Surrender Your Guns & Stay Inside

>"we're here to weld you into your house, goy"

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Problem is those people are also goys.

>those people
take a closer look

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why do they all look so fat and weird ?

>looks like a boy
not gonna lie, id fuck her

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What a fucking embarrassment our military is.
They probably all take nigger cocks in their ass.

I'm supposed to believe those dumpy numpties are going to put everyone in FEMA camps and take their guns?

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>mutts law
why user?

>wanted to go into ocs
>studied military literature my whole life
>physically prepare for years
>these are the people I would be leading
what the fuck is the point

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I could beat the living shit out of every single one of those women.
Only in peaceful times are women allowed in the military, watch them all run when war comes.

Too many houses not enough welders
Have everyone put cotton in their ears and shit on the cos porches
Should confuse them enough that they give up.

All female.

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Because they minds have been thoroughly judeized


USA is Israel's bitch

That's the NG. All my military , ex military, and prep people are wrecking them on a daily basis on every forum.
>the NG cope is bragging about records they hold while the real soldiers actually do something

Are those special forces?

>>these people
what the fuck you say, cracka?!

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>watch them all run when war comes.

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>special forces

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>all run when war comes.

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Looks fun to be honest, wish I could get paid playing airsoft with my bros.

I just want be an officer for a country and people I love lads, is that too much to ask?

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I dont live in a commieblock so how the fuck are you gonna weld me in?

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>surrender your guns
They aren't here to take your guns. Just stay inside and you won't have to deal with them.
It's not permanent and you faggots are overreacting.
You've got nothing to worry about as long as you aren't acting like a retarded nigger.

Looks like Air Farce security dorks, patrolling the wild west ofIowa or wherever the hell they put missiles.

Could be worse. thank God Trump outlawed trannies in the US military

Bundeswehr however...

Security forces PSD is a fucking joke...
All the real vips had fucking men in black with P90s and MP7s. Got to spend a lot of time with them at the smoke pit, funny as fuck group of guys.

You done alright kid.
Anyway don't interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake

I’m gonna go fuck a bitch today I’m not staying in some house all day

>You've got nothing to worry about

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They're all overweight or underweight. Either way they're all out of shape. How far can these bitches run? God I wonder if they could even defend themselves against a group of rag tag private US militiamen. Is that a nuclear silo they're protecting in the background? Horrible, absolutely horrible.

This is what happens when women aren't put to the same standards as men. I've seen the same shit in our military here, only thing is they often undeservedly get the high ranking, cosy jobs because their minimum qualifications are 1/5th of the mens.

>Got to spend a lot of time with them
POG faggot reply

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Yes pog, would never claim not to be.
t. Former SF fag

I'm a Marine SEAL Parajumper

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Cowabunga it is

But how do you weld a wooden door, or a vinyl window sill. You can only effectively weld in the soubous in shitty commieblocks.

Choice. How bad was SUTAS? I wanna go back ;-;

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A bunch of fat, women most likely unable to operate in full kit for more than a couple hours. Don’t worry boys y’all will be fine

>we're going to weld you in your house
Lol k

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you tell me, head subverter shlomo

this is the stuff of fetish porn, not a fucking military

Mandatory "vaccinations" next

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Pregnancies increase by 600%

"if you've done nothing illegal, you've got nothing to worry about"
"walking around, owning guns, and joking about coloreds are all illegal now."

Gay and retarded and glowy as all heck

how many raids against al-qaeda have you done?

You can still go to Oklahoma cooking school. You won't be Patton leading trained killer warriors into battle unless you go SF.

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That must be a military high school.

You could lead them into their certain death and get a promotion for it.

Holy fuck that can't be real. I have never seen pogier pogs than that hoky shit.

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>That must be a military high school.
oh, user
you're so cute

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If I remember correctly I read that photo was a graduating class at west point...

In the past my plan was to enlist as an officer in the Air Force after college. But recently I've been thinking maybe I'm better off staying in the private sector.

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>the one on the left looks either constipated or confused.

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>maybe I'm better off staying in the private sector.

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The europoors laughed at our wooden houses. Now how will they escape their welded homes while I make my way out with nothing more than a hammer?

Marines tried to recruit me out of highschool(all branches did cause I took the asvab and scored well) the only reason they interested me was they require combat training. But other then that they seem to be lacking compared to every branch but the Navy. Who actually came to my school and pulled me out of class specifically to try to recruit me lmao. Despite me trying to get out of it.

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>Marines tried to recruit me

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Nah, the fat one on the right could cosplay that ice bitch from Overwatch. I'd fuck her good if she puts on some blue tights.

That guy's too white to be an American.

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They tried to recruit me too and everyone acted like it was our duty, I almost signed up. I have a high asvab and I almost did infantry because they talked that shit up so much.

I went to college and got an MS instead and make good money the entire time while 3 of my friends got traumatized and are dirt poor now and do weird shit like wake up and choke their wife while they have flashbacks.

SF hasnt meant shit since 2001
bunch of fags who got lucky, or had ranger packets filled out 8 or 9 times because they kept falling out.
It's harder than ever but SF has never been dumber or less combat ready
Dont believe me, see what happened in Niger when the dumb fucking roided out CO decided to stop a whole convoy to return fire on an enemy with unknown capabilities and unknown numbers.
My 15 year old neighbor wouldnt make a mistake so fucking stupid.

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