All the real men died in wars and now we live in a world shaped by 60's college faggots made for faggots

All the real men died in wars and now we live in a world shaped by 60's college faggots made for faggots.

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all according to the plan

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This is the fucking truth if it was ever written!

>Kikes hand picked the men conscripted to fight in WWII
The USA will carry your nigger asses through another historic era--because YOUR men are gone we still have some left.

>real men are lowIQ jarheads
Every war after Korea was just natural selection (except Panama and Grenada because that shit was nothing).

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Real wars were fought by retarded peasants ordered to march to their deaths to die for globohomo or imperialist agendas. Your idea of a 'gallant soldier' is a myth, exception being air-superiority fighter pilots and special forces before 1960's.

& fuck each other up the ass

Imagine being this much of a fat fucking pussy that can’t even do 20 push-ups thinking he has a right to speak about men that died fighting for their blood and soil.

Don't worry, there are still real men in Africa and Middle east. They'll come and take over your college faggot asses and you will go back into your manly utopia for men by men :^)

>60,000 dead
>in a country of well over 200 million at that point

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I do push ups in my plate carrier between lifting days, you retarded slob. I have no doubt I could break you in half.

The last time Americans fought for THEIR blood and THEIR soil was the civil war, and unfortunately the bad guys won.

Yankees are not Americans, WWII was pointless kike games, and the modern military is composed of mercenaries fighting for money, supported by even more mercenaries doing pogshit for even more money.

Pilots are the biggest faggots.
They kill ground troops by the dozens but have a whole lot of gay ass unwritten collaborationist rules between each other like don't shoot ejected pilots, don't finish off damaged planes, etc.
They are just one step behind drone operators in their fagginess.

>They'll come and take over your college faggot asses
Are you talking about buttrape?


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read my post again you vodka addled fuckup

Yay, the much anticipated daily B'Nai Brith goim recuitment thread.

-t. OIF veteran

Not all the men who go to war die user... We lost a good majority though.

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honestly this
my granpaw was in korea and served as NCO in nam, musta killed hundreds of gooks, and had 4 kids. these fags think quoting fight club or whatever fucking movie they watched is gonna reverse the fact that plenty of the fighting men survived to come home and make kids.
the real problem is that since the 20's, we've been doing the fighting in the wrong place because we've been scared of what repulsive faggots will do to our kids ever since the niggerloving sodomites of the so-called """union""" raped and murdered children on their ravenous campaign southward.

>WWII was pointless kike games
Japan killing thousands of Hawaiians was pointless, neither was the Manhattan Project. You're right about the Civil War but Japan and Germany had plans to invade America regardless of the outcome of our civil war.

I just wanted to hear Morgoth say Peckinpah with frens

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Hawaii is a shithole and is not American. We have no business retaining hawaii, or having been there in the first place. It should have been cut loose like the philippines.

German invasion of the USA would have been a blessing, because it would have resulted in the expulsion of jews.

Japanese invasion would have been fantastic, because then California would have never have happened.

WWII is a creation myth for globohomo NWO faggots, and a transparent lie.

Nukes are cool and I am glad we got a chance to disintegrate some nips in hellfire, but firebombing was still more effective and just as destructive.

Aye, my genetics has a mix of warrior, farmer, and hunter. This place is overwhelmed by europoors circlejerking america hate. Most of them are niggers and have never been here--they just set up b8 threads while their pathetic discord pack trolls retard tier white america hate.

>we should have been invaded by krauts and japs, fuck yeah dude
You don't sound very American.

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>denial and lack of self-awareness - the post

Not true, my grand-grand father came from war as a decorated war hero because he wrecked bunch of krauts and was later dragged from the battlefield after getting wounded from a grenade. Lost hand and ended up with severely disfigured face but that still didn't stop him from marrying a literal qt3.14 wife and have a bunch of kids.

I still carry these chad genes with other males directly in my lineage doing some pretty rad fighting or crisis response as army fags. Eat shit PTSD baby.

Real men like the Bolsheviks

fuck off boomer

yes goyim die in my wars that will make you a man

>stolen valor LARPing
>making this post
oof, yikes.

>The feel you'll never be able to get a hard on listening to Canned Heat while firing an m60 at rice farmers cause MUH DEMOCRACY!

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>This place is overwhelmed by europoors
This. Anyone who can claim some valor from the WW2 theater of war in Europe is UK, Krauts and Ex-USSR. The rest was bunch of collaborating pussified faggots and remain so to this day. Those who weren't faggots were probably some guerilla war fags who got inevitable wrecked and only few of them survived. The drop of worthy warrior blood doesn't change ocean full of faggots.

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>ZOGbot talking thinking anyone will take him seriously
>Thinks putting his life at risk for rich Jews is "valor"
Read Smedley Butler's book, "War is a Racket." He was the most popular general in the US.
This post isn't for you, it's for the young person you're trying to dupe.

>You don't sound very American.
Killing Europeans to make the world safe for commies and kikes isn't very American, either, douchebag.

Hello teenage trolls: do you want to know how I can tell you're both 12?


Lol, I'm 40 but I'll play. How?

post physique, fatass Yas Forumsmutt

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>Displays the IQ of a 12 year old
Ah, I see: you're a cunt. That explains why you're so willing to man bash american males with the foreign niggers.

You're literally hating on american males: There is a short list of people that would do that and that list doesn't include white, male, adults living in america.

Ackshully, the only people who die in wars are the lower classes. Them procreating wouldn't have exactly saved the world today. If anything, wars cull garbage genetics.

I'm criticizing an institution that causes massive amounts of suffering and grief to American males (I am an American male), even those who would rather not be involved with it.
I think I'm much smarter than you. How old are you? I gave you my age truthfully.

>You're literally hating on american males
who the fuck are you kidding that doesn exist anymore
you don't live in a jewlywood movie idiot, everyone in the US is fat and dumb hell statistically you're probably morbidly obese
son of warrior my ass

>OP talks about no good men left
>You're talking about some vapid institution not mentioned anywhere by anyone except you

You're not even on topic--which is why I keep pointing out that you're a retard. You're also a liar or you hate yourself. The thread has nothing to do with any institution: not only are you a retard, you seem to be barely literate.

Re read the OP then go back to lying to people on reddit.

>Retarded comment
Post in store prices leaf.

>Proceed to post a retarded meme
Retarded comment you said.

>Killing Europeans
Nazis were killing Europeans left and right and Japan isn't European.

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Hello cunt--I know you're a roastie over 30 who has no use to society anymore. Your envy of American males is obvious.
Seeth harder as you fade into obscurity. You wouldn't know a real man if he field stripped a deer to feed his family right in front of you.

if you think someone is breaking the rules, report it.

t. basedboy who has never been in a fight

Like i said. Morbidly fat and stupid. The average mutt. If anyone had any doubt all the good man died in the 2 world war and the civil war there you have it.
The average mutt in his natural habitat. A delusional world where he make up all the shit he want and believe it. A jewlywood movie made just for him where he's the stars.
So full of himself no matter the bullshit he says he think he's fundamentally right even when wrong.
Disconnected from reality, living upside down.
Freedom is slavery, ignorance is straight war is peace. The hymn of the mutt.

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OP refers to the people who died in wars as "real men" qualifying their manhood by virtue of their military status. Clearly the institution of the military, which runs numerous recruitment threads on this site on a daily basis, is central to the OP.
Practice reading comprehension yourself.
No, I was a command group driver and a communications repairman. I also told people to read a well-known book. Are you afraid someone might read it?

>OP: all the good men are gone
Me, naw, America has some left
>Roastie comes in

Seeth harder roastie--the biggest demographic to use "mutt" other than niggers is cunts like you. Keep being a pathetic man hater tho.

Trump supporters are uneducated shitbagz who unironically vote against their own economic class interests

More importantly they vote against their racial interests as well.

Holy shit retard--they were conscripted. That's the point you completely missed you low brow public educated retard.

They hand selected men durring WWII and murdered them.

I'm not clicking your link. Why don't you man up and answer me directly?

>No, I was a command group driver and a communications repairman.
stop lying on the internet you dumb fucking faggot
>conscription means you have to fight or you are executed
maybe in LARP g*rmany but in america you can easily run away if you're a terrified little bitch

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

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Are you implying that there is a difference between "conscription" (where there are numerous ways to evade it for the well-heeled) and the present "volunteer" system whereby white peasants are kept in a generational bubble devoid of opportunity, grow up in de-industrialized towns, and have no better option than to enlist? I don't see much of a difference.

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>if you're a terrified little bitch
Takes more balls to tell your government to go fuck yourself if you get threatened with jailtime if you don't. Also fear and bravery are only one aspect of it, the other aspect is intelligence and stupidity.

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It's no lie. I did my basic at Ft. Sill (hear that train, pri? That's the AWOL train), my AIT at Ft. Gordon, my perm party was Ft. Bragg, and I deployed to Iraq in April of 2003 and returned in April 2004.
I'm able to spend so much time on Yas Forums because I'm rated at 100% disability and receive SSD and full VA bennies. I'm eminently qualified to discuss this issue.

>Men be degenerating n' sheet!

Paranoid retards like you have been saying that since the time of fucking Homer, who in the Iliad insists that the ancient Greeks of 800BC were wimps compared to the herculean chads who fought the Trojan war.

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Enter thread. Hover.

>1 post by this ID

Every response in this thread is cancer

I know a place
Where you're all going to go
They'll pay you to kill
If You're eighteen years old
First You'll need a haircut
And then some new clothes
They'll stick you in a jungle
To play G.I. Joe
You fight for democracy
And the "American Way"
But you're not in your country
"What am I doing here?" you say
But now it's too late
You're entering Managua
If you had brought your surfboard
You could surf Nicaragua

Ancaps are the literal worst.

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I'm not implying anything. You just cant read like a proper adult should be able to.
>WWII wasn't a random conscription: they were hand selected
>Vietnam was random but still had the draft

>Wars kill good men.
>Not all the men killed in wars were there voluntarily.
keep it coming retard--I'm almost done with my coffee tho which means I'm out of time for mocking stupid people like you.

>le jet fighters and british commandos
your faggot ass wouldn't pass boot AIT under tranny minimums

Except you're morbidly fat and stupid.
I'm a 34 years old men not a roastie. You just project what you hate. I bet you fear woman.
peoples who mass reply should be perma banned but you're a turkroach so you should be anyway