The elite are underground and this is their depopulation plan

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Other urls found in this thread:

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That does sound about right.

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This sounds retarded to anyone with a basic understanding of biology or science in general.


goddam larps are always such cringe

Damage control. No argument, just call people names. Why don't you try countering with facts or data instead?

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And does this?

Ok, so how is it wrong? I'm not sure one way or the other. I just know that the media is not being honest, and that I'm ready for shit to hit the fan but hoping it doesn't. Tell me something good niggers.


you're an idiot

I know all these retards have short memories but the way literally every government reacted to this is proof of this theory. Not even 2 months ago we were all being told it was nothing to worry about and had chinks going around asking for hugs in Italy, now everyone is being told to stay at home and avoid each other like the plague. Oh, but you still don't need a mask goy, don't buy them because we need them.

Enlighten us why?

My uncle works at Nintendo and I can confirm this is true

what's/who's the source on this?

Still just name calling without refuting OPs argument. It's pathetic how obvious you '''people''' make it.

Attached: Terry-mugshot.jpg (480x600, 20.29K)

>baseless claim with no explaination or data
>believe me not the other guy
fuck off

Okay larp answer this:

Why delay inevitable panic with a slow death? Just hit the switch already and get it done sooner.

CEOs can bug out but they will eventually return and get the disease. If they some how survive they will return to no economy.

Why is Yas Forums the all seeing eye and no problem public voice has mentioned this? Is the conspiracy that big or are you larping?

On the last point its a coincidence that your larp is a cumulation of smaller conspiracies developed on Yas Forums over the last month bundled into one. Fuck off

This is one of the most normie posts I’ve ever read.
>Just hit the switch already and get it done sooner
You’ve clearly never farmed. The best way to slaughter a bunch of goats is to guide them with a false sense of security. Don’t chase them with a knife, butchering them on the field, you fucking idiot.
>CEOs can bug out
Can? They are. This is already happening. The first wave started 2 months ago.
>but they will eventually return and get the disease
>If they some how survive they will return to no economy.
This is the cherry on your normie post. They don’t give a shit about the economy. Nobody really does. The economy doesn’t exist. You can always make an economy with slaves. POWER is real. And you normies have developed a sense of entitlement

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>"This sounds retarded to anyone with a basic understanding of biology or science in general.

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>Why delay inevitable panic with a slow death? Just hit the switch already and get it done sooner.
that costs more

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>dat pic
This cannot be real.

Attached: Tf.jpg (600x600, 55.38K)

Attached: COVID-19_SARS-CoV.Germ-k15.jpg (4092x2893, 1.36M)

it's easily verified, Virus has a lot of patents from a UK bio weapons lab thats been operating since the 1800s

necessary bump psa fuck off all shills kill yourself anyone thats trying to inflame your emotions at this time is a shill

Attached: COVID-19_SARS-CoV.Germ-k16.jpg (4092x2893, 1.27M)

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Attached: COVID-19_SARS-CoV.Germ-k110.jpg (4092x2893, 1.14M)

Just link it retard

I have blue level clearance

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can't comes from researchgate which you need credentials to access but I dropped the PDF on bunker in the corona general, you can search the file name and find it there, I will post the rest here as JPG for those too lazy to do that, latest we're discovering about the RNA helix on this thing is that it's related to bovine virus which can explode in growth inside 24 hours so most of the fatal cases will be that strain

Attached: COVID-19_SARS-CoV.Germ-k111.jpg (4092x2893, 1.49M)

So this could be in us forever even if were survive and keep infecting us?
Those fag elites will get it for sure

explain how it wrong

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Why aren't people dropping dead and having seizures then? That part of the original panic on here was because of misattributed videos from China. But he had to fit it into his description to make his bullshit seem more real.

it will take care of global warming

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I wasn't raising an argument. I want to read more about it.

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>cum deaths

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only one variant has the bovine virus rna that enables rapid reproduction

>ignores the biggest problem with the theory
kill yourself jew.

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