Why did Europeans adopt a desert LARP so easily?

Why does Christianity appeal to whites so much?

Attached: 412414123123123.jpg (640x776, 53.65K)

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Sloot's name is Nata Lee for anyone interested

Romans literally murdered then and destroyed their sacred groves until they gave in.

Attached: jews.png (448x448, 563.32K)

Gee, I wonder?


Because they are slaves to their Jewish doms. They love to submit to rabbi yeshua.

Man, I would let her abuse my wallet and watch her cuck me to death


>nasty tatt
cum dumpster

So Romans destroyed all pagans? But how does that explain Christianity's hold on the rest of Europe for 2 millennia?
So whites wish to submit to an authoritative figure? Makes sense. But it doesn't explain why they left their pagan Gods for Jesus. If it is authority they wish to submit to, then shouldn't Europeans have returned to paganism at some point?