societies. Go live in South American for a month and come back and assert their equality afterwards.
without free speech, we lose innovation and meritocracy. without #1 we are doomed to fail and restart with #1 Amendment.
You’re talking completely out of your ass. I’ve seen convicted murders do six years with overwhelming evidence against them, rapists, and drug dealers do even less. Most of the dindus killed by cops and private citizens were multi-time convicted violent offenders. Fuck you and your liberal sensitivities. With the rate that the 13% commits crime, their entire population should be on ankle monitors as a precautionary measure.
do these new populations respect freedom of speech? we have the numbers. the answer is no.
Nah, it is wrong, but if I argued against it the whole class would call me a racist. I couldn't think quickly of how to argue it without my NPC classmates getting mad.
There would be no problem if whites became a majority in India, Japan, Nigeria, or China while they Indians, Japanese, Nigerians, and Chinese became minorities in their countries?
>The time of things that I'd do to them would make the Third Reich and the Confederacy look tame by comparison.
Please elaborate? I’m interested to hear your ideas.
Notice how faggot OP has nothing to say about this?
Yes, everyone who's not a tame, lukewarm, civic-nationalist, moderate cuck like you is an undercover Jew trying to make Yas Forums look bad for ABC's next hit piece.
Typical coward logic.
The only thing faggots like you are capable of doing is whimpering, whining, and begging for the right to exist. KeK.
MUH' OPTICS!! Can't let ABC think we're some EVIL Neon-NatZees!!
Suck my dick you little estrogen-filled, faggot.
>be foreigner
>illegally enter country
>be confused why you don't have the same rights as a citizen
>wait what do you mean I've committed a crime?
>I'm working under a friends SSN so I pay into social security too!
>what do you mean that's fraud?
They're not that stupid dipshit. You are facilitating these people coming here, and then taking advantage of the social instability and disruption caused by this.
>different stereotypes on the caste system
So it's a "how blacks are treated in America" rather than a "how minorities are treated in America".
>The Voting rights amendment getting stripped down in 2013 is the big one
Fren, I'm not American, but from what I could find, it was from states requiring an ID to vote. I don't see what's so farfetched about this, in my country you need ID to vote.
>banning 2 liter sodas, just making policies to torture black kids
?!? And here I am, realizing I wasted time answering to you.
Minorities are treated far better in western countries than minorities are treated anywhere else. Spics and niggers are literal subhuman animals, all their problems are a result of their own incompetence
We don’t trust muds to be in charge.
Idk what’s more fucking stupid;
implying that only black kids drink two liters or the fact you think the ban has to do with race and not health/plastic production.
You’re even indirectly saying black people are too stupid to buy cans if they do end up banning 2 liters.
Holy fuck there’s so much wrong with your retard logic.
Take anything you want from this fucking thread but if you believe a single word of this verbal diarrhea, you’re mentally castrating yourself.
AND everyone here should read "The Age of Entitlement: America Since the Sixties"
1. Asians arnt targeted by police because they dont cause problems. Other minorities cant say the same.
2. Nothing happened in 2013 you lying retard. There is no way a Leftist controlled courts took voting rights away from minorities. If they did everyone would have heard about it.
3. Nobody should be drinking 2 Liter sodas. He banned them because they are unhealthy and people are too stupid for their own good. These policies are meant to protect stupid people, which most minorities happen to be.
Slide thread sage and gay like OP
I never understood memes like this. It's the same thing with immigration political cartoons where whites are the "invaders" and how it would have been bad if Native Americans turned them away. Like all that fucking tells me is that Native Americans would have been in the right to repel the invaders, because they proceeded to get violently exterminated by them over the next few centuries. I'm not even white btw.
That’s not why. It’s that we don’t want to hand over the great countries we’ve built to a bunch of people from countries that were either too lazy or too stupid to build their own countries. Why would white people want to build up their countries just to hand them over to inept coloureds?
>fearing becoming a minority when you look at the state of the countries that the current minority are the majority in.
Hmmmmmmmmm must be racism n shiiieeeetttt
Whites will always the the standard by which everyone else is judged. Even if there were only three white people left...those three would be treasured and taken care of.
Minorities receive college grants based on their skin color, better business loan interest rates, Asians and Indians are the highest household income, so, I’m looking forward to being a minority is I get all that free shit.
Guilt-based argument.
>minorities are treated badly
>ergo you should feel bad and want to become a minority yourself so you can be treated badly as penance
People can debate whether or not non-whites are treated poorly in White countries, and if so, to what extent. They can also ask whether Whites (a shrinking global minority as it is) will receive affirmative action and the like once they become powerless minorities in their own countries. But that is time consuming, and I'd rather just question the premise that if someone else has a crappy situation, I should intentionally make my own situation crappier because guilty feelings. I think that's bullshit and I'm taking my own side. My political views are already unrepresented in government, and will only become more marginalized if I become a minority on top of it.
Entrapment is a thing cops do, like cops planting drugs on people has been literally caught on camera
Face it bros the more brown your country gets the poorer and crime ridden it becomes
What percentage of arrests are do to entrapment?
>Face it, minorities are treated as second class citizens
No, they aren't. Unfortunately, they *believe* that they are.
They also falsely adopt as grievances against *themselves* grievances that were committed against others in the past. (Kind of the way subhumans in the Balkans are still angry about battlefield atrocities from 1000 years ago.)
That makes the people who make up our current minorities incredibly dangerous. If they ever achieve power, it is very likely that they will act upon their *DELUSIONS* of grievance to actively seek vengeance upon people who haven't done anything to them.
I simply don't trust you. I have every reason not to. Almost every academic product put out by any member of a minority group in the last 50 years is a giant flashing neon sign telling me that I'd have to be a fool to trust you.
In all fairness I despise means testing and think affirmative action is not how you handle repeating America's legacy of discrimination. Would be simpler to just legalize pot and let out people with pot convictions with some compensation money to the people and families ruined by that stupid ban