How did they beat us?

how did they beat us?

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_North_Vietnam_(1955–1975).svg.png (1200x800, 6.4K)

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Bugman is lazy and stupid. Parents so much shame

They unleashed a torrent of hippies on us.

Oh no... wait ... that was Jews.

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They may have won the battle but they didnt win the war. But if they will win the war, peace out, mutts. Israel cant afford being with the losing team.

Attached: Israel will soon have to choose between China and the US.png (464x596, 219.16K)

Attached: vietnamese flag of remphan.png (1200x800, 32K)

Suppose you're a korean flag, no, they're just undocumented at this point.

How is it relevant to Vietnam? They are enemies with China you stupid fuck.

How did they beat us?

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_the_People's_Republic_of_China.svg.png (1200x800, 7.24K)

Oh shit. They are so similar.

Attached: Flag-China.jpg (600x400, 23.68K)

Good publicity > prolong the war > win some big battle/campaign > make US retreat due to bad reputation > profit!!!

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Hippies & Liberals and all potheads were shitting in the streets Antifa style and Nixon said he had enough.

KGB subversion campaign which created the hippie movement.

married my China passport holder gf and obtained China residency. This is the boom of China, and Australia and the US will be decimated by her. My GF net worth is about $5 mil and her dad about $50 mil and she’s an only child. I am joining the chinese side. Get ready.

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It's simple really, the US couldn't actually hold territory in North Vietnam due to a multitude of law restrictions. When the US won a battle they had to just give up the territory a week later. The US politicians also decided to conscript literal 70 iq retards - around 20 percent of the forces. Napalm strikes only gave more support to the Vietcong as well. The South was also very poorly trained - they had millions worth in vehicles after the US pulled out but couldn't operate any. All this while the hippies were allowed to protest.

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>It's simple really, the US couldn't actually hold territory in North Vietnam due to a multitude of law restrictions. When the US won a battle they had to just give up the territory a week later.

They didnt. It was a war where American forces weren't allowed to advance north. It was about stopping Chinese expansion. Americans pretty much never lost a battle in the entire war.

History is a funny thing. Americans tend to overrate WW2, and underrate Vietnam. The true contribution to WW2 by America was lend lease to the Russians. America could have taken the entirety of North Vietnam in a year if they were simply allowed to advance.

Actually knows history

Then explain?

Democracy = weary citizens who vote against a war if it dragged out too long

Explain what? I just did.

The previous goverment of Vietnam was a catholic Goverment. when the commies from the north came in, they looted all of the southerners's property. Those who were soldiers of South Vietnam got sent into Reeducation camps.

Well, the US wasn't at war with North Vietnam. Not technically, this was before Iraq when just ignoring Congress to go to war was new. It was technically a 'conflict' which meant that we couldn't actually take land from the North - the south had to do that

lol we created them to beat French ass then kicked their ass to show them whos boss and left and now they crawl up our ass not your Europoors

Attached: CIA Communist Party of Vietnam.jpg (1200x2821, 2.11M)

Sephardic fag larping as Ashkenazi. You would never post your dna results. The true mutt is you.

The only reason we lost is because for unknown reasons. The government wouldn't let us kick full ass. If we had they would be gone. Same as the Korean war. Government held the USA back. Oh no don't be to hard on them. Its All BULLSHIT. If we had unleashed the power of out country they, including China would be no more.

Except the Americans had hilarious kill death ratios in the actual battles, and never lost a single battle in Vietnam. They weren't allowed to advance North and occupy, or it would have been curtains.

You're a larping faggot, chinks don't hand out permanent residency willy nilly

They betrayed us and the world. Nothing less than that.

They fucked up so bad their fail got on everyone else.

Yep, truth. We were held back. Sick world....

Americans are only good with bombs but their men cannot fight

Every one of those commie bastards should hang. IMHO

It's shocking how bad the Germans have become at knowing history. I'm convinced it's a wave of German preteens that have infested here. Americans never lost a single battle in Vietnam. Enjoy Islam.

The same way they beat China even worse.

How utterly ridiculous on every level of reality your post is.

Your time is coming ching chong

That doesn't matter, you lost that war. Enjoy being a never ending multi ethnic nation since 1776.

By throwing their bugspawn at us until it became unprofitable to keep killing them. I think that was literally the strategy as described by one of their leaders.

It wasn't a war. It was a police action. Which is why Americans couldnt advance north. Your lack of intelligence is revolting. This is also rich coming from a slavic rape baby. You would be speaking Russian if it wasn't for America, show some respect.

Jews are the enemy

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You see, social media is just like gravity. All it takes is a little push.

>how did they beat us?

>lots of high IQ
>entrepreneurial minded culture
>large population
>centrally managed
>no (((Christianity)))
>atheism = pragmatism

>Europe didn't send their best
>low IQ
>low class / blue collar / menial labor culture endemic among white men
>matriarchy / simp / feminist culture
>individualist / hedonist culture
>tons of (((Christianity))) which ensure dysgenic breeding and jew/nigger worship, and promotes emasculation of men

Yas Forums is too full of beta/simp-males to swallow these redpills. And truthfully I don't care if you can't handle the truth. In another 5-10 years you'll wish you had listened.

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But you lost. Not a slavic rape baby, all my family comes from the west. We are not speaking Russian because Hitler invaded Russia before Russia would invade all of Europe. In fact, all of Europe should be thanking the man they love to hate for that invasion because otherwise they would have been the first against the wall. Presuming you're also of European descent, show some respect.

Germans will forever hate Americans because of our influence in Brexit, and your jealously of our special relationship with Britian. You want to be relevant so bad. You only exist because America and Britian took a stand against Russia during the cold war, or your entire nation would be speaking Russian. You should watch your mouth before we let Russians rape it again.

You come from the west because of America and Britian. This is a fact. No matter how much you hate America will change this. You wouldn't even have the ability to hate, if it wasn't for America and Britian taking a stand against communism in the cold war.

Germans will forever hate Americans because you were stupid enough to fight on the wrong side. I'm not even blaming your army, hell if your men, on those ships in 1944 on their way to Omaha ready to invade Europe could see the USA as how it is today, they would have most likely surrendered and side with Germany. Now look at our enemies, look at Britain, they are worse off than us. Same goes for France. America has always been a lost cause, but they would probably be a bit better off if they sided with us in WW2. I have a history to be proud of, I have past leaders to be proud of, I know my history and I know my ancestry and I have more reasons to be proud of that than any American, who can be proud of what, slavery? War mongering? Exactly, you can't be proud of anything because your multi ethnic country has no culture.

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>married my China passport holder gf and obtained China residency.

ultra based.

Because all the presidents before nixon woulden't bomb the ho chi min in cambodia. By the time we started the war was over

Britain has no role in my ancestors coming from the west. Your country did not even exist back then. I know my family tree.

No one calls them racist when no foreigners are allowed in.

We have no culture, yet you consume our music, consume our shows and movies. Using our internet. We invented it. America has many faults, but for you to act high and mighty is hilarious. Your country wouldn't even exist if it wasnt for America taking a stand in the cold war. You probably believe all the mutt memes, and have never even visited. I've been to Germany many times. America is paradise compared to Germany.

I was talking about West Germany. The American/British side of the Berlin wall.

Not me. It's not ethnic German leaders spreading degeneracy and multi culturalism. It's former stasi officials and non-Germans doing that, like Merkel, who is a Jewish-Polish woman. We did not install ZOG in our country, guess who did that? Exactly, the almighty saviours USA and Britain, because that is how you see yourselves right? Do know that the rest of the world sees you as the absolute destroyers of all of western civilization.

Did they?

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>lol they have product so actually we won the war
my head exploded

They engineered two strains of the first. The first one is far less deadly. The second one is far more deadly.

Being infected by the first strain gives you resistance to the second strain. They released the first, more mild strain on their own people to give their people immunity. Their quarantine was never to halt the spread of the disease in their own country, but rather to keep the weaker strain within their borders for as long as possible, because they do not want others to become immune to the second strain which is their real weapon.

When the weaker strain started to escape China, they spread the second more deadly strain. The end result is few of their people die, while the western world gets annihilated. It's a Chinese bioweapon attack, and we are clearly seeing that now as much higher percentages of western populations die.

Attached: BioweaponConfirmed.jpg (539x909, 108.12K)

The US never entered North Vietnam in the first place retard. All ground battles took place in the South Vietnam, and US forces withdrew after every battle because they were 60 IQ brainlets, not due to any legal restrictions.

>84% favorable view of US
>Market economy
>Imperialist symbols everywhere
>Gook bitches desperate for white dick
Won the shooting war, got jewd out in the long run

this. and for all you faggots who disagree; the oxford university press says otherwise.

why I hate ideological revisionism in one sentence