Are white boys the new bad boys of society?

For generations black men represented rugged masculinity defying the system, untameable powerful and alpha. Now black men are the harmless gay best friend, the transvestite who dresses in girls cloths and the little boy crying his little heart out at how racist and America is. Now white men are stereotyped as benign the alpha oppressors who control everything and everyone. Smarter and more evil than everyone else easily and always wins. All these girls screaming “White man bad” are calling themselves “white mans whore” on Twitter. Are White boys the new bad boys Yas Forums?

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Yes, I'm already making my oil drilling rap.

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The white bois worshipping anime, spewing drive on Yas Forums, and obsessive about Jews? No. They’re a good laugh and good for trolling though

Yeah it has the opposite affect. It's like when u tell someone no and they think and do yes. Humans are dumb animals just more sophisticated

>t. Sad he’s getting cucked by a white boy with a BWC

K boomer


This Blacked/Bleached stuff only exists on certain corners of the internet. In real life whoever is tall, broad-shouldered and high status gets access to pussy whenever he wants. Women are pretty much colorblind, while they are certainly not blind when it comes to other factors, such as the ones I have mentioned above

We won't exist in 150 years.

Yeah but think of all the colored poon we can get

Uh oh

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Sorry bro but there is some wishful thinking involved here. Just because white women do not get married to niggers doesn't mean they never fuck one. Ever heard of pump-and-dump, fatherless black kids?

haha get it? "drill rap"?

No. Women of unpure genetics are "pretty much colorblind"...but women of proper stock have a natural repulsion to niggers and subhumans whether they can formulate it out loud or not. Its a perversion of nature and ruins your future bloodlines.

Sorry, black men are still the best

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Oh yeah definitely

No I’m pretty sure they’re still niggers. Yikes

niggers can only ever score fat and ugly whores

women know they lower their social status by being associated with niggers

blacked is a myth

> Are white boys the new bad boys of society?

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not gonna lie, columbus' boys wrote pretty hot erotica.

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Pretty much all brown women love white men.

Doubt not sure about that

That's why submissive gook, black and paki girls love me.

I guess that every single interracial couple one sees in a multiracial area is a hologram. Good to know

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helter skelter

This twitter poster is a cryptojew.

What does this even mean?

>For generations black men represented rugged masculinity defying the system, untameable powerful and alpha.
This only started in the 1970s with Mapplethorpe's faggotry.
Seriously, before 1970, the nigger was seen rightly as a buffoon across all segments of society.

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Well the problem persists


Well, as OP shows, things are returning to normal.
This is a meme for a reason.

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Women have always been into that kind of masochist fantasies.

yes but now white men are sexualised by non-white women and even white women

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What's a matter, schlomo?
White Boys keep taking your Khazar milkers from you without even trying?
That's so sad. what?
I can think of a few uses. Nothing of real import sticks out though. Maybe farm equipment? Even then, you had to whip 'em to get any productivity.

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Read the book Outliers you dumb piece of shit nigger.

exceptions dont make the rule. Pic related

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Das rite. We gids all dat pussy. Bix nood.

I'm fucking nigger whores and no one can stop me
I'm fucking muslim whores and no one can stop me
I'm fucking paki whores and no one can stop me
If you don't like me motherfucker call the cops

What do you think? Will the jews see my potential and make me into a millionaire?

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>For generations black men represented rugged masculinity defying the system
Lose the flag you bloody cuck. The only thing black men represented where the failures of the egalitarian worldview as a populace who was given a hand countless times but who still kept to the african tradition of bringing everybody down to the lowest common denominator.

i deep-dick japanese girls on the regular. probably fucked around 30 so far in my year here.

Yes but for the record this becoming an BDSM fetish is even more retarded than just being a normal SJW

based and redpilled

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>automated post scheduled pre prison planet

i don't care i wanna see meme tradwaifu get spanked and a rough fucking. who cares if it's "retarded"?

That's not true. A white nationalist girl would spread her legs for a black rapper or ball player if he was rich enough.

No, you haven’t. Lol on the regular.

Not now not ever

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this is me. seethe and cope more, fatboy :^)

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sned pic of the hottest one

Literally 99.99% of all erotica (porn for women) features white males
this is nothing new

X to doubt. I don't deny that "high-value" males can score all types of women easily. I do however, deny that a racist, traditionalist woman would give a goofy ball-playing nigger the time of day. Kek

my jap wife who likes the thought me dominating other slant cunt

>white nationalist
>would still fuck niggers
That's not a white nationalist. That's a fake whore.

women don't have the agency to be white nationalist

I gotta ask, why waste your genes making mutts?

whites and japs are the only human races on earth

It’s fake. The same pictures of that guy have been posted with multiple edits. Some faggot trying to promote racemixing whilst trying not to look like a cuck.