@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

VISIT Coronavirus.gov
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/22/20
>VP Pence on LifeLiberty&Levin 3/22/20
video.foxnews.com/v/6143874391001 (pt1)
video.foxnews.com/v/6143874407001 (pt2)
>HUDSec SleepyBen on FoxNews 3/22/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on FoxNewsSun 3/22/20
>ActDHSSec Wolf on SunMornFutures 3/22/20
>WHTradeDir Navarro on SunMornFutures 3/22/20
>FEMAAdm Gaynor on ThisWeekABC 3/22/20
>FEMAAdm Gaynor on MtP 3/22/20
>FEMAAdm Gaynor on (((FakeNews))) 3/22/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on FtN 3/22/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on LifeLiberty&Levin 3/22/20
video.foxnews.com/v/6143876315001 (pt1)
video.foxnews.com/v/6143878560001 (pt2)
video.foxnews.com/v/6143880122001 (pt3)
video.foxnews.com/v/6143880158001 (pt4)
>PressSec Stephanie on FoxNews 3/22/20
youtu.be/ONKCL2uycRY (pt1)
youtu.be/zdkCq-mUbBI?t=445 (pt2)
>Bannon on SunMornFutures 3/22/20
>TrumpTV Real News Insights w/Harlan Hill (Lara) 3/22/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/21/20

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:



>My thoughts exactly but the chief epidemiologist here has been more interested in finding poor excuses for why this is a nothingburger than actually protecting our people
So little sense, a total abdication of responsibilities.
>with the number of infected being already twice that number
Such failure
>Tourism which accounts for about 10-15% is already plummeting in light of all the lockdowns around the world and as a result all the tourism-heavy companies will likely close down in the coming months
Very sad, I would love to visit and hope people weather it. Are Icelanders savers like much of northern and central Europe? I hope so. I hope the foreigners go quickly, no need for them at all right now. Are you personally doing alright though?

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Trump is done.

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just get a job and there will be an end to the horror

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>shin splints
>from shithole countries
Fucking lel

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Trumpbux being voted on today? What time?

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Senator Klobuchars husband is in the hospital

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Trump should just read this crap during the next press conference

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Based as fuck and getajobpilled

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Since liberals are trying to be all high and mighty for the relief bill, what propaganda shit will be in theirs? Abortions for all? Niggers getting $10,000?

nice khazar milkers on the daughter

Attached: dontwastethecrisis.png (697x690, 61.15K)

What do I eat to reduce toilet paper consumption? Fucking boomers are still plundering it all at every convenience.

Unironically does anyone care about Xenophobia? Even if it was real, it's not like thats a bad thing.

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Anyone voting to disband congress (or at least the House) permanently, please record your vote with a smug anime gril

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Is the virus not from China?


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Why'd the Democrats reject any plan that doesn't bail out Planned Parenthood?

Because they want bailouts, themselves.

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Phobia is irrational fear which is inherently bad

somebody tell that pussy it's just the flu. it's totally normal to cough up blood

Democrats never waste a crisis

Already happened and failed again.
Get a job faggots.

who can prove this? this shit is fucking fake, just like pedo hanks

we only had like 8 MOABs

Klobknobchoochoo looks like her breath would smell like asparagus and fish farts

Dems blocked it.

Fucking Pelosi!
What can Trump, a PRESIDENT, do to remove her and charge all the dems for obstructions?
Its like being a Republican President is to be a punching bad and a scapegoat

>tfw sheriff's dept ran out of funds and had to put up a ballot measure for new tax so they could pay for patrols in rural townships
>90/10 failure of measure
It helps to live in a place where no one bothers to lock their doors because everyone's a gun toting farmer and your neighbors are a mile down the road. No need to be ahead if the law knows they ain't needed or welcome

He's focuing his rage on the reporters of late, as they're the reason people are retarded. Trump still has that idealistic streak thinking the left can be negotiated with

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Yet again republicans are playing their stupid games.

Let me assure you, McConnell, that voters like me (life-long republican and 2016 Trump voter) see right through your sham - you use this biblical crisis to pressure real adults in the room (democrats) to pass your shitty bill. Stop trying to bailout mega corporations while at the same time ass fucking the workers, and maybe your bill will pass...

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Retire! you wicked witch

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I think there's some salt to be mined here

The real reason is that Pelosi and Schumer want as many americans to die or get laid off in the next few weeks as possible. The more the better, because it can all be pinned on Trump. They are literal traitors and have been for a while now.

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>this headline is completely acceptable

>they just keep digging the hole deeper

They really fucking think people care about "xenophobia" in 2020 when China is trying to fucking murder us. Amazing.

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but wait isn't giving banks a massive blank check what happened when he was VP?

That's the beautiful thing about this, medical records are confidential. We literally just have to take everybody's word for it

Just because they say it, doesn't mean it's true. No one is afraid of homos, yet they call that phobic.

>What do I eat to reduce toilet paper consumption?

I demand proof of life from Ruth Bader Ginsberg!

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They don't understand that without comapnies these people would have nothing to return to if they're insolvent. The bill also bails out small businesses.

Bitch needs to get shot and live her final moments agonal breathing.

yeah, although this blank check is 3x bigger

You heard it here first. Andrew Cuomo will be the dem nominee and beat Trump.

>unironically let people starve for cheap political points and unsustainable unwanted bullshit like "free" healthcare

I seriously hope this is another portuguese edit and not a real fucking article, holy shit.

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Bigot isn't bad either it means you're firm in your beliefs.

>life-long republican and 2016 Trump voter
>lithuania flag
hey consent manufacturing farm you forgot your vpn


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>notice crime stats
>irrational fear

I'm aware, I just meant that your premise is wrong because irrational fear is inherently negative.l

agreed, she needs to show up in a public place, preferably with at least 50 people in the same room and in new york or washington

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that's actually pretty fucking infuriating...

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if you eat the paper, you no longer have to wipe.

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Use tissues. It surprised me but for whatever reason they're only buying the TP and not tissues even though tissues are just as effective as asswipes.

>He's focuing his rage on the reporters of late, as they're the reason people are retarded.
Imagine the press interactions after he wins again.
He'll just say "I won. That means I get to do whatever I want, right?"
they'll all write headlines about how this is tyranny, Pelosi and Schumer will quote it in another attempt at impeachment, and we'll just keep on winning

Political cartoonists haven't learned anything in the last four years. This actually made me laugh at those nations, not Trump.
Are you saying we need an event that creates a shortage of bombs?

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fucking NIGGER!

they understand it perfectly and have been sent on a suicide mission is my theory

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I generally watch my calories very carefully but I tend to match it with fiber intake. I could decrease that but I feel like that would wreck havoc with my digestive system.

fuck off

>irrational fear is inherently negative.
This is an opinion.

You are misunderstanding what is being said so entirely that you completely missed the point. -phobia, if real and applying to anything, would describe an irrational fear. Such a thing does not exist and if it did the condition would be inherently irrational.


>Now I know why everyone is buying up all the TP... One person coughs and ten people crap their pants

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Please repost this Hue so she can defeat Pelosi in this year's election and I can coom.

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No, irrational mental conditions constitute inherently negative conditions.

>irrational fear
You're correct problem is who gets to decide what's a irrational fear.

I don’t think anyone’s accused of niggerphobia. Clearly that fear is rational.

no they really are that stupid

Not going to happen goy.


Cuomo is showing leadership

They whine about everything and nothing. Pilpul rules the day.

>What can Trump, a PRESIDENT, do to remove her
Nothing, unless there's an airtight case for treason or sedition for her Chinese ties. Congress is largely immune from being punished for anything they do in the course of their jobs.

At my work we always give dindu workers the shitty jobs because they always have terrible attendance and work ethic. Giving them responsibility would be a mistake. It's perfectly rational and also racist.

>only 10% of the population even belongs to a union anymore
>retarded dems outsourcing jobs has resulted in gig work and contract work becoming a major source of employment, making unions literally counterproductive at this point

Maybe they should have thought about this in 1996

>there are pro corporate bailout people ITT
eggsplain ur'r shelves

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>if you eat the paper, you no longer have to wipe.
FUUUUUUG, user figured it out.

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>*crashes the world economy*
heh, nothing personel kid

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>not eating a heaping bowl of all bran every morning and pooping yourself inside out

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