this isn't Yas Forums you lardass.
I'm French
In third grade, I cheated on my history exam. In fourth grade, I stole my uncle Max’s toupee and I glued it on my face when I was Moses in my Hebrew School play. In fifth grade, I knocked my sister Edie down the stairs and I blamed it on the dog…When my mom sent me to the summer camp for fat kids and then they served lunch I went nuts and I pigged out and they kicked me out…But the worst thing I ever done — I mixed a pot of fake puke at home and then I went to this movie theater, hid the puke in my jacket, climbed up to the balcony and then, then, I made a noise like this: hua-hua-hua-huaaaaaaa — and then I dumped it over the side, all over the people in the audience. And then, this was horrible, all the people started getting sick and throwing up all over each other. I never felt so bad in my entire life.
I fuck a muslim girl every week
I fapped to traps once
I just wrecked my 22 day nofap streak. hc and s are to good for this site. Those mom and mature threads are irresistible
I must confess user
I just had sardines on toast and it was good
I think black women are hot so long as they are not overweight or short-haired
Good enough for me.
Im French
let's fuck
I pretend to be okay with leftist dogma so i can bang a girl 10 years younger than me
Boipussy or real pussy ?
I've been sinning and grooming little kids
I fucking hate muslims so much and I wish they all die
how did you end up on those boards?
Dégénéré de merde
I'm that asshole who does curls in the squat rack AND I use a hex bar for deadlifts.
I will use ellipticals as well for cardio.
I still masturbate from time to time. Maybe I don’t pray enough. That’s about it.
On reste gentil espèce de croutonnard
I hate you
Cookanon here, this is very good, grill the sardines in butter for improved experience
I just jacked off
If i think of going to gif i end up punching myself in the stomach or kicking my foot against the corner of my bed. Like pavlovs dog. I dont want to be addicted to video porn ever i just stick with pictures
I just feel so empty. I went through casual sex and fwb from 18-22 and im 24 now and feel dead inside. It would be nice if someone could love me for who i am but i realize the only person who could do that is your mom. Traditional dating is a mountain of hurdles and challenges - all for some roast beef who is addicted to social media and stares at her phone when youre with her. Really wish there was just a pill you could take, go to sleep, and never wake up again. Im not comfortable in my skin, my body is ugly, im not particularly good at anything. I just really fucking hate myself and any time ive tried to do something productive like get a degree, work, or exercise i burn out a few weeks in. All in all i just feel mentally cornered and submissive at this point. My brain is probably messed up
Well anger is not a sin, wrath is, get motivation from the love of your people instead of hate for the ennemy, and be just, wether it is about giving death or forgiving
Je veux bien, mais le pardon implique d'arreter de pecher d'abord
I fucked a black girl last night
Très beau trips, tu as forcément raison
How much did you pay?
When i was 16 i was isolated alone in india, i had a cat i rescued in the street that loved me more than ive seen any dog do, it refused to sleep away from me, jumped two stories, getting hurt to get to me, and meowed literraly nonstop the whole day when i had to leave it home.
I was alone and nearly psychotic, did not talk to anyone in 5 month.
I kinda tortured him, like i threw him from high onto a matress to try to cure its fear of heights and put an earbud it it private parts
Voilée ou pas ?
Tu fais quoi pour t'occuper pendant cette foutue quarantaine ? Je je suis complètement ivre en permanence et je cuisine beaucoup
Just admit it. you fucked the cat.
pompes, abdos, tractions, à manger, je lis un peu la bible et beaucoup de vidya, du piano aussi, je fait du soutien scolaire 4h par jour.
Je vais essayer de faire des colliers en sculptant du bois avec un couteau. et puis je shitpost
nah dude i was fucked in the head but not that much.
Even though I know COVID-19 is chicken little bullshit in real life I play along instead of trying to help people understand the logical breakdown behind my true position because I am entertained by the public spectacle.
hon hon hon! oui oui uoi!
Based Chunk
i stole 150 bucks in my uncles wallet and used to shoplift chewing gums for fun,
try to make up for that by buying my uncle good christmass presents.
Stole pomeon emerald and a nintendo ds from a kid in primary school, pickpocketed some pokemon cards from a rich kid who had 100 and threw them around in the playground, causing mass hysteria
>If i think of going to gif i end up punching myself in the stomach or kicking my foot against the corner of my bed. Like pavlovs dog. I dont want to be addicted to video porn ever i just stick with pictures
If you focus on what you're doing when you wake up from the trance and realizing you have your dick out and you're jerking off it's easier imo than punishing yourself. You'll be really suprised when you're actually making the willful decision to do things if you start paying attention to where your mind is going. Many other sins will precede the sin that mortally wounds you.
> I just really fucking hate myself and any time ive tried to do something productive like get a degree, work, or exercise i burn out a few weeks in.
God loves you and wants the best for you my friend. How can you do things that you think are 'productive' or 'good for you' and not get burnt out if you hate who you are.
If all else fails, get into the army, but avoid drinking
I knew someone would like sardines with butter
How it is going in Swedistan ?
I broke a 6-month nofap streak in early March over that logo of Greta getting fucked. Her narrow waist and wide hips put me over the edge.
God doesnt love me and if he did he wouldnt have thrust me into this path and given me a defective brain and body. I showed great restraint in high school, the dorkiest most straight edge retard who turned down all fun and invitations to focus on getting good grades and i got rewarded with nothing. So he pivoted my path and took me down hard. I dont blame him. I suck at everything, even having self restraint to not touch my dick. I did no fap for 5 months last year and my dick lost all sensation and feeling. Didnt even know if i could get hard again by the end of it and had zero drive. If its lik this now, i can only imagine what (((their medicines))) would do
The army - lmao. The us military defends every country in the world besides its own. Bunch of mutt cucks who serve mexico and israels interests
Sardines is delicious on a slightly buttered toast
I fantasize about fucking my aunt and impregnating her with my spunk, so one night I took a video with my phone to get audio of her sleeping, every night I play it while touching myself, she is my mistress and I cum so deep for her
Hate niggers
Learn English
Run back to Boney you fucking cunt
God doesn't let bad things happen to people? How about you read Job. God chasteneth those he loves to prove them. You don't belong only to yourself but to God, your creator. Not accepting his active love for you is the hell you create, his love burns.
>I made a noise like this: hua-hua-hua-huaaaaaaa
my fucking sides
My Aunt slept over one night and was on the couch in the living room. In the middle of the night, I went over quietly and forcefully fucked her. She never brought it up
Forgive me Adolf for I have sinned,
It’s been a few months since my last Yas Forums confession
I have not read the books that I wanted to, I have engaged in pure degeneracy just smoking and drinking. I haven’t maintained the ideal I wish to be.
I feel like I get caught up in trying to “bant” instead of actually listening and learning.
Forgive me father
Hail Nasim full of grace
Hail Dylan full of grace