Does he have a point?
Does he have a point?
No because almost no one even has that amount of money available in cash. It's all tied to different assets and investments. And this is a sure way of capping the growth of companies and economies.
No. He has a blue checkmark.
Honestly it's way better than leftists who want to add insult to injury and somehow shame them for being successful. It's a meme'd idea but this general line of thinking about 'well we might have to totally shaft you but we'll at least be nice to you while we do it' had a lot of potential, a lot of that kind of good will is desperately needed going forward.
Liberals are so fucking small minded
>Billionaires who own successful businesses should close them when they make too much money
It’s too easy for billionaires to hide their wealth and officially declare their are worth 800 M$ where in fact they can be multi-billionaires.
This rule sounds good, but it’s too hard or impossible to apply/enforce.
Money buys people, people will do anything the billionaires ask them to do.
Fpbp ans /thread
Oh no how will I ever figure out a workaround for this
*Gives 100 million to each family member*
These people seem to think that billionaires have nothing but a bank account and an income of 1 billion dollars
Based. To his retarded mind he probably thinks billionaires have it all in a bank and wants it to all be funneled away once your bank account reaches one billion. I bet most billionaires don’t even have a percent of their wealth in actual currency
Pegging a random number as the limit is stupid when we're entering hyperinflation.
Why a billion?
Why not 100M?
Why not 10M?
Why not 1M?
Why not 100k?
>almost no one
we can see right through you, kike
just make them pay their fair share in taxes, that's all. people who have $50 billion will end up with $30 billion. they'll still be rich as fuck and the educational system will have money to blow.
unironically yes
How about this? After posting 999 tweets on twitter, your twitter account gets shut down for life. And yes, that goes for the president too. Nobody has a twitter if all they're going to do is post hot takes.
>I bet most billionaires
There's no wagering on this website, boomer.
How about this -
After the government reaches $999 million, they are unable to collect anymore tax for that year.
Being so stupid to not understand that 1 billion isn’t shit when global economies run on trillions.
No because most of the worth is held in equity be they stocks or real estate values. Why are lefties so fucking retarded
to the gas chambers with you chaim
How about I just use a little bit of my billion+ dollars to have you killed and make it look like an accident? Sounds pretty good to me honestly.
"sure jeff bezos has more cash than the GDP of a US state and a total net worth far exceeding that, but he doesn't have total control over the world so it's fine"
That's anti-semitic.
It would be better to use the power of the state to promote a culture in which billionaires invest some of their wealth into worthwhile philantropic pursuits like Carnegie did; rather than promote a culture in which rich men spend money on thots, thot surgeries, thot houses, thot cars, thot clothes, thot vacations etc etc etc
Basically, punt women back in their place and spend the money women spend on themselves and their luxury for society instead.
>I won capitalism
They all talk like fucking babies.
>promote a culture
Billionaires aren't beholden to any culture or nation, you retard. They are rootless and ruthless.
because all they can do is equate wealth to a physical number value of cash and do not understand the difference
>promote a culture in which billionaires invest some of their wealth into worthwhile philantropic pursuits
there are no altruistic billionaires don't ask them for shit just take it.
The $999m limit is too low. I would advocate for this if $120b is reached. So only Bezos would qualify.
>does he have a point?
he doesn't even have a clue.
You're thinking of (((billionaires))), not billionaires.
Naturally, step one of such a project would be to seize the wealth of all Jewish billionaires in particular, as well as a summary deporation of all Jews to Israel and a total ban on Semitic ideology and a purge of Semitic influences from societs (ban on Marxism, purge of academia, purge of entertainment industry, purge of media industry etc)
Based kike/bootlicker
Finally some fucking nobody posts some stupid shit on social media. This, my friends is the happening I've been waiting for all year!
Limits too high, make it 100M
Most people worth a ton of money are only worth that much because of the appreciated value of businesses they own in part or hole. In other words, because other people decided they were worth that much. So how is that fair? I decided that your company is worth three billion dollars, and now I'm going to steal your shares from you because they excede an arbitrary wealth limit I decided on?
Legally only allowed to own one business
Legally only allowed to own one home
legally can only sell to people born in your country
Public execution for folks abusing work arounds
>not understanding net worth
every. single. time.
There's an insightful stonetoss comic which shows one guy inspiring to be a billionaire, and a lefty commie aspiring to become a commie general. The Commie and General and the Billionaire are basically the same person. I cant seem to find the comic right now.
They're basically the same in terms of power and prestige. To the commie, a trophy and a place named after them is the prestige. That's why only a lefty commie would think of this idea. It's 'their' idea of prestige.
Think about the AK47. The guy who invented it isnt a mutli billionaire like the guy who invented the M16. But at least his gun, and all subsequent models are named after him. He is highly respected in Russia, same way billionaires are in the US.
t. Likes being butt raped by monopolies like a fag
good idea. this way people who are excellent at realizing good ideas are limited to realizing only one. this will make the world better. good thinking.
shut the hell up retard
Eugene Stoner wasn't rich.
Most people who design and manufactures guns don't get rich.
Mikhail wanted to make lawnmowers.
How about we just ban all Jews instead.
Way too low.
i like it
then the billionaires move to a more permissive environment and bring their business with them
>Implying Bezos doesn't have at least 10 billion in cash
Pretty much this I don't how much people have but they shouldn't be allowed to own multiple homes and buisnesses.
Wealthy and good ideas dont share common ground. The richest people succeed not because they offer a great service but because they use their gains to insure no one can compete with them
Yes, the free market is stupid and retarded at times. The free market produces monopolies, and usages of limited resources to produce the most inane and stupid of things. The free market pollutes the planet, it abuses its workers, it fucks over the third world as well.
Generally speaking, the free market is not efficient in many ways. But neither is government venture in its fullest extent.
The best way to deal with the free market is as we are today I believe. You simply bully and destroy the things you dont like.
Having too much money is like that as well.
Ok how about this:
Stop being a dictator-wannabe and go fuck yourself.
Imagine falling for level 1 kike propaganda. You probably believe in bodies packed into ovens too.
t. kike
Even if billionaires had all that cash on hand, why would they keep it in the US? Unless we invade the Cayman Islands, there’s nothing that can Ben done.
Name one good idea in the last ten years, most billionaires/millionaires are parasites.
you're conflating "wealthy" with "the richest people". you're also presenting a demonstrably untrue premise: wealth and good ideas do share common ground. saying they don't is stupid.
Based No Refunder
What the fuck is it with white people and worshipping their damn dogs?
Sure, but what is qualified as "Billionaire" and why only at a Billion?
I bet you believe in hundreds and hundreds of laws that stifle the types of business practices normal people can engage in.
Imagine thinking this is true.
you're also conflating "wealthy" with "the richest people". many wealthy people are middle class small business owners, who may own multiple small businesses that provide different services to their local community. you obviously know nothing about business and community, so i assume you're a school-age faggot with zero life experience (retard)
No because that worth isn't usually liquid.
Socialists don't love the poor; they despise the poor and hate the rich.
>thinks money is physical and not 1s and 0s
There are only a few oil barrons, royals, and bank families from ancient Europe.
Bezos and Gates are mostly paper, they'd have to release ownership of their companies to actually have that money.
I wonder if that kike would be saying that if he was a bilionare
Instead he says "oh i'd donate it to charity!"
As if lmao
it's called tax and everyone gets half taken
He really doesn't have much cash on hand. He invests almost everything into growing Amazon.
Imagine spending your life so ignorant of banking & corporate structure that you actually believe billionaires have piles of cash hidden under their bed so you cant make money. I fucking hate lazy people so much
More like no more millionaires. No-one does enough work to justify a million dollars.
How does money work again?
How does the world economy work?
I'm guessing this random dude on Twitter understands.