Should I go in there Yas Forums?

Should I go in there Yas Forums?

Attached: cave.jpg (2880x3840, 2.38M)

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What could it hurt.

Looks comfy, in you go.

Get in the hole

>come home white man

cave exploring is a very brave and noble activity, enjoy.

Say hello to my little friend.

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Caving is fun guys!

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looks like its ready to settle down

bring a flashlight and dont touch things inside

you should be posting from inside the cave by now

Nightmare fuel right here...

I fucking hope so.
Kek wills it

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oh fuck yes old mines are cool as fuck ive watched hours and hours of mine exploration vids on yidtube. its probally old as fuck and your ancestors mined iron or silver or something, maybe you can find some crystals

You're alright my fellow caucasian.

This is your hole. It was made for you.

Not true, we saw the yellows doing in japan in ww2 and in vietnam and after a bit of contemplation we decided it looks like a right ol bucket of soldier crabs and adopted it.

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No you fucking idiot you should not. This isn't Minecraft boy

There is a rope to make sure you don't get lost.
Of course go in.
What could go wrong?


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This cave is not a natural formation. Somebody built it, which means it should lead somewhere.

Thats what your mom said

Go for an adventure, user, become one with nature.

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stop stealing my flag

I remember this story. this is by far the worst way you can die.

What kind of team do you have?

CTFU bitch ass white boi your flag is BLEACHED.

What was there inside it?

Remove this

T. Museovirasto

I could never fucking do that shit man, I had a panic attack having a fucking MRI done


oprah winfrey hiding from feds

Bring some equipment with you for safety, fingorian brother.

Go, my son, and find your destiny.

Just don’t get draugr’d

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>Should I go in there Yas Forums?

Why the fuck not? you might have a natural underground bunker.

Return to tradition

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accurate portrayal of events

>I had a panic attack having a fucking MRI done
Same, just watching the pics makes me breath heavily.
Coal miners were absolute mad mans.

That or being a Palestinian.


oh God please no


Break my legs and haul me out dammit. Or at least euthanize me.

so, i think melee sucks and i tried to go full mage and just cast spells. but thats not viable in that game is it? by the time i was about level 20 i couldnt kill shit. now, im not good at video games but is full mage even viable?

>1 post by this ID

You guys are all faggots

GO in. You know you want to.
If you need us as an excuse to,
then yes, we want you to go in there too.

Why did this dude keep going deeper. Like stop man wtf

If you want to do mage you have to get into alchemy and enchanting to buff all your gear and make potions so your magic doesn't suck

Imagine being a holocaust denier with an Israeli flag


I hope you find a unique armor set in there.

Footage from inside the cave in 2005.

Send in a camera, dummy

Adrenaline junkies. Then there's people who do this underwater. Fuck that shit

OP was built for big black shaft.

Yes, it looks safe.

Or an unnatural underground bunker.

Real redpill time.
Dragons are real, at least the stories that every single ancient culture the world over, had about dragons.
Thing is, they weren't talking about dragons as we know them in the fantasy type appearance, being huge four legged beasts with wings that could breath fire.
Nope, they were talking about scaley skinned, bipedal, highly intelligent beings that had the ability to fly and focus energy enough to heat things and create fires.
Sound familiar?

Every civilization has stores about them, because they were a feared and revered race, that saw humans as cattle and ruled the subterranean realm, as earth has gone through numerous near extinction events on its surface, be it from micronovas, asteroids, magnetic pole shifts, glaciation, ect. The surface of the earth is actually a very bad place to build a super city that you want to last for hundreds of thousands of years, due to the eventual cataclysmic event that will happen on a long enough timeline.
So you build underground, which is what the draco (dragons or reptilians, whatever you want to call them) did, as they have existed on this planet for a lot longer than human beings have, and know just how fragile life is in the face of super catastrophic events.

So, if you are a smart and inquisitive user, heed this warning.
Don't fuck around in caves or around areas that are known to have many caves and subterranean cavern systems, as many people go disappearing around those areas.
Not even joking here.

Fuck up. Post spooky caves.

sure, but dont turn the wheel. things get fucked beyond belief if you plug the hole and stop the light.

take some photos from the inside lad

>mfw blasted through it with a destruction mage

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Why the fuck would you keep going in an unexplored cave of that shape and size?!

old iron mine?

Of course