One little girl's fight for trans rights in Trump's America

Why do you hate her Yas Forums? Because she's different? Because she doesn't conform to your heteronormative gender roles?


You monsters.

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So he's a boy.

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Would you call this, a boy?

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If it has a peepee, yeah.

That's the state of Western civilization. No wonder it is collapsing.
People are killing themselves in record numbers every year because they don't want to live in this stupid society.

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I would call you a waste of life. The state should have killed you already.

Kill it and it's parents.

>Girl vs 3000lb bull
Come and see

Why is the alt-right always so angry?

>ok, hear me out, I'm about to say something non-pc!

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Why are faggots just begging for the rope?

People can do whatever the fuck they want, as adults, in the privacy of their own shit-stained bedrooms. I don't want to hear about it. Do whatever you like, just shut up about it.
Also, it is objectively bad for you to fuck with your hormones, and transform your genitals into a perpetually open wound that smells like literal feces.
Not mad about it. Would just like you to keep it to yourself.

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He finna smash

Truly a symbol of degenerate lefties standing in the way of the economy.

yeah and i finna smash OP's faggot fucking skull in with a cinderblock in minecraft, hypothetically, legally and with due process

I hate her because she is still a human.
I'm trans species.

They're literally keeping it to themselves, it's your weird tyrant ass that is erasing them.

Stomp the child.

better cut it's dick off and have it stripping for grown ass men then

Your flag being a good start? What is the "alt right"? Some fag "hate" term you made up for those that dont want their nobs cut off? The fuck is wrong with you?

This is pol not boomer Facebook please revise your memes before trolling in future.

LGBT are so fucking selfish it's unreal, we all have the same rights why should they get special privileges?

Hope it gets Corona and spreads it to as many aids fags as possible.

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Ok, chud.

Kill yourself faggot.

because when you give a fag an existence he demands a boy to fuck

Ahhh.... wrong and wrong. When's the last time you saw a straight-pride parade?

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Very sexy. Here’s hoping she has a long public career.

I bet (s)he has a dick

what a little faggot

Poor abused boy. Imagine what horrors they've done to him to brainwash him and break his spirit.

Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina, everything beyond that is a crime. There is no discussion.

Eat shit and die you evil fuck.

Can I perhaps get a list of these mysterious trans "rights" that so eludes me? I just want to see what rights trans people lack that non-trans people have.

Where’s the statue of the dog peeing on the girl?

Boo hoo, straight people are so opressed. Want a lollipop?

She should not be wearing pants. Only cute dresses and skirts with cute panties underneath and frilly ankle socks. If he wants to be a sissy fagboi he could at least dress like a cute girl
>but its winter time
Real girls wear booty shorts in the snow, you can wear a skirt
What is this, a buttboi for ants?

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Oh just kill yourself you fucking pedo

Every single tranny faggot needs to die slow.

why do fags and trannies push this agenda.

Again, wrong. It would seem that you would like some lollipops. Now you are literally projecting.


This is at least the fifth thread I've seen you make in the past few days. Are you ever going to make an actual argument, or are you going to keep throwing out these cheap "gotchas" and fabricated Marxist catchphrases?

Talk like a fucking human being and have a proper discussion.

>Why do you hate her Yas Forums? Because she's different? Because she doesn't conform to your heteronormative gender roles?

>so angry?

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Don't you slavs have some potatoes to pick up before the next famine? Get busy farmer boi, the west will handle the societal discussions.

>Poor abused boy. Imagine what horrors they've done to him to brainwash him and break his spirit.

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The "because we're different" narrative is old and busted. Go hang yourself like your psychiatrist recommends.

I don't hate the trannies, I hate the Jews that took advantage of their feeble minds.

>you are a homophobic bigot if you are against the art of sodomy. you are on the wrong side of history. who cares about tradition?

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Transexualism is clearly a threat to the safety of all children. This epidemic of groomers and transexual propaganda confusing and converting kids who would have otherwise led happy and normal lives. Twist their minds full of deviant notions while telling them they are the wrong gender then pumping them with hormones, in some cases removing their sexual organs surgically.

Do you think this will be allowed to continue? Just a trans person being seen by children in polite society is public indecency.

Make a good faith effort to present yourself as the gender you actually are and not your fantasy larp gender when in public or GO TO JAIL. That is your future. I don't care how ugly you have made yourself or how fat your ass and fake tits are, you will be allowed to make a good faith effort to make yourself decent and a judge and court if need be will review your case. Rehabilitation will be offered, but no surgical interventions will be mandatory, you just have to try. Privacy of the bedroom you can larp, but we just can't let children see that society finds this acceptable and we certainly can't allow it to be encouraged.

The groomers, the sick doctors, bad parents, and the deviant propagandists targeting children can all go to jail. Once society wakes up to what is going on and can no longer ignore the flood of abused children spilling out into the street, drastic action will have to be taken.

The corrupt medical establishment will be offered the bribes and threats required for their primary members to stop or have their licenses revoked and the millions of doctors and alleged experts in their organizations will comply to keep their jobs and their licenses.

This is no larp, this is no threat of violence. Any violence against you will be met with legal consequence. We are a polite society, for now, but you are pushing your luck. This is a reminder that in due time the people will demand a change to the laws in order to protect children and...

you will go to JAIL

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What this man says.

i would like to call the police on whoever did this to him and have those people in jail

It’s the left that’s always angry. I’d be angry too if I had untreated mental illness.

>you fucking transphobic nazi trumpcel, have sex

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>You monsters.

because you need to go to jail
hear me out, i'm about to say you need to go to jail
it your weird tyrant ass that needs to go to jail

No, just for you to kys

Fuck off groomer.

Ok, jail.

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That’s literally a lie. You people CANT STOP shoving it down everyone’s throats. Never happy, never satisfied.

Our children are oppressed by a perverted and abusive trans agenda and the propaganda of groomers. Go to jail

why do these men keep disfiguring themselves


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Annnnnnd /thread.

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the west will handle your ass into jail for child endangerment

Do yourself a favor OP and make that 43% a 45%.

Take your meds psycho.

Being okay with mutilating children is normal. Everybody else is psychotic. That's right.

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Yes i'm a monster.
I hate trans, they make me sick and seeing them suffer is fun.

Mentally ill people just need to be put down.

But in the end they just have a life of suffering. Most of them kill themself and the others suffer from physical and mental pains all their life.

Some sort of immanent justice exist in the end.

I say let it ride.

You'll birth the next Hitler out of this.

Imagine being 19 n realizing you could've lived a normal life if your Groomer's needs weren't put before your own.

You can never experience sex.
You can never experience love with opposite sex.

Imagine living that life. You see all the others around you living a life that was stolen from you to appease someone else. Meanwhile you're told constantly it's what you wanted.

Hitler will rise once again from the ashes of the trans. Let me be known!!!