Chinese virus

chinese virus

Attached: chinesevirus.png (900x1008, 731K)

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Oh boy

2018-2019 Flu deaths **80,000 deaths** in USA


2020- Flu deaths **40,000 deaths** in USA


2020- Corona-virus COVID-19 **458 deaths** in USA (supposedly) the flu being intentionally misreported


The chinks have been pushing THE AMERICAN TRUMP VIRUS since day one. Fuck them.


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Where did it come from? China.

I hope all riceniggers in USA die to corona.

fuck the chinese

nice link communist-kike

history, like how long did it take this fucking gooks to think up some alternative? They are all harvard doctors ffs high iq AND think ten steps ahead, they should have figured it out atleast a fucking month ago

shanghai shivers

My man this isnt a joke any more. Russia will feel the wrath of this as well as the US. You should be home with loved ones not shit posting from a troll farm in Russia. This is the end of our current world as we've known it, this is the end.


Kung Wuflu

i think it's time to face facts
scientists and the american government KNOW this is an escaped, engineered virus

they also know it has the potential to unleash holy hell on earth by becoming endemic everywhere and killing entire populations because it's engineered to persist in neuronal tissue (brain stem) and can readily access human cells via ace2 in gain-of-function manipulation and that all the research behind the development of this virus was published and described in 2008 by chinese researchers in wuhan

pic related

so what do you do with information if you are in government? you hide it because you don't want to create panic, you hide it because you don't want to embarrass china since we get 97% of our antibiotics and other medications from china, you hide it because china is our number 1 trading partner.

unless you are drumph

in that case you shout it from the trees: it's s chinese virus

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ding ding ding

>washing they hands and feet

Nigger detected

>Spanish flu is okay
>Chinese virus is racist
Fucking kikes


It’s anti-science. K.

And they both originated from China.

Yeah, I know Ding Ding Ding, he was a contractor at my old company. Nice guy

china virus

But I guess blaming the entire 2016 election on Russians with no proof is just fine.

The jew flu

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> Chinese is a race

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While it is obviously not racist, there is no other reason to do it than being provocative (seeing as the virus already has multiple commonly used names that everyone know), which is something that Trump's weenie base swallow whole.

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Top kek, is that term a thing now?
I work in a lab and I bet these fuckers would tell me that I'm "anti-sciene" when I say that trannies are mentally ill and that there are only two genders.

Western civilization committing suicide in print.

In china it's called the Zuzhou Gweilo, which means: Curse of the foreign white ghost. What if we called it: The chink pestilence? Chinee Virus is fair.

>chinese virus
lame. KUNG FLU
>Wu Flu
>WHO Flu
>Gook Flu
>Kung Flu
>WuHu Flu
>G0ok Germ
>Justa Flu
>Red Plague
>Rice Rabies
>Beijing Bug
>Yellow Lung
>Canton Coof
>Wu-Tang Flu
>Flu Man Chu
>Xi Jinplague
>Coolie Cough
>FailLung Gong
>Wu-Ping Cough
>Flu-Tang Clan
>Airborne AIDS
>Bat-Man Virus
>Boomer Remover
>Geezer Wheezer
>Winnie the Flu
>Bat Soup Croup
>Oriental Onset
>Pu Pu Pandemic
>Wubonic Plague
>Lung Pao Sicken
>Hong Kong Fluey
>Fu Manchu Fever
>Shanghai Shivers
>Asian Affliction
>Chink Flying AIDS
>Pangolin Pandemic
>Wuhan Coronavirus

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>Slant-eye Sickness
>Mandate of Heaving
>The Shaolin Sneeze
>Wet Market Surprise
>Szechuan Sore Throat
>Sweet and Sour Sicken
>Communist Lung Herpes
>China's One Corpse Policy
>Experimental Bioweapon CW-19
>SARS-CoV-2: Alveolar Boogaloo
>Fatal Acute Terminal Respiratory Symptom (F.A.R.T.S)

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This has been one of the worst arguments I have heard in 2020. It is not anti-science and the designation of COVID-19 as the Chinese Virus is a geopolitical tactic made to do two things. 1) It is a geopolitical tactic made to ensure the CCP is held accountable for their malfeasance on their handling of the spread of COVID-19. In addition, the CCP have been circulating anti-American propaganda that is literally Alex Jones-tier conspiracy that the Americans are somehow to blame for the corona virus, despite it being, in all accounts, to be a zoonotic virus that was spread from bats to humans, possibly through an intermediate host. This transmission would have never been taken place if the Chinese were more selective in their diet, instead of eating anything that was edible. 2) It is completely fine to designate the virus on its country of origin. We have done it in the past, it is not a big fucking deal. Its getting to be quite loathsome and frustrating to observe all these media personnel with their hypocrisy, initially designating the virus on its country or region of origin and then changing the tune when Trump decides to do it. Furthermore, the designation of COVID-19 as the Chinese virus is not a fucking priority. Let Trump do whatever he wants as long as he can get those hospital beds and kits made available. If it bothers you so much that you are willing to protest about his "racism" in the midst of a pandemic, I would suggest you go back to your own homeland, seeing as China has supposedly gotten rid of the virus and we all know that the Chinese are less racist than the Americans. They would never lock people up in detention centers nor would they whitewash western media for their tastes. Am I right, pol?



Don' t forget leftoid actually tried to edit the wikipedia page from "spanish flu" to "1918 pandemic".

But they' ve been found out and the change was re-done.

next up: spanish flu is racist!!!!1!!eleven!!

>Kung Flu
>Boomer Remover

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Based Trump fuck the shaolin sneeze

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Is it racist to call something of its origin?

>it's anti-science to ignore where a global pandemic originated and how it originated
The CCP is anti-science for murdering and disappearing their own doctors who tried to warn the world about what was to come.


Wet markets still open there?

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>The chinks have been pushing THE AMERICAN TRUMP VIRUS since day one.
They actually haven't, at first they blamed bats too. This is why it's so easy to know they're full of shit, their narrative keeps changing.

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damn, could they have made that image grainier?

Fine, let's not call it the China Virus from here on out we will call it Xi Jinping Virus. We need to refuse the gas lighting and memory holing of the responsibility the Chinese Communist Party has in the spread of this pandemic.


Link to this article please, my archive must grow larger.

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Yeah, daigaos, or whatever they're called, were buying up all kinds of stuff like this outside of China and shipping it back to China. Long before anyone in the west had any hint that the virus would affect them yet.

Chinese CCP Bioweapon 19

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German measles

Thanks, I had just found it myself and clipped it.

>Anti science

There again, leftists invoke the ethos of science to push their plan if White genocide.

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