I wholeheartedly reject the Jew media narrative that I'm supposed to find thin women (aka borderline trannies)...

I wholeheartedly reject the Jew media narrative that I'm supposed to find thin women (aka borderline trannies) attractive.

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post your tits or gtfo, fat hag cow

Do you fuck da belly button?

You're a faggot

The obesity of gluttony is Jewish as fuck.

most trannies are fat amorphous blobs like your pic though

too much lard makes my pp limp


I like a woman with curves but this bitch is 6 times a healthy child carrying or life-enjoying weight
also fat bitch bo is rancid

>seeing fat caow fattirs and not wanting to vomit
Imagine the smell

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Look how quickly the shills come running. it's like kicking a hornet's nest.

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Her navel is built for BBC.

I second that.
A woman with no large breast is no woman.

Come to the land of ssbw perverts.

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Looks like a pig

Femanon here. Go for it OP!

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a woman that fat is very likely to miscarriage

How’s it feel knowing that fat pigs like that won’t even fuck you??

Dude. Her right titty is shaped like a perfect egg in that bra. They're so big.

I like all kinds of women, and big tiddy girls are among them.

You evolved to find fit women attractive. Because thdre once was a time when the human brain didn't get fucked full of propaganda to make them weak and docile. Finding fat people attractive is anti-evolutionary aka anti-God.

if I had a couple of trillion dollars lying around I'd buy an island and several billion dollars worth of food and advertise free food for women over 150 lbs
fuck bros I need my 4 ssbbw wives right now to comfort me

Your nose almost hit me in the eye.

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Fat pigs like that have a very slim chance of surviving corona-chans embrace.
She will take their breath away.
Imagine a world without fat slobs.


Based and redpilled.

Wrong species to find that attractive

Which is your favorite ssbbw pornstar?

These are actually rare. And it was a fertility cult. They probably chose a ridiculously fertile woman to be their symbol, thinking taking care of herand keeping her fat would magically make their babies and women survive better. They did not celebrate the cunt's fatness, the honored her fertility.

>thin women (aka borderline trannies)
This cope is hilarious. Enjoy harpooning those land whales.

Dear god that's disgusting

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>reject jew media narrative
What is this 1998? Jew media wants you to fuck 300lb niggers. If anything you are jewed beyond saving, I suggest suicide.

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>Enjoy harpooning those land whales.
We absolutely do. Enjoy fucking women with boy bodies, closeted homo.

Fat pig bitches are disgusting. My mom is a big fat cow, she's hard to look at she's so gross

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The thing is, fat girls like this have an even WORSE ego than conventionally attractive women due to not only a ton of attention from men, but the feeling that they have to prove that they're attractive.

Would absolutely fuck the shit out of her. I’ve fucked skinny chicks and fat chicks and honestly fat girls are just more fun and goddamn are they fucking soft mmmm

Do whatever you want, because we don't have much time left.
After America falls you're going to be a Chinese colony.
You're already populated with them.
The Chinese military will just make sure you can't stop millions and millions and millions of them from coming.
Millions of horny Chinese men raping your women in front of you.
All because we valued diversity over reason.

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I dont think so. Fatties of her format cant even breed. I guess its an ancient coomer cult.

I watch nothing but amateur these days (Val and Mal are literal goddesses) but I used to watch Sofia Rose, Samantha 38G, Sapphire and a handful of MAGURO JAVs.

She's a nigger-fucking piece of shit.

I'd rather have a thin woman with flat chest and flat butt than a fat woman

you're supposed to knock up the thin bitch and turn her into a plump, busty mommy for your children.

This thread proves I'm definitely onto the truth. There's nowhere near this sort of immediate, visceral reaction when other jew schemes are called out.

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90's were truly the best decade.

Not a coomer anymore but Mal was always gr8

Moar pls

three tits, one inverted nipple.


Does this work?? My gf soon to be fiance is like 5ft1 125 kinda thick but not fat, works out

holy fuck there's a difference between unattainable beauty standards and not making people vomit when they see your sign

That’s a tranny

it depends on the girl.

some fat girls carry their weight in a way that accentuates their female curves. they look like a regular hot girl, but just fat in all the right places. their asses, thighs, and tits become larger but remain firm. their faces stay pretty, and their necks don't blow up. these girls are rare.

other fat girls carry their weight in a way that hides their natural curves. they get fat and flabby on their stomach. their waist disappears and they break out into cellulite all over. their tits get flabby in a bad way. sometimes their legs stay skinny. other times their legs turn into flabby beanbags. their necks disappear.

so, if a girl can get fat while retaining her female figure then that is fine. but if a girl gets fat and just turns into an amorphous ball, then she needs to lose weight.

girls with ugly faces and/or ugly bodies need to stay skinny. only the best specimens should be allowed to get fat. this is the truth.

if she's already thick, the pregnancy will add like 20lbs

chubby chasers are based, pulling out the landwhales from the women pool so other men can have better choices

whale lovers are secretly amputee fetishists

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Their bodies can look hot but fat faces are repulsive. Only the 1% of fatties that distribute fat away from their face look good

>honeyblonde skin
More to love.

No worries friend, I'll gladly take them off your hands

>faggots make models skinny
>faggots make the oppossite

My dick still likes fatties.


>T H I C C

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Truly a man of taste

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Idiot you marry thin, fatten her up for 6 months, put a baby in her, and then help her lose weight after baby is out.

>I'll gladly fuck trannies

Yeah we know, Goldstein. But why do you think the rest of us should?

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And she only gets better (read: thicker) with time. It's almost ridiculous how well BUILT she is. Her body is so divine it drove me back from atheism to the lord, no joke.

probably lives the lifestyle of one too

In a good way?

Can you explain this theory ? I've never had a single thought or empathy for the amputee fetish.

yeah sorry thats fat no thicc

Yup, some chubbier chicks can be really hot, but it's rare.

Yas Forumsros I’m 5’4 125 lbs and love women like this, hardly an ounce of fat on me. My girlfriend went from a size 0 to a size 14 and put on 60 pounds since we got together, explain this