Italy peak has been reached

Italy peak has been reached.
Nothingburger confirmed.

(red=positives, black=deaths)

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Brb , just confirming purchase of index funds.

Looking to be a 3-6 month end similar to CN.

>literally peaking in less than a month
Lmao nice “happening” guys

Sporting events five months from now wouldnt be cancelled over nothing. Kill yourself. Volvo in Sweden wouldn't fire EVERYONE for nothing. Kill yourself.

>Nothingburger confirmed.
Thank God

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>Sporting events five months from now wouldnt be cancelled over nothing. Kill yourself. Volvo in Sweden wouldn't fire EVERYONE for nothing.
They would if they’d been duped like you

Positives=Deaths user.You never recover.Medication pushes the virus back into incubation.The virus also crosses the blood-brain barrier which allows it to escape detection by a Covid19 test kit. After a while (usually a month) the virus reemerges and attacks you again.Your lung tissue is scarred from your previous infection and each time you get weaker and weaker. Eventually there is either no more capacity in hospitals for the infected (lack of beds, medication, oxygen bottles etc.) and then you are dead. It is not over until there is a cure or until immunity is certain. Once you are infected, you are living on borrowed time.The best thing you can do right now is avoid infection AT ALL COST.

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I swear ,normies deserve whats coming.

lmao come back here once the quarantine is lifted

the same will repeat ad infinitum until a vaccine can be found

Send proofs.


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China and Italy were mere foreplays
the main act will be with USA, economic crash, perhaps even civil war

>Nothingburger confirmed.

tell that to the almost 5-6k deads you gonna have by the end of it

150k people die a day, can you get that into your fucking head?

>Shut down entire fucking country
>Downticks a little bit
"We won!"
>Open country back up
>Lung aids comes right back

the fuck you're talking lol

how many of those died because their goverment is so incompetent that they rather blame another country for it?


Italy's numbers are going down because of their lockdown. Less people walking around less opportunities for infections. Now we get to see the second act since China's intentionally keeping us in the dark. Will infections spike as lockdowns are eased? If so, this is gonna be a happening so bad it'll be incomprehensible. If not, at least we'll only have a global recession, frayed geopolitical relationships, a shortage of healthcare worldwide, and burgers printing infinite dollars to deal with

yeah this. if you don't reach 0 cases before you end your lockdown, the virus stays around, you know?
whole lot of people still not getting the point, and still not understanding the gravity of the choice that is going to need to be made within the next year.

>we literally ruined our entire economy to save the lives of a bunch of boomers who'll be dead in a few years anyway





also czeched

Yeah you wish faggot

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there will be few spikes specifically those next two weeks
dont forget italy gave them 3 fucking days as a windows before the lockdown happened...

but yeah its basicly over for italy sadly from now on they gonna count dead bodies

Old people die and life moves on. You loser numales can sit in your basement and eat rice and beans. Nobody cares by the end of april. Book it.

6000 dead in less than a month...some "nothingburger"

Why do you think it the world was shut down?
The boomers are the ones with the ability to do so

Are you still of the opinion that " leaders" have any idea of what the fuck they are doing?

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You do realise your mom is getting fucked by an immigrant every weekend right ?

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Even if you wait to 0, it'll be hiding somewhere to come back.
In the end it depends on two things: Can you truly get immunity or not? And does it hide deep in your system to mutate and return later.

why you think saudi arabia lowered the oil price user?
why you think russia went on that gold buying rage mode?
u.s shale industry NEEDS 50-60bucks per barrel to survive
and right now they are bleeding a lot of money
add to that the lockdown and you have a nice bomb on your hand
they cant fund or save them again because there isnt enough money to reinflate the bubble

This was all just a ruse to crash the global economy and steal more wealth from all of us. THANKS JEWS!

>Also, rate of virus turning you gay is 100%, with no possible recovery. This is what must have happend to you.

Pretty much this.
End the quarantine and you're back to square one.

They're not even counting the dead anymore. A drop in reports seems great only without context

>Volvo in Sweden wouldn't fire EVERYONE for nothing
"Restructuring". Corona is an amazing excuse for it.

Uh, no. Boomers ruined our economies to save themselves. We didn't do shit, friend. Your millennial entitlement is showing.

This virus will never go away, just like none of the others do. It will come back every flu season and the weak will die faster than they otherwise would have had. Deal with it.

Can’t wait till the second wave hits. Heh heh go back to work wagies.

>J-just 2 more weeks bro!

Cool LMK when my state ends the 8 week lockdown in 8 weeks.

Shutting down the economy to save boomers lives is literally spending money to get to spend even more money on their pensions.

You heard of vaccines dummy. Or was polio, measles vaccine a Jew conspiracy.

SARS comes back every year btw

based, but what about a (((vaccine)))

Peaked because they’re trying to slow spread and if they stop trying it will go back to normal

Just admit you have a low iq please

It's plus 10k.

If this shit hides in our system to come back, we are fucking fucked dude. Airborne AIDS.
The fact that they are using anti-HIV medication on it should be VERY FUCKING CONCERNING TO YOU.

I hope they've learn their lesson bringing hundreds and thousands of chinks for manual labor.

Yeah but they do that every time sales slow down. I live close to a volvo lastvagnar factory and it has been back and forth always. I hope they'll get back to hiring soon.

-same as above in swe-
Och du vännen. Visst har du hört det verklighetsfrånvända argumentet att musliminvandringen skall bidra till fler sjukvårdare då det finns brister på just det? Konstigt då att man nu oroar sig för just det - för få sjukvårdare. Nu måste de bara lägga ned den dumma retoriken. Jag tror detta kan få fler att vakna. Hoppas.

or all the old men of Lombardy are dead

jokes aside, we should campaign to make shorting and option betting illegal. It should not be legal for a hedge fund or politician to bet billions on companies failing and markets collapsing. It would be like allowing people to take insurance on their neighbours cars and houses... needs to be made illegal NOW

it’s getting to terronia now

Chinese help
>inb4 chink shill

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>In the areas of Italy most heavily affected by the virus, doctors say they have concluded that loss of taste and smell is an indication that a person who otherwise seems healthy is in fact carrying the virus and may be spreading it to others.
>“Almost everybody who is hospitalized has this same story,” said Dr. Marco Metra, chief of the cardiology department at the main hospital in Brescia, where 700 of 1,200 inpatients have the coronavirus. “You ask about the patient’s wife or husband. And the patient says, ‘My wife has just lost her smell and taste but otherwise she is well.’ So she is likely infected, and she is spreading it with a very mild form.”

Shitskins that don’t understand disease continue to die lmao
Social distance all the way to your own ethnostate hahaha

I just got sealed into my commie block for 14 days by GIS. Doors to building physically sealed, police outside. Not supposed to leave apt to throw out garbage even. 30k zł fine / jail if I do. Police will only get medication not food

Were being left to die in our commie pads Wuhan style

>It's a nothing burger guys!

Basically this.

The people saying it's a nothing burger are suspect.

If it was just a flu you wouldn't need AIDS and cancer drugs.

Deaths and those requiring hospitalization have gotten so bad in Lombardi, they're going to stop wasting man power and efforts on counting infected and dead all together due to logistical stresses. This has not peaked at all, this thing has an incubation periid of 3 days minimum, 7 days average and whopping outliers of 14-24 days. It's hilarious how you nothingburger faggots have now clung on to the "two more weeks" claim, it's morbidly funny how the tables have turned.

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with a new virus nobody has imunity to shouldn't it have a larger wave next, unless there are no more infections. Normal flu the waves would get smaller each time even if there is a very cold winter as immunity is present

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Stay inside. Stop the spread. Great Grandpa needs another 10 months mortality in the hospice where his family forgot about him for Netflix content.

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>people in lockdown

Also how can you tell it doesnt have a peak then slowdown just to have a new peak? You know that incubation time is bitch right? Peak time means nothing when you have such a high incubation time unless you stop people from evne interacting like... THEY ARE FUCKING DOING?

I was not nice for the last two weeks in Italy.

But just think of how stupid we will feel in two weeks.

LARPing Polack , not our fault you didn't use some EUbux to upgrade that Soviet tier healthcare.

lol you 1h ago you guy report 609 new daths and over 1100 new cases of corona
a little more and you guys dobble the death numbers of china !

>compare a virus that works different and we dont know evertythign about it with some random flu


That would explain Cuba and Russia's "friendliness" to Italy right now. China too but they can go fuck themselves.

Haha the Swede swallows fearmongering official narratives yet again.

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based muttposter

>less testing
>less cases


Keep stroking Trump’s tiny cock, one million Americans will be infected by Friday. Those numbers won’t be reported because there aren’t anywhere near enough tests in the US to confirm all of them.

Nobody is saying we are sure it is past peak but 2 consecutive days of decline contain way more statistical significance then 1 random day. Tomorrow we confirm.

There's a difference between what you desire as a euro faggot & what will happen.

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Fake statistic. Fucking paranoid loser.

>The virus also crosses the blood-brain barrier which allows it to escape detection by a Covid19 test kit

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>Destroys the world economy
>Shuts down countries
>We all act like we're infected for months

Well you can't put a country under lockdown forever so at some point they'll have to "reduce" the official numbers, before people get impatient and bad things start happening. Also Conte is having a power trip right now so the rest of the Parliament is trying to keep him in check.


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wut dat

This faggot was jacking off while he wrote this I'm sure of it

5-6k deads

cute. Literally cute

2017 the flu got 25k in Germany.

with a virus widespread in every country...

With a virus that you dont put people under lockdown to avoid more infected...

why people cant see this kind of details before talking bs?