Turkish tv shows whiter than American

Why are Turkish tv shows whiter and aesthetically pleasing than American shows?

This is Love 101.


All of the characters are white and there are no degenerate blue haired actors, lgbt relationships or niggers

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Because in this country (((They))) control the media.

Because intersectional progressivism isn't the secular religion like in America

Because Turks like spics are white worshippers and obsessed with presenting themselves as white even if it doesn't accurately depict their real population

Those are the turk elites who make up little of the population. In all fairness, muttland have diversity quotas where mutts and nigs are put into tv shows.

Its a turkish trick to subvert white people via fake ass shows, they make em super cheap and available and they they go selam aleikum all the time until its normalized. If they used average turk noone would watch it outside of turkey.

in comparison, this is your typical american tv show

>white leading character? must be female
>love interest? must be a nigger
>some chink friends

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Yo, based?

Because no one wants to watch how Turks really look like.
TV is all about illusion

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>Those are the turk elites who make up little of the population
Just say Greeks, ever since ottomans got into Constantinople, elite of Constantinople conquered them because they knew how to run an empire. Without those greeks ottoman empire would newer be possible. I even saw Turks doing DNA tests and being pissed off when it came out as greek, saw it few times, hilarious.

Does that make you spic and nigger worshippers?

>looking for Alaska
What did they mean by that? Mutt education?

Turks look pretty normal to me. Not European but certainly Caucasoid.

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>nigger female lead
>white trans love interest
>the white male jock is a racist, sexist and homophobic
>the nigger male jock is a compassionate, loving and kind person
>the nerdy white supporting actor
>the fat intersectional latino supporting actress

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The antagonists are ALWAYS white in US series and movies. ALWAYS.

There can be a few black bad guys, but never only black bad guys, there must always be white bad guys if there is a single black bad guy.

Actual "from the steppe" Turks are Mongoloids, of which there are basically none in Turkey. "Turks" are caucasoid mutts almost entirely the same as what they were during the Byzantine period, if anything probably a little whiter because of all the imported Balkan Slavs

>Mutted Germans

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The reason this particular phenomenon exists is because in much of the Middle East, Asia and south east Asia is because white privilege definitely exists. Meaning the whiter your skin while still being part of that race or people, go to the top of their fields with greater ease. Just as skin whitening products are the biggest selling health products in places like Philippines and Thailand, actors and actresses who have whiter skin tones will be selected for roles, sometimes of mixed race of quarter mixed from a whiter country.

India is big on this to the extent that the average actor in any Bollywood film is nothing like an average Indian. Sometimes they are portrayed as whiter than Scandinavians with special affects also.

These countries still portray their “ideals” in their entertainment rather than the reality, and just as America has shifted to leftism and representing the reality, that is why American entertainment is filled with blue haired feminists and brown people.

That’s dumb since I’m pretty sure nobody but Turks and other brownoids watch them as it is. And Turks themselves wouldn’t watch it with the average Turk hence why they cast the way they do...in the interests of their own people first and and foremost.

Because cultural Marxism (=Satanism) hates beauty (=God's creation).

>India is big on this to the extent that the average actor in any Bollywood film is nothing like an average Indian.
That’s true for the average actor in literally any non-white country.

Nailed it.

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those are second generation turkroaches living in Germany you coping memeflag.

>TV shows

Cringe, and why do you even care about this? Faggot. Probably some Dutch queer.

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>TFW got a ridiculous crush on Turkish girl working in local kebab/pizza restaurant

Fair skinned girls with dark hair and eyes will be the bane of my purest white genes.

Probably because they choose the whiter looking turks who have more Europan ancestry, because as we know, white people are just better looking. Not very strange.

I've been to Turkey and felt far safer anywhere I went than in places like Chicago or LA. Super nice and friendly people. I'm probably the only faggot on this board who's traveled extensively within Turkey.

the blonde on the left looks like a hotter abbey cornish

Imagine being proud of this.


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I travel all over the place. I'm not proud, just giving my experience.

>America has shifted to leftism and representing the reality, that is why American entertainment is filled with blue haired feminists and brown people.
It isn't the reality though. It's just as much of an unreality as Indian dramas with all-white casts; the fact that mass media productions contain omnipresent blue-haired feminists, trannies, and interracial relationships reflects a self-conscious effort on the part of the production staff to create a world that doesn't exist
>"We've kind of got to tell a lie. We'll go back into history and there will be black people where, historically, there wouldn't have been, and we won't dwell on that.
"We'll say, 'To hell with it, this is the imaginary, better version of the world. By believing in it, we'll summon it forth'."

they only push that Frankfurt school disease on whites here. ever notice how when there's a little "tran-boy" faggot, it's always a white kid? because of his mentally diseased mother needs the social brownie points, and an emasculated dad who stands idly by can do nothing or he will have his entire life ruined. this has been a calculated move by the parenthesis people to destroy us

Because they pick the muslim assimilated Balkanites and Anatolians in order to appeal to Balkan/European markets.

a turk told me there are many blonde in Erdogan'sSlaveLandia

I've been to Turkey too. And what you saw at the tourist spots you went were probably other tourists.
If you had traveled away from the 1% of where the Turkish tourist places are, you would know how the real Turkey acctualy is.

Not to be contentious, but in Turkey fair features are particularly favored. Although I should say, there is little difference between them and other Mediterranean, any of those pics could have been taken in Spain, Italy or Greece, and people would believe them natives to those countries.

>i have no agency everything is the jews

They kidnap/buy them in the Ukraine and Moldova. As they did 300 years ago.

Erdogan the enemy of Europe, can suck a dick in hell with his migrant sending scum.

Turkey's maincity is a European city lol. Imagine that. Cucked. They couldn't even build their own. Constantinople is not Turkish.

Turks arnt white they cherry pick the whitest looking ones

in reality your average turk is a ottoman mutt

Turks has almost the same racial composition (Whites vs Non-Whites) as the JewSa

not a single person there is white

Because many Turks are genetically White Europeans forced to convert to islam due to invasions of eastern hordes.


- basically the core ethic of Anatolia before Asian Turkish tribe invasions. The were the same people as ancient Greeks who invented our civilization


- a Celtic tribe who settled dawn in North and Center Anatolia somewhere around 200-400 B.C. They were light skin, blond/brown hair and light eyes people. Even in current Turkey you can meet many blond/dark blond people who are direct descendants of those people.


A Caucasian Christian nations who have been living around for at least 2500-3000 years.

> Slavs

- during Bizantine Empire era emperors brought plenty of Slavic tribes from Balkan Penisula into Anatolia. Their descendants still live there today

I have traveled all over Turkey. One side to the other, small towns and rural areas. Outside of the tourist spots are the best places.

T*rks are obsessed with being white


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Western countries worship brownness. Everywhere else considers whiteness and fair skin to be the most attractive, like normal people.

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>basically the core ethic of Anatolia before Asian Turkish tribe invasions.

Anatolia has been populated by the same population of Near Eastern Farmers since the Neolithic. They were Hellenized through Alexander´s conquest. Saying that Anatolia was composed of Greeks is like saying Egypt was majority Greek during the Roman Empire.
Just because you speak a language, that does not make you part of an ethnic group.

Roosh is Iranian and Armenian

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What ever floats your goat.
Maybe we just have different interpretation of what "best places" actually mean to each other

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Aside from very rounded faces they are as white as most of the Southern Europeans are. If you do not count them as white you need to exclude Bulgarians, Portugalians, Spanish or Southern Italians as well.

Also: they look more middle eastern due to mass rapes performed by mongol and (Asian) Turkish hordes. Amongs Armenians there is a notion that most of their noble historical figures had blonde hairs and light skin.

Greeks had colonized all Western shores of Anatolia more then 2500 years ago. Basically half of the ancient Greek afairs took place in modern day West Turkey. During helenic period of Alexander ethnic colonisation of Anatolia accelerated while more and more Greek settlers populated those areas. Most of their descendants live here today.

It won't be for long because faggot Americans are making the show. If you allow US media companies in they will promote niggers and faggotry every chance they get.

no shit, that wasn’t OP’s point

not a single white person there

Yet still 10 times whiter then average American crowd.

Mexico does this too.

looks cringe

Turks arent insane
>pale skin=white
Stop just stop, turks have always been pale since they are steppe people you dumbfuck they only got darker due to mixing with Anatolian natives.

You seem to not be aware that you are replying to a Latin American mestizo, who is calling these people "not white" because he wants to fit into American culture

I, too, am blonde with blue eyed but into dark hair and dark eyes.
What is wrong with me? Somebody make a meme with the “my son...”