Why do women struggle in politics?

They are attractive and have higher IQs. Why hasn't their been a female president?

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Yas Forumstards basically.

OMG THAT STUPID CUNT DID THIS BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. Everything that everyone does who isn't a white, heterosexual man is bad. Everything a white, heterosexual man does is good, even if it's completely stupid. People will sit here and talk about how white families on welfare are "just leveling the playing field" then call black people degenerates for doing the same shit.

Because no one is more redpilled on women than other women

Because attractive and intelligent women do not pursue politics

Find Jesus.

people like you remind me why I'm a racist.

Shut up nigger

stop posting this plastic shovel faced whore

There are no attractive women in politics

What this guy said. The rest of the people are here are just people who came out as losers in the contemporary game of life, practically the niggers on slaveships of their fantasy days.

Nobody read that

>Why hasn't their been a female president?
Women know better than to vote for a woman.

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obvious bot obvious

survival of the fittest

Cause your meme is a lie. And youre a liar

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>Doesn't look like anything to me at all.

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(((Discord))) banned the Yas Forums server, get in the new one bros
discordb gg kjGsbrW

that fucking red shit she rubs on her cheeks makes her look like she's got high blood pressure, what an ugly cunt

Can we stop using this bitches image and go back to the pink haird bitch? At least she can make my dick stand up.

Incredibly Low IQ post

Fucking ugly overrated normie women for normies. Kill yourself, OP.

Yas Forums blown the fuck out

>. People will sit here and talk about how white families on welfare are "just leveling the playing field" then call black people degenerates for doing the same shit.
Nigger the point is the RATE of welfare usage. Whites are net contirbutors while blacks/shitskins are net takers. Whites can sustain and pay for their brethren who can't make it, we can't do that AND pay for all the niggers and shitskins who can't hack it.

Gregarism. Women are genetically coded to have no opinions of their own and follow the herd. That's why they get brainwashed so easily by social justice and shit.

women live in a world that is 100% socially constructed.
for them, the only difference between "possible" and "impossible" is building consensus.
this makes them overconfident and incompetent in political matters. when an initiative fails they just blame others for not falling in line, and never consider the inherent constraints imposed by nature (human and otherwise).

>they have higher IQs
Statistically speaking they do not

Bad bait, castrate yourself.

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The higher IQ that a woman has, the more empathetic and emotional they are. Most woman cannot handle politics emotionally, and very rarely rise to the top. This is why Men dominate.

Pick one and only one.

Stupid post, and I bet that one in your pic would look terrible without all that makeup. The key is finding a girl that doesn't need to paint their face to be pretty. Don't fall for these fake hags

Women have an inherrent lack in politics, that is, women despise the abstract concept of ideology. They are social beings that spend most of their life turned towards others. Whereas based men (not the brainlet jock type) is more focused on the object, whether that be the state, a football game they watched or the book he read. Rare are female gems that are introverted in the real sense. These are the perfect mate, intelligent and not obsessed with inter-personal contact.

Women are great for lowlife politics, where loads of practical shit is done with loads of people. Politics which asks for much more theory is hard for them to grasp. Men lead the society because of biology, but after all the life revolves around the woman. The whole point of higher politics is the protection of biological interests of a group.

suck my aryan monster cock nigger

Matter of fact she looks like shit WITH all the makeup. Imagine her without it. At least post some attractive chick. Also girls mostly just follow whatever opinions alpha males tell them to follow. Most are easily brainwashed

Find Auschwitz.

>have higher IQs
Nope. They have more uniform IQs, more of them are of average intelligence. Males have more idiots and geniuses. The fact that the media focuses more on idiots is why this preconception exists.
As for attractiveness, you can't really run for president when you're under 40, and by that point any woman would have hit the wall.
I seriously hope none of you guys would vote with your dicks. Who am I kidding...


How many more times am I going to have to see this thot in clown makeup

>Statistically speaking they do not
No actually, statistically the average woman has a higher IQ than the average man, but there are less high iq women then men.

Attractive latinas do exist. She isn't one of them.

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>less high iq women then men.

she is literally a 10/10 godess

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>not wanting a cute gf who looks ugly when she takes off her makeup so you can humiliate the shit out of her and mock her ugliness while you fuck her ass and degrade her as a human being

The girl in OP looks like she has a really fucking hairy pussy. That's hot.

Yours looks like a regular white woman with a boring shaved pussy. And she looks fucking nothing like a latina, so what's the point?

This desu

because its easier to get what you want by sucking dick

She's a cute mutt but absolutely terrible at applying makeup. Looks like a clown in every other pic.

Higher IQs


you are mentally ill. seek help

Logic like that is why they have trouble, you're stuck in your own world lol

The reason they have higher IQs is because they lowered the standard of that test lol

IQ is a Jewish invention which serves to fool the goys into ignoring the complicated nuances of human character in favor of a singular metric.

t. genius

>Everything that everyone does who isn't a white, heterosexual man is bad. Everything a white, heterosexual man does is good


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Emotional beings larping as logical beings never work out. It's why s oy boy limp wristed faggots rarely rise above small time state level politicians.

Women do not trust each other, at all. Hillary lost the white female vote.

headass lookin lightskin nigga

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she looks like an average mutt.

now THAT is a real pussy, damn i wanna smell it

They are driven by emotions rather than facts and reality.


>have higher IQs
Since when? Don't they have lower IQs?

Hot, but looks like she needs a good raping. Still too arrogant.

Women don't actually want to be lead by other women.
Most supporters of turning women into men are men.
Chad supports it because removing agency from other men ensures that attractiveness is always the winning trait.
Betas support it because they follow women and women are following Chad.

I guess because people ask "gotcha" questions that a woman can't win. Either you play protector, sidelining them on their authority, or you indulge in sweeping generalizations that leave them covered in stink.

Having fun now?

Because whores like the one you submitted, deserve nothing. They are a blight on progress. They have fucked up everything that they touch. Whores, like the left, are the enemy.

Also this Bernie girl slag, needs to be beaten because commies deserve that fate. Better dead than red.

Most people that are serious about politics associate women with everything shitty a politician could choose to do.
>hugging foreigners
>letting them rape your people's resources
>leniency toward criminal scum
All they really do is pander toward feminist pie in the sky ideals that consume massive social costs for a small amount of convenience.

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Found the leftist piece of shit

Because women aren't supposed to lead men under any circumstances.

haven't seen Yas Forums this buttblasted in days. this man is 100% correct

No it isn't a lie. You are a fucking shitbag who needs to be violently rejected by society.

No she isn't. You are a fucking faggot led by a closeted faggot who can't even take a family vacation without doing some racisit ass shit in India.

Go fuck yourself, yard waste.

Intelligence and Capability are two different things. Intelligence is logic and memory; capability is those things plus the personality traits required to put that intelligence to use.

I remember seeing a documentary about how many people with really high IQ's but with problems like autism end up poor and unused by society because they don't have the right traits to get out there and make/do something.

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