if you saw a woman being beaten or raped, would you try to stop it?
If you saw a woman being beaten or raped, would you try to stop it?
Yes, so I could ask if I could join them
What color is said woman?
any race
No. I have a gf and she made me swear to not do anything for strangers in such a situation so I get home to her safely. Would call police though.
Good point.
No way
And get accused of raping her? No.
only if I had a pistol
Do i have a gun?
Are the rapist niggers?
What are my chances of getting away with murder?
If the victim is white i would. If its a shitskin, then its just part of their culture
>if you saw a woman being beaten or raped, would you try to stop it?
No. I'd join in...fuck all women. absolute cunts
>not helping a human being in trouble
>being alive as a pussy
>Thank Godan in that moment for giving me an opportunity to destroy or die honorably in His name.
would film to jerk off of later
Depends. Western women? Uh..no they deserve a good rape. Infact they want it deep down
nice one. Your mother carried you for 9 months. Too bad you failed so hard that you projected your hatred of your own failures onto your mother's disappoint in what you became.
Am I wearing flip flops?
help the guy or the woman? one will thank you the other will tell you why you stopped him
No. I fucking hate women.
Raped yes, beaten no.
If she is dressed like a slut or drunk at night i wouldnt help. Serves her right.
I would ask the guy if the bitch deserves it. If yes I would mind my own business.
Let's try this again for all these lame ass faggots.
>It's 3 weeks from now. You accidentally showed off your stash to Tyrone next door. Suddenly in the middle of the night, 3 africanos break down your door. They take your honey and dip their dicks in it while they fuck your ass all night. As your cry out for help, does anybody help this user? Nope, his prison wallet is going XL.
>your gf already rapes you with a strapon
Females can be cunts too. Deal with it, faggot. Stop defending them to a fault.
only alphas possess an innate feature to protect females, because they innately have all females desiring them. So within their own group, they must protect all females as it means more viable offspring. Glad we've hijacked that to have some good men out there too, not some lame fat pussies. COUGH
>My gf confiscated my balls, so no.
Yes unless the rapist was white, never miss an opportunity to kill a shitskin
Rid of flags, cops, and outside influence. The ideal closed society just-us situation, I'd size him up and take it from there. Add guns and migration to the mix, and all bets are off.
Far more realistic option.
>nice one. Your mother carried you for 9 months. Too bad you failed so hard that you projected your hatred of your own failures onto your mother's disappoint in what you became.
Fuck my mother...I hate her
Fucking lmao - Mutt's Law. Why are Amerisharts so obssesed with Nigger dick? Are you mentally ill? I thought it was just a meme
His girlfriend is smart and Kraut is a lucky user. Why would he expose himself to protect some random whore from a street?
Fucking based protective smart GF
Someone post that clip of that whiteknight being shot in the chest. I
>It's 3 weeks from now. You accidentally showed off your stash to Tyrone next door. Suddenly in the middle of the night, 3 africanos break down your door. They take your honey and dip their dicks in it
I don't have a girlfriend.... surprise, surprise!
No, because I'm a coward.
I can't think of a worse fate.
Why Mutt's law?
What is that for the Polish? Plunger's Law?
anglo menace. God i wish chinks nukes you.
If it was a feminist, no. If it was just a normal woman, I would call for help, but I wouldn't go in fists flying.
He probably is a nigger or some other sort of subhuman minority, people like that flock here for some reason. Anyway, I sincerely hope nothing but the worst for him and his entire mutt family.
>see woman being dragged away by a black man
>be a white man and try to stop him
>get shot in the gut and left for dead, only reason you didn't get shot in the head was because the niggers tec9 jammed THREE times as he aimed it at your head and pulled the trigger
sorry, but no. if you are a women being beaten or raped you more than likely brought it upon yourself by walking around alone at night or some other dumb shit only females do.
Probably not, women have pretty much made self defense illegal at worst and legally onerous at best. Let them die in the world they created.
A lot of women don't deserve to be saved, that's true.
Why would I change my mind?
Why yes I do have a mirror wall
Americans aren't Anglo....fuck knows what czechs are?
Most western females are whores and traitors in themselves. so why defend them..unless you're a Jew who wants them to control u
That's right user, I respect those who cower in fear. Be more worried about eating a hot pocket tomorrow than saving a hot pocket tonight
They get what they deserve from now on, rape, abortion, prostitution fuck them
how/why would I stop myself?
its because all Yanks are racemixed. They have it in their blood.
Yes, we know this
>Why are Amerisharts so obssesed with Nigger dick? Are you mentally ill? I thought it was just a meme
Pornography, basketball, NFL and Hollywood
No. My Japanese girlfriend is the possessive type and would probably get jealous if I helped out some other girl.
Even our plumbers look more alpha than you.
Zipperheads are horrible bug people. Japs less so but still....
If she looks like a slut, no.
I prefer my finnish swedish danish blood to your lackluster milktoast pussy build. The swedes in Sweden are all the cucks that were afraid to leave. I wouldn't even get off the couch to break your sad weak face
i'd walk past it and call the police once im out of reach, that's the best i can do for this kind of world.
I wouldn't help a tranny. lol
Why are you specifying, that your girlfriend is from Japan, if you're already from Japan?
I smell roasties like you from afar. Dont even try.
Are you trying to cope or what, our boys being plumbers is nothing to be ashamed off.
Top Lel mate
Is she orgasming from the rape?
I don't white knight. Idaf about roasties. They're all strong and independent now anyway. Not my property = not my problem.
Nah I would keep going my way.
Imagine when an American comes to EUrope who isn't a fat pussy, or a eurocuck skinny manbitch. Some afro gypsy faggots did just that to a danish girl on the train, they were literally fondling her... guess who reminded them of strong white men? Hmm.
I feel alone though. I am not supposed to be alive now. It's either ugly fat faggots that act tough or weak limp wristed faggots that have no spine. IDK where my people went. FUCK
Leave your masturbation fantasies out of this, faggot.
depends. i left my friends house the other night when he started beating his stupid fat cow heifer gf for spending several hundred dollars of his money without asking him. Not my fucking problem and i dont like his bitch anyways. bitches lowkey love that shit anyways so im not getting involved.
Unless its someone I know and give a fuck about, yeah Id white knight.
Anyone else IDGAF.
No she enjoys it
depend if im the one raping her
I'm proud of you. You've become a self-confident turd fondler. Really proud. Really. Proud.
How much for a chipotle special?