Why did Europeans adopt a desert LARP so easily?

Why does Christianity appeal to whites so much?

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Sloot's name is Nata Lee for anyone interested

Romans literally murdered then and destroyed their sacred groves until they gave in.

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Gee, I wonder?


Because they are slaves to their Jewish doms. They love to submit to rabbi yeshua.

Man, I would let her abuse my wallet and watch her cuck me to death


>nasty tatt
cum dumpster

So Romans destroyed all pagans? But how does that explain Christianity's hold on the rest of Europe for 2 millennia?
So whites wish to submit to an authoritative figure? Makes sense. But it doesn't explain why they left their pagan Gods for Jesus. If it is authority they wish to submit to, then shouldn't Europeans have returned to paganism at some point?

Poor people liked the idea of having to sacrifice only to one god more than the idea of having to sacrifice to a gorrilion gods because it's cheaper.

Of course, once the (((Church))) consolidated power it started taxing them far more than the cults of old, but plebs never learn

Anyone have the is coffee bad for you meme?

It's a jew psy ops

They didn't destroy them all, they terrorized them and waged a religious war on them until they ideologically supplanted them.
Christianity would have never become such a lasting part of European identity without the Roman empire.
A more interesting question is figuring out why Christianity gained such a foothold in Rome in the first place, a place where they used to torture and murder Christians in arenas as a joke for public amusement.

because they massacred anyone who didn't follow christianity. read some history books sometime, it's pretty common knowledge.

Because it's true.

god imagine her taking a BBC

Just came here to say this AAANNDDDD she used to do web-cam stuff! She tried to hide it but she has the same big ass tattoo in the videos.

>Why does Christianity appeal to whites so much?
It doesn't. Which is why it have absolutely collapsed and only old grannies and homosexuals follow it anymore.

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Fuck off salty kikes, get the hell out of Yas Forums

Fucking tattoos

You are literally the slave of rabbis, they fuck and suck your children too. Disgusting jew.

>it's another Jewish thread
Christians exist because they love Truth. Maybe you should try it sometime.

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>Poor people liked the idea of having to sacrifice only to one god more than the idea of having to sacrifice to a gorrilion gods because it's cheaper.
Possible reason. But the Church required contributions from Christians in various forms like tithes and volunteering in the army. So perhaps money was not the sole reason.
I don't think Jews intended to psy op an entire continent in 1st century A.D. Sure, the Medici family (Jews) took control of the Church in the 14th century, but I doubt the Jews intended for Christianity to become a global religion like it did.
>they terrorized them and waged a religious war on them until they ideologically supplanted them.
Yeah, but the people should have returned to their native religion once Rome left. But they haven't. To this day, Christianity has a pretty decent grasp over Europe.
>A more interesting question is figuring out why Christianity gained such a foothold in Rome in the first place
That's Constantine, right? He forced Christianity on everyone in the empire to ensure he could rule the plebs easily.


>Why does Christianity appeal to whites so much?

Lets say there is the Bible itself, what is says word for word and then their is the religion -- other people interpreting the Bible and saying what it says and how to live owns life according to it -- that is what appealing to people because that's an easy way to control and manipulate human behavior.

The Christian religion plays on guilty and shame. It makes everyone feel bad for whatever they've done wrong, while practically saying everything is wrong or we're born wrong and the only way to right this wrong is too accept the religion. If you do accept the religion, nothing you do is bad. No more fear or guilt or shame over actions. The religion will justify everything.

AND they'll fit into society. Society that is manipulated by religion and it's ties to the State and Culture. So it basically it became appealing for normies to be assholes all the time and be "forgiven" while trying to trick other normies into being nice and obedient towards them.

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>because they massacred anyone who didn't follow christianity.
And why did people continue to follow Christianity once the oppressors left?

Says who?
>Pic related.

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Yes i'm sure Jews absolutely hate that there is a world religion which thinks its a religious dogma to fiscally and politically support them.

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You know.. empirical facts... statistics and such.

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nice tits

Jesus was a jew, he was named "the king of the jews" by the romans.

It's a jew psy ops

>That pic
No one is disputing that Jesus existed, Jorge.
>Christians exist because they love Truth.
And the truth is that the Earth was created 6000 years ago? Common, even you don't buy that, do you?

-The jews never seen Him as his king
-The jews turned on Him and gave him to the Romans.

It is like saying you are a nigger just because modern man was born in Africa.

>Yeah, but the people should have returned to their native religion once Rome left. But they haven't. To this day, Christianity has a pretty decent grasp over Europe
Once Christians got into power they destroyed all the old texts, statues, sacred sites, etc. There was nothing left for the people to go back to.
Islam is now doing the same thing to Christianity.

>Why does Christianity appeal to whites so much?
Because it's the one true faith you pagan faggot

>No one is disputing that Jesus existed, Jorge.
You're missing the point. It's not even about historicity, which no one in their right minds disputes. It's the fact that something extraordinary happened at Calvary 2000 years ago, and apparently this still hasn't produced enough cognitive dissonance on your mind to understand that Christianity is not a "LARP" nor is it just about cynical control.

>And the truth is that the Earth was created 6000 years ago?
Do you think that all Christians have that particular understanding of Scriptures? Why are you strawmanning?

>that is what appealing to people because that's an easy way to control and manipulate human behavior.
This makes most sense. Christianity is so widely adopted by Europeans because it codifies its teachings in a book - whereas the other pagan religions were orally passed down from generation to generation. With the printing press, Europeans had easy access to the Bible, thus securing Christianity's foothold in Europe.
>If you do accept the religion, nothing you do is bad. No more fear or guilt or shame over actions. The religion will justify everything.
Salvation through acceptance. Makes perfect sense why Whites would love a religion that advertised itself as so.
>So it basically it became appealing for normies to be assholes all the time and be "forgiven" while trying to trick other normies into being nice and obedient towards them.
You know user, you've posted the most convincing answer so far. Indeed, your statement here makes me wonder if we are programmed to be grunts by nature. Are we so basic in intelligence that we cannot see through the subterfuge of religion? Why is that so? Is it because we are duty bound by nature and any religion that exploits this genetic trait of ours gets widely accepted in a short span of time? Is that what it is? Is it in our nature to be obedient soldiers to something or someone?

Just because you've been uprooted doesn't mean everybody is. The ancient world had a moment recorded where they declared Pan to have died. They had a date to it, look it up. Spiritual death, spiritual vacuum.

For the record, Rome killed all the druids so the Celtic tribes were in a spiritual vacuum as well, leading to Francs adopting Christianity fairly easily, and other Roman customs and beliefs before that. The Greeks were enslaved by the jews to the point they could use the dumb goyim to kill Christians, leading to Paul and early Christians having to proselytize to the jews first to remove the threat.

Modern day skyrim faggots are larping. It's nice to feel ancestral guidance, power, symbols and the sort, but you must be authentic. Irony must go out the window. Must.

>You know.. empirical facts... statistics and such.
What empirical facts do you have that says majority of Europeans don't believe in Christianity or don't identify as Christians? I don't go to Church either, but I do identify as a Christian.

She needs longer stockings or skirt to cover those tattoos

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> adopt a desert LARP so easily?
Many Germanic tribes, especially Saxons fought long and hard against that dessert cult.
They finally lost against forced christianization enforced by Charlemange.

>Once Christians got into power they destroyed all the old texts, statues, sacred sites, etc. There was nothing left for the people to go back to.
Yeah no. People can maintain their culture even if books and statues are destroyed. People can always invent their OWN culture even if Christianity is impressed upon them.

>It's the fact that something extraordinary happened at Calvary 2000 years ago
How does the Shroud of Turin prove that Jesus was resurrected?
>Do you think that all Christians have that particular understanding of Scriptures?
Fair. You're right about this. Even I don't interpret the Bible literally.

>Before she realized that it is far more lucrative to be a cock teasing thot on social media, Nata Lee was a nude model (as you can see in the video clip below) and webcam girl under her real name of Natalya Krasavina.

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how do I get a gf like this lads

>What empirical facts do you have that says majority of Europeans don't believe in Christianity or don't identify as Christians?
Google it you fucking loser. But if you do not think Christianity have utterly collapsed in the west then you're probably straight up retarded so... don't google it.

Yeah they played their part well.
Before jesus created christianity romans were killing jews after, romans were killing christians, it work perfectly well.

They converted part of roman citizens to this bullshit new cult, so romans kill each others and not the jew anymore.

It was a jew psy ops

>They finally lost against forced christianization enforced by Charlemange.
Why didn't they go back to their old customs once Charlemange died? Were their customs so easy to let go?

>the banning, demonization and systematic destruction had nothing to do with its loss.
You Christcucks are always trying to emulate Jews in your lies and deceit, but you don't have half of their cleverness.

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Charlemange destroyed all holy sites (e.g. the old holy oak tree) and installed a system of oppression that was kept alive longer than one generation.
That is all you need, to destroy a culture.

>it work perfectly well.
Society isn't just about killing this and killing that. Romans were moving massive numbers of populations across their nation, in order to have their upper classes get richer and richer. Eventually Rome was so splintered that they felt no unity. They tried to gain that with religion, and were successful in the East, but failed in the West.

Kinda like Roman pagans, then. White race isn't made up of saints, if it were, we wouldn't struggle with something as pathetic as a jew.

>How does the Shroud of Turin prove that Jesus was resurrected?
Look into it for yourself. As much as I want to, I'm not here to evangelise you, and my forcefulness would be counter-productive. If you are in good faith, look into those things yourself, the Shroud and other sacred relics, the incorruptible bodies of the Saints, the Eucharistic miracles and the commonalities between these events, the miraculous images, etc. You'll have to confront the cognitive dissonance for yourself, brother.

>Even I don't interpret the Bible literally.
It is both allegorical as it is an (imperfect) record of Sacred History. Even aborigines in Australia had deluvian mythologies, and you can find permutations of this mythos from Japan to South America and everywhere in between. As for Genesis account, it should not be interpret literally even if you understand that Patriarch Adam was an historical figure, and I say this as an Old Earth creationist myself. The New Testament is a factual, historical account, even if it has some inaccuracies (as it would be expected of any record of this kind), and the Book of the Apocalypse prophetised the fall of the Second Temple, which most definitely happened.

Because it is true

What exactly is your point? That Romans were not religious persecutors? They persecuted Christians for well over three hundred years, that is well over one generation, yet Christianity didn't fall as paganism did. Your argument is flawed and you're inadvertently advocating for the superiority of Christianity.

> as pathetic as a jew.
Jews are just pawns working for a small elite with experience in oppression, ruling, durg trade and human trafficking for literally a thousand years.
Christianity is just a psyop to pacify the plebs.
A religion that literally calls its own members "sheep" should be a red flag enough.

>Christianity is just a psyop to pacify the plebs.
That's a reductionist take, and completely wrong. Christianity has failed to pacify the plebs, if anything it makes them too unruly for my tastes, even. After all, they remain plebs, what do they know about anything?
Christianity was deeply practiced by numerous monarchs, so you could argue it's a "psyop" to pacify kings. Though the kings who did take Christianity seriously were often vehement antisemites, like Ivan IV, or any Tsar for that matter.

Yeah i know it's more complicated than that.
But the jews tried to fight the roman empire for a long time. And having a jew (jesus) with a story copied from an old egyptian god, who tried to subverse roman population seem really suspicious...

Pure revisionist garbage. Christians sieged Rome and sacked Rome, as Saint Augustine himself records. If it was about "pacifying the plebs" as you are claiming, that would have never happened.

> it's a "psyop" to pacify kings.
Oh that must be why Europe was ravaged by wars for a thousand years.
Such "pacified" kings dude...

Or maybe it wasn't a psyop to begin with.
>we're going to psyop you to believe we're the children of the devil, and usury should be banned
We're a warlike species and warlike race. You can instruct us to act otherwise, but our pitbull behavior emerges.

Ruined slut.

Not interested in masculine women. Im not a faggot

>A religion that literally calls its own members "sheep" should be a red flag enough.
good point kek

Of course you would, leaf

> Christians sieged Rome
I don't know about Meds but Germanics dispised Christianity.
Much more natural for us is the believe in / admiration of truth and nature. Which is exactly what was paganism was all about.
The dessert cult was forced upon us and we made the best thing of it by mixing pagan rituals with christianity (like Christmas and Easter which where originally pagan ceremonies).

>People can maintain their culture even if books and statues are destroyed.

Right, that's why modern day Mexicans are culturally similar to their Aztec ancestors

look at her insta, she's getting flown all over the world to fuck billionaires. instagram.com/natalee.007/?hl=en

Show me the perfect Christian and I shall show you the crucifix. War and statesmanship also exists in forms that are diverse from pure Christian virtue.

We're in a fallen state. War and strife is expected, regardless of pagan or Christian. It's almost as if the teachings of the Bible were correct or something.

>I don't know about Meds but Germanics dispised Christianity.
Barbarians converted en mass because they were outside of Rome's influence and preachers could spread the Good News unabated. The sack of Rome was mostly perpetrated by Arian Christians, barbarians were not mostly pagan even at that time. You arguing otherwise is just pure revisionist nonsense.

>The dessert cult was forced upon us and we made the best thing of it by mixing pagan rituals with christianity (like Christmas and Easter which where originally pagan ceremonies).
All non-equatorial regions have some permutation of Equinox/Solstice celebrations and everyone has harvest celebrations. "Pagans" claiming ownership over this shared patrimony is very, very silly. Also, Christmas and Easter are not pagan celebrations, that is pure atheist/protestant mental gymnastics. "Oh, oh, but muh Öyster"... learn to etymology, Greeks call it Pacha and many derive their words from that root.