I don't understand Christianity. It's illogical. Christianity is basically liberalism. It's probably a corrupted religion.
>forgive others for their sins or God won't forgive you
>except for this list, for those things you must punish
I don't understand Christianity. It's illogical. Christianity is basically liberalism...
Other urls found in this thread:
Jewish desert superstition. Less than worthless
I don't actually mind Christianity for the most part - except this shell of its former self it has become. I just don't believe in it.
>Christianity is basically liberalism
Wrong way around; liberalism, SJWism etc are corrupted forms of Christianity. It uses Christian ethics but without an afterlife.
>It's probably a corrupted religion.
How so?
>>except for this list, for those things you must punish
What list?
Its this, christianity is spiritual communism, bottom of the pyramid
Jesus died for ALL. You are covered bro. If you believe that your current life will be changed. If you don't, you will still be saved but your life will continue on the same way it is until you believe. Everyone will be resurrected at Judgement and at that time EVERY knee will bow. It's all good user
Christians are fucking cucks, and their cult destroyed Rome. Imagine worshipping dead jew on a stick
>forgive others for their sins or God won't forgive you
Luke 17:3 says to forgive them IF they repent.
If someone doesn't repent then, as 1 Corinthians 5:11 says, "ou are not to associate with anyone who claims to be a believer yet indulges in sexual sin, or is greedy, or worships idols, or is abusive, or is a drunkard, or cheats people. Don’t even eat with such people."
See This egalitarian bullshit is extremely similar to liberalism.
Other similarities
>All White men are born with the sin of racism
>All humans are born with the sin of some lady eating a fruit whish is bad for some reason.
>Only by accepting the tenants of liberalism can you absolve yourself of the Original sin of racism
>Only by accepting Jesus Christ can you absolve yourself of the sin of some chick eating a fruit which is bad for some reason.
>End Goal; Universal, egalitarian utopia
>End Goal; Universal, egalitarian utopia (in a golden cube)
>officially renounces violence. Actually supports violence against racists.
>officially renounces violence. Actually supports violence against heretics.
>Everyone who doesn't agree with me is a racist
>Everyone who doesn't agree with me is a heretic.
>It's probably a corrupted religion.
Imperfect thinking is imperfect. Someday everyone will be perfect. We're all gonna make it
The morals and philosophy underlying Christianity are very logical, however not always easy to comprehend because it's both a very individualistic while at the same time promoting the sacrifice of the self for your brothers and sisters. Although seemingly contradictory on the surface, it becomes much clearer with study and practice.
The problem most people run into is the fact that there is a lot of bad, misleading, and downright antithetical theology being propigated by laymen, preachers, and popes alike. Human beings just can't help but to corrupt our own shit for any number of reasons, particularly ego. I know many Christians will crucify me for saying this, but I don't believe that not all of what was taught by Paul to be particularly logical or sound theology, not to discredit it all. It just is him being an ego driven human, like all of us.
I digress, if you want to learn, the Bible gives us all a starting point that is very very often set aside in this modern age, "The FEAR of the Lord is the begining of Wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."
You must know why this is true to really understand the rest of the philosophy. The next step after that is the book of Job. If you want to learn, it's all there, knock, and it shall be opened to you.
Universalist, egalitarian, utopianism
Someday, everyone will live in a communist utopia too and everyone will have free everything.
You're delusional.
Religion is fake.
Race is real. You can demonstrate it scientifically. And races are not equal and never will be.
every ones a pussy, no one is prepared to fight for what is right, violence is not evil in its self, it is virtuous and
Godly when used as the servant of justice. stand up and fight for your rights, ------GOD WILLS IT------
start by kicking every one out of government positions who do not confess christs birth death and Resurrection. re-education
camps for commies, and fags, prison for thieves, execution for people who have sex with pre pubescent kids, murderers or
opioid dealers
George Washington didn't say no need for a country, he got the feudal monarchy out, and built a Constitutional Democratic Federal Republic government. we are
facing the same problem but on a global level. there is a difference between Constitutional Democratic Federal Republic and feudalism, the trillion air elites
are creating a world feudal system with no moral guide, pushing lgbt, vaccines, abortion, hell is rising up around us, the UN
is taking control with the world health organization, creating the beast system in the bible, global pandemics, 5g, human
microchips, brain chips, artificial intelligence, drones, robots, population control, the push for global carbon tax to be paid
to a central government etc etc. the only way to fix the problem is create the kingdom of heaven, a world federal government
that is pro life, marriage, family, free speech, the right to own arms. as well as anti degeneracy, i.e anti gay, anti abortion,
anti communism, anti racist, anti drug and alcohol abuse, and has fixed national borders to control disease, immigration etc
free market capitalism is awesome but with out a global commodity backed currency, global anti trust laws, global corporate
tax rates and global law forcing companies to share a set amount of profit after expenses with employees. it will continue
to fail as monopolies like big tech companies etc take control and run slave factories in the 3rd world.
we must have a world supreme court to enforce international corporate law, or war will never stop, yet we don't want
a global emperor, so we need to create a world federation with elected representatives from a pool of people who must
qualify being held to the highest standards of human endeavor.all polatitions become corupt lying, theivs, we all know this. and the soluton is to hold them accountable.
--here is a short list of the degenerate sinful behavior they should be removed from office for-- murder, assault,
abortion, adultery, homosexuality, fornication, sexual vice of any kind outside of marriage under God, theft of all
kinds, extortion, back biting, slander, lying, false testimony, idolatry, using the lords name in vain, hatred of
people instead of their sin, dishonoring parents, non-prescribed drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gambling, begging, cruelty
to animals even more cruelty to man, membership of secret societies, other religious orders, shamanism, cultural
sorcery, witch craft, ancestor worship, partisan politics, other political orders, racialism, any collective that
unifies around race, nationalism, communism and any other spiritual practice or collective center of unity other than
Gods Kingdom
the legislative, executive, and tribunal branches of government. must have laws that combat, over centralized power
and tyranny such as nepotism, oligarchs, despotism, and regulates the spirit freeing creative power of capitalism while
protecting the rights of the workers and producing welfare for the poor and needy. with upward mobility of money from
the grass roots level where taxes are paid to local communities first. instead of being paid nationally with downward
mobility from ivory towers who are out of touch with community needs. and local government must have power over their own
by laws with limited interference from federal over reach. each locality must have a house of worship, orphanage, pilgrims
house, hospital, pharmacy, and university,
specializing in its local industries, ie farming for farming town, mining
for mining towns etc. to ensure the citizens prosperity., hail victory, God wills it
Well yeah, because liberalism is just Christianity without God, focused on this life.
but I am most curious about the mention of it being a corrupted religion, but Suomibro isn't here now sadly
It's good if you're trying to get bronze-age people to form a functioning society.
When one tries to apply it universally however...
(applies equally to Liberalism)
Bible is hard to understand, but God of the Bible is the real God. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you.
yes this, ask jesus to reveal himself to you
You forget that Christianity is what made Europe strong
When Rome fell, Europe was in shambles and civilization was at it's lowest point
Then after 1,016 years of inventions, wars, disease, invasions, revolts, etc; Christopher Columbus managed to re-discover and more importantly KEEP the New World and Europe soon conquered it and shaped it into what it is today, and then those colonies broke off and while most of them aren't the best, one colony stood out among the rest, the United States of America, one nation, under God. And then take over the world
And what was the religion behind all of it? Christianity.
Not islam, not talmudism, but Christianity
The Jews hate christianity because it managed to actually get the rest of the world while they had to resort to trickery and subversion, hence the shit we have today
>Christianity is basically liberalism.
> and their cult destroyed Rome
Sodomy and corruption destroyed Rome.
Christianity is against both.
I don't disagree with what you're saying at all. I'm saying that ALL will be saved from their sins and become sinless at Judgement. If someone believe this, they become a "Christian".
corrupted because it doesn't make sense
Liberalism came like 1700 years later after christianity.
Rome fell due to invasions by our Barbaric ancestors and due to the weight of her immense corruption, apathy, degeneracy, and weak leadership
I mean I don't necessarily disagree with what you're saying but can you be a little more specific?
helps if you learn the bible the proper way and not the way people who just want your money preach it.
Bible is extremely complex book.
This guy is a true christian preaching truth.
>true christian
>I don't understand Christianity. It's illogical. Christianity is basically liberalism. It's probably a corrupted religion.
>>forgive others for their sins or God won't forgive you
>>except for this list, for those things you must punish
Punishment does not negate forgiveness,
>that pic
You need jesus Simo
Christianity is a thrice "corrupted" religion
1. Christianity is just a heretical sect of Judaism. I say "heretical" not as a judgement but as a statement of fact. Like how Mormonism is a heretical sect of Christianity.
2. Judaism is itself a compilation of the pagan beliefs of the Babylonians, Egyptians, and Canaanites with all the other gods edited out and sloppily replaced with Yahweh.
3. Christianity itself has evolved a lot since its inception and has absorbed many of the European pagan beliefs and traditions (as well as the pagan traditions of every race that has adopted it).
Most of the traditions that we like to think of as wholesome are just copies of European traditions. The way we celebrate Christmas, Easter, and many of the little details are all European pagan in origin.
So it is a thrice "corrupted" religion.
And again, when I say that, I am actually complimenting it. I *like* that Christianity is "corrupted" by European paganism. That makes it tolerable. Christianity without paganism is a boring, soulless, and bureaucratic desert cult. With paganism, it is actually quite cozy.
Don't fall prey to wordism.
Just because the word liberalism didn't exist before the 1700s doesn't mean it didn't exist.
Pray tell me, why do kikes and commies hate christianity so much if it's just part of their scheme?
because you can't make sense of something it is corrupt?
Not sure that's how it works.
For example one thing I've been thinking about. Something can be a sin, and yet punishing that person can also be a sin at the same time. How is something a sin if it doesn't have consequences, and a lot of times those consequences might be actions of other people. This seems to be inherent in liberalism too. Allow certain actions, like clockwork other actions follow, but punish those instead.
This is like claiming that the Republican party is a Revolutionary, anti-Zionist organization because most kikes hate it.
Jews use existing institutions to advance their goals. They didn't invent the Republicans or Christianity* (*Christianity in its present form evolved a lot since Saul to be unrecognizable). Instead, they use them to advance their interests through the power of ethnocentric networking and propaganda.
Read the works of Dr. William Pierce for more details on how and why.
justice is a meme you brainwashed npc, there is only power
>With paganism, it is actually quite cozy.
That's pretty true, I don't even dislike Christians as the whole - just SJW type ones, open borders types, etc
No idea tbqh
Paul's theologically correct, he was just kind of an asshole about it. St Paul is early Christianity's version of Yas Forums
>talks about getting Yas Forums as an anology for salvation
>women stay in your lane
>is self hating assimilated jew (daily reminder that Yas Forums is the most diverse group of antisemites in the world)
>judaizers can fuck off
St Paul is based
>Religion is fake.
Religion is very real user. You just think God is fake
get saved frens
You do not understand Christianity. Jesus died to forgive everyone of their sins. There is no prerequisite of forgiving others first. The unpardonable sin is rejecting Christ. If you do not accept Jesus The Christ then you will not make it.
You don't understand Christianity because you're not looking at Christianity, you're looking at a strawman. We forgive others if they repent, and we forgive them not because then God will forgive us, but because He has already forgiven us through Christ. Christianity is anchored on a historical event 2000 years ago. Read Case for Christ for babby's first look at the evidence for Christ's mission that Jews and atheists in the academic field try their damnest to jew up. Read Mere Christianity for babby's first look at a non retarded worldview. Read The Everlasting Man for a real nigga talk about the whole thing. Read the new testament, then the old testament and the new testament again. Then read Augustine, Aquinas, Calvin, Edwards, Chesterton once you've more or less gotten a grip on the above basics. If you only read one, read The Everlasting Man. There's not a single book out there that's that level of real nigga talk, touches on real, tangible pragmatic worldview issues
I've asked a thousand times, no response yet
It's really quite simple;
Do into others as you would have them do into you
Love God and everything (good and bad) that he's provided.
If you're especially faggy you can get away with only doing the first one.
God doesn't want anything from you, all he expects is that you do your best given your circumstances.
Wholesome meme
the Christianity we have today has been heavily corrupted after the jews created the catholic church
I am with you on that.
I know what is wrong with Christianity. But my primary goal is the preservation of my race so if Christianity could be used to advance this important goal, I would be all for it.
My belief is that the primary goal is the overthrow of the Zionist Regime. After this, and ONLY after this, we can seize control of the mass media apparatus and begin healing the minds of our people. And just as the jews used the power of the MSM to edit Christianity to suit their purposes, so too can White Revolutionaries use the MSM to edit it to suit ours.
This is not a new concept, Christianity has always been edited by governments to promote the interests of the elite.
You know what I mean when I say "religion" I'm referring to specific sets of belief.
Actually, I do not say that God is fake because I simply do not know. Maybe the universe if God. Maybe there are 22 Gods who simply don't care about mankind. All I know is that the current form of Christianity and Judaism and islam are impossible.
>Something can be a sin, and yet punishing that person can also be a sin at the same time.
This depends on whether the punishment is proportional and just.
>How is something a sin if it doesn't have consequences,
All sins have consequences, even if they aren't apparent at the time. Take a coomer for example. He will probably end up emotionally destroying the women in his life because of his cooming.
> and a lot of times those consequences might be actions of other people. This seems to be inherent in liberalism too. Allow certain actions, like clockwork other actions follow, but punish those instead.
Can you give an example of this? You lost me.
Liberalism is secularized christian ethics.
>There is no prerequisite of forgiving others first.
I didn't make that up, I've seen it somewhere. Yeah I said first sentence I don't understand Christianity, if you do good for you.
You're not wrong
Tell me about Catholicism.
>This is like claiming that the Republican party is a Revolutionary, anti-Zionist organization because most kikes hate it.
Only American kikes hate it desu, Israeli likes are all about it, whereas almost all kikes consistently hate christianity
>Jews use existing institutions to advance their goals.
>They didn't invent the Republicans or Christianity*
> (*Christianity in its present form evolved a lot since Saul to be unrecognizable).
This actually isn't true, if you are talking about Catholicism or Orthodoxy
>Instead, they use them to advance their interests through the power of ethnocentric networking and propaganda.
True. They do try to infiltrate institutions and twist them to their own ends. See the Episcopalians as a reference, and to a lesser extent, Catholicism.
>No prerequisite
>Must believe
Choose one
>Can you give an example of this? You lost me.
For example women's rights and freedoms that didn't exist in the past. You give women those rights and freedoms like clockwork a bunch of shit happens, but then you punish those people instead. Dressing immodestly for example.
>protestant country
>I don't understand christianity!!!!
yes obviously
>listen to this fingol
I'm an a muslim that will soon convert to christ because I just found out the bible is the real God. You can actually become more of man than what Islam offers and its blind idolization of Mohamed.
You don't understand it because you've been brainwashed with naturalism, materialism, consumerism, pornography, nihilism and every other evil philosophy since the 18th century.
>For example women's rights and freedoms that didn't exist in the past. You give women those rights and freedoms like clockwork a bunch of shit happens, but then you punish those people instead. Dressing immodestly for example.
Which people are getting punished? Who is doing the punishing? The women/God? Sorry, in still a bit confused as to what you are getting at. I think I have an answer for you, but I just want to be clear myself first
>christian ethics
Such as beating your slaves is only wrong if they die within 2 days of the beating. Inb4 "the old testament doesnt count ss the word of god". Never once in the bible does it say that slavery is immoral or wrong to own another human being so property.
I bet you think christianity invented the golden rule too. Fucking idiot.
I bet you're a nigger incapable of understanding how the world worked before the industrial revolution and machinery.
Based meds. Even American Catholics have a hard time with this. I know I did.
>its too mysterious and you're not special enough like me to understand 2000 year old literal superstition!
We have logical reasoning now, and nobody did back then when the book was written. I'd ask you to reflect on that but it seems pretty evident that you're anti-logical reasoning as fuck.
Slavery isn't a big deal in a Christian society
I want to believe in an afterlife and a supreme being, but find it hard to believe some all powerful all knowing God would get sad if you say 'fuck niggers' a few times. Even your typical boss at work knows you're slacking and doesn't give a shit, would an immortal, infinite IQ creator really give a fuck?
Do you think this is right?
Do you say,
‘My righteousness is more than God’s’?
For you say,
‘What advantage will it be to You?
What profit shall I have, more than if I had sinned?’
"I will answer you,
And your companions with you.
Look to the heavens and see;
And behold the clouds—
They are higher than you.
If you sin, what do you accomplish against Him?
Or, if your transgressions are multiplied, what do you do to Him?
If you are righteous, what do you give Him?
Or what does He receive from your hand?
Your wickedness affects a man such as you,
And your righteousness a son of man"
Job 35: 2-8 Nkjv
Then go read John 8: 1-12, that's the "he who is without sin cast the first stone" passage. Then go read Matthew 7, all of for good measure.
The point is that there is NO victimless sin, we are either hurting/lowering/corrupting someone else or ourselves, in fact, that's the definition of sin. Sin is not arbitrary. The second thing is that the commandments and standards of behavior (morals) that have been laid out are perfection. We ARE capable, of perfection, but in reality no one IS perfect, we all struggle, and to Judge someone with a perfect measure (the morals and commandments laid out in the Bible) when we are ourselves not perfect is hubris. We should focus on ourselves, our own sins, HOWEVER, that's not to say we should be tolerant of sin, as Matthew 7 points out. We can point out other people's sins, but don't be quick to Judge and condemn.
Slavery isn't immoral.
Islam > Cuckstianity
Is jailing someone wrong? What's the difference between slavery and jailing someone? Is that difference where the immoralality is? Honestly confused. Is indentured servanty immoral?
Christian society is garbage. Secular society is superior. No society will thrive when its laws and principles are built on the foundations of belief in literal superstition, reinforced by fear of punishment for if anybody catches you not believing hard enough.
>Never once in the bible does it say that slavery is immoral or wrong to own another human being so property.
Lmao, the legal relationship between two human beings has nothing to do with how they treat each other. You are right. Christianity doesn't condemn slavery outright because it isn't inherently wrong. It's just the most corruptible institution as regards the soul of the slaveowner.
What are you asking precisely and why / how ?
12 years ago Yas Forums had more atheists
I think a lot of the fuckers who are here now are Jordan Peterson sycophants who bought his bullshit. For a community that prides itself on swallowing redpills, they sure like to bluepill themselves into spiritual slavery
Christfags mad
>Secular society is superior.
How's that working out for you bubs?
Great answer
Nah, I was already Christian when I got here, and fuck Peterson, with his liberal self help individualist bullshit.
>hurr durr what is the big deal about owning another human being as property?
Go live as a slave for 7 years and find out. You have no human rights, you dont get any privileges, nobody will help you if you're being mercilessly beaten, you have no authority or autonomy over yourself, you WILL be beaten a lot for making mistakes or just arbitrarily so you know your place, not allowed to do anything with any family that might be associated with you, and you're not allowed to complain. The rules are entirely dictated by the slave owners and whatever those rules are you have to obey 100% or else spooky man in the sky will punish you ooOooOoOoo
Yes and Israeli kikes supposedly hate communism. They even supplied the Mujahadin with anti-aircraft weapons.
Look, trying to determine whether an ideology or thing is based or not based on alleged kike opinion is dubious. Shitlib anti-racists often say
>"You anti-semites are so wrong because you say that jews created communism but look at all these Jewish bankers, capitalists, and libertarians"
Then cuckservative anti-racists say
>"You anti-semites are so wrong because you say that jews use capitalism to exploit us but look at all these Jewish communist ideologues."
Do kikes hate Christianity, most do. But they hate Islam way more. Is that based? They even hate niggers and Arabs. But then, there are few things on planet earth that jews like other than their creations. Jews even hate jews. Ever talked to a kike about jewish women? They hate them more than we do.
>This actually isn't true, if you are talking about Catholicism or Orthodoxy
Absolutely untrue. Catholicism has changed to such a degree as to be unrecognizable to Catholics of the 11th century.
I am no expert on Orthodox Christians so I'll refrain from making a statement. Maybe they're identical to Greek Orthodox of the 11th century. But they are certainly different from the Christianity of Saul.