"We will have an army of angry basement dwelling neckbeards to fill the internet with our message 24/7."

>"We will have an army of angry basement dwelling neckbeards to fill the internet with our message 24/7."
Stormfront was truly ahead of its time when they posted this, the funny thing is it turned out to be true. The majority of this site is actually full of "angry basement dwelling neckbeards" who fill the internet with their message 24/7. We filled the internet with Stormfront's message 24/7 and we did it successfully. Where were you when Stromfront redpilled Yas Forums and then Yas Forums redpilled the rest of this site and the internet? We all know that the right-wing/nationalist internet sub-culture originally came from Stromfront. Yas Forums did a much better job to redpill the whole society in 9 years than Stormfront did in 20+ years. I would thank Stormfront for waking us all. We wouldn't have all these happy merchant, honkler pepe, etc, we wouldn't have a right-wing sub-culture if it wasn't for Stormfront. Stormfront will be regarded as the most influential and the most important site for Yas Forums and Yas Forums and the imageboard culture, as well as Yas Forums will be regarded as the most influential board on Yas Forums.

Thank you Stormfront for waking us and the whole society up against the jews and telling us the truth and making the right-wing/nationalism as a part of the imageboard culture.

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Other urls found in this thread:


ok stormkike

stormcucks are pure aids and do nothing but shit the fucking board up

>t. Wristlet

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when the stormfags were here in significant numbers the quality of this board reached its highwater mark - majority of threads were relevant to news/history/current events, included greentext and archived links. one need only click wayback machine and compare 2013 Yas Forums to todays catalog to see this.

Maybe I'm just partial because I'm a newfag, but 2015 pol was the peak in my opinion.

glow harder

naw, 2011/12 pol was the peak, you actually had a diversity of opinion, 2015 pol was just stormfront lite. 2016 and onwards was literally plebbit.

>people who heavenly influenced Yas Forums and forever changed Yas Forums are pure aids and do nothing but shit the fucking board up
Then why are you here then? What would think this board should be, a hugbox or something?

late 2015 is when the normies invaded and turned this board into /b2.0/
2012 - cant flimflam the zimzam
2013 - can't corner the dorner
and we actually got a dorner doomwad out of the deal too.

>2011/12 pol was the peak because it's a muh politcal corectness secret club
It's not 2011 anymore, kid. Yas Forums is a white nationalist/right-wing board now, you leftists should admit it and stop living in your delusions.

>2012 - cant flimflam the zimzam
Peak entertainment.

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You just caught the tail end of the remaining glory days before it completely unraveled.

Why do you people still pretend that it's still 2011 Yas Forums and act like right-wingers aren't the majority now?? Why do you deny the truth that Stormfront already influenced us and this whole site??

nazis and commies actually arguing with each other while liberals and centrists try to act more superior than the other was actually funny and produced a lot of good content. now it's just an echo chamber.

I distinctly remember the reddit invasion of 2016. It irks me to think that I only got a glimpse of pol when it was good, and even that apparently wasn't the peak. I suppose the more authoritarian tendencies of posters in the 2015 era didn't bother me as much since I am one of them. I do miss how things back then, while not civil, were mostly politically focused and everyone was right. I miss the age before the discord trannie jannies.
I don't even really remember how I found pol in the first place, but I did my obligatory lurk period before posting. I was also underage b& back then too, so maybe that contributed to my acclimating to the board.
So it appears. I remember when the early /ptg/s showed up. I miss Norbot, the patron saint of the archive, and I miss VOLKlEs.

>now it's just an echo chamber.
What "echo chamber"?

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Immaging actualy using stormfromt

Imagine pretending that this is 2008 and white nationalists don't exist. And imagine incorrectly spell "imagine".

notice how we never dropped the cancerous id's after the raid was over? it's all because redditors get confused when they don't have an identity and can't follow along with a conversation by the context.

I don't think I was here for much before the IDs came, but I am familiar with the other boards. Boards that haven't gotten as flooded as pol has.

it was during gamergate and Yas Forums was being very obviously raided, turning on id's allowed samefagging to be very obvious and helped fight it. now of course it just degrades anonymity because a samefagger will anticipate it and use multiple ip's and vpn's.

Didn't IDs stick between threads? Also another question, what is the best April fools day special in your time here?

no it was just thread id's
praise celestia

>likes /mlpol/
>but hates Stormfront
You realize that you're hypocrite when you dislike someone who shares the same political view as /mlpol/.

don't you have a wheelbarrow of money to lug down to the supermarket?

Maybe you can give me an actual answer instead.

For the post I said



>cant flimflam the zimzam
What's that?


Slow day at work mr. Fed?

>a site who's share the same poltical view as Yas Forums is FBI
Make no sense. Why would you hate someone who share the same view as you.

>newfag doesnt know about stormfront

Oh no no no no next you are gonna tell me all the honeypot "nazi" groups constantly set up or infiltrated by the feds are real

Why are all the fucking NATSOC threads getting archived? But BBC threads stay up days. I swear on Odin I legit want to blow these jannies' brains out.

I know what Stormfont is you idiot. I'm wonder why would you hate someone who share the same political view and opinion as you.
Give me an actual proof that Stormfont is honeypot site.

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Nigger where you not here for when stormfront flooded us years ago and they had to back off after autists started digging up all sorts of juiciy info about its leadership and who they worked for? Kill yourself redditor refugee go do some research before posting

Why are you in denial that Stormfront already influenced Yas Forums and this site?

Storm faggotry is a bunch of fbi child raping terrorists, kill yourself

Stormfront is literally a fed honypot dumb newfag next you are gonna talk about SIEGE kek kys

>Storm faggotry is a bunch of fbi child raping terrorists
Remember what site you're browsing. They're the same people who share the same view as you.

That's not the answer what I asking for, can't you come up with rational argument?

Two trees have similar looking fruit, but the fruit from one tree is rotten inside. They might be absorbing the same soil and their roots might be touching, but one tree is bad and producing rotten fruit.

You are welcome friend. Took us a decade to really get our people woke. Thanks to the old heads at stormfront that taught me much and out me on my path to redpilling our people.

Those are shills most likely, or non. Whites. Gotta remember they come here to try and prevent us from being able to talk among ourselves. They don't want white people to have our own groups.

No problem, bro.

Kys kike

All of the lost tribes will be reunited as one mighty nation and nothing can stop what is coming. Our people have dwelled among the heathens for long enough, soon the music stops.

Make sense


We have been dealing with these fucks for a decade. They actually helped us redpill everyone because they stick out so bad it was easy to point them out lol

There was once a time when the board was not popular at all and it was mostly 120+ IQ anons. It was great, we will find each other again, we always do that's nature and the nations of heathens can cry all they like it they cannot stop Gods will. Their struggle with the Most High is both amusing and a fruitless endeavor.

I would like to thank liberals as well.
Without all the anti-white propaganda to anger the normies and the affirmative actions giving us an army of unemployed propaganda artists we never good have done this.

Thank you, heathens.

I actually posted some threads on stormfront like that around that time. I think one thing that is often not understood here is that the average age of stormfront users is about 20, every time they do a poll it shows this. Everyone here thinks of them as boomers but that's just the old guard who are a minority, most people used to post their because it was the most well known 'racist' site, although I think pol and dailystormer and therightstuff.biz are probably now more popular.I haven't been there for years but it was useful when I was still learning

Ahhh old head?

Remember when mjodr went crazy lmao is he still doing the lgbt thing?

We reconized 4chans user base was much larger and to compete with the fake jew dominated media we would have to reach more people.

Like I said though, the anti-white agenda probally redpilled more people than we actually did. Fake jews are a funny people.

Shills why so quiet lmao

There are not enough words to describe how thankfull I am to Stormfront for giving me my first red pills. My ideology developed from marxist leninist, to national bolshevik, to strasserist and I finaly embraced pan European white nationalism and agro-socialist catholic monarchy. I gradually realized the dangers of democracy, feminism, internationalism and zionism. Not only my ideology changed but also my spirituality, I finnaly stoped rejecting the faith I felt inside my for so long and realized that the world was much more than only that what science could explain. That a person who only lived life through body was incomplete, that I also needed a soul. I went from atheism to agnosticism, to German paganism, to roman paganism, to hinduism, to orthodox christianity to finnaly embrace the One Holy Roman Catholic Apostolic Church. It was thanks to Stormfront that I discoverd what today are two of my greatest passions: sculpture and mountaineering. I look back and I see now that choosing this path has made me loose friends, comarades, love partners and even some familly members but It has allowed me to live my life through the teachings of Jesus Christ and has made me conscious of a new and amaizng reality: my people. Without Stormfront, Pedro Varela and Yas Forums I would probably still be a commie today. I will try my best to live a life as coherent to this teachings as posible and I will never forget what, whitout even knowing it, a few strangers in the internet did for me. From the bottom of my heart, thank you

I’m not a basement dwelling neckbeard though

When I went there in the early 2000s it was mostly boomers but it might've been selection bias in the threads I frequented. Last time I went on it was on the verge of shutting down, hopefully it's archived if it shuts down since there was some good shit on there.

>hopefully it's archived
archive it yourself bro

Now not to mention the times we are in frens...
Take a step back, and take in the beauty of this situation.


Joos kvetching over conspiracies.
Bodies not cremated fast enough.
Progressiveness and fear of racism spreads virus.
Hug a chink day in Italy.
Cucked Sweden practicing heard immunity.
Feminist Finland lacking leadership.

BUT ABOVE ALL, everyone, all normies/plebs are stuck at home, browsing the internet, and we are all here together.
We need to get busy, we have more man power than ever and we have 10 times more soft targets ripe for a move.
Mobilize! Everyone is stuck at home and will see wrong think no matter how much they try to ignore it!

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