Why Did the Trad Gril Trigger So Many Coomers and /Nu/ Yas Forums fags?

Why was the existence of the suggestion of an attractive white women who did not like black guys and enjoyed cooking and raising children enough to make them lose their shit as if their entire world was was on fire??

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The sound of roasties hitting the wall will compete with the screams of hell.

kys incel. white women are angels

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trad girl meme has potential, especially now when e-thots and simps are at height of their power

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When they aren’t treating you like garbage and taking half your stuff

t. non-white roastie

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White women don't like me. All the minorities I've dated "loved dating a white guy"

Ok. So I'm subhuman. Enjoy the BBC porn while I plow Latinas. Latin bitches love me

>a thought crime of racism is equal to rape and murder

Please tell me someone sent her black on white crime statistics


im a girl i dont like too cook and clean

Implying there not the same thing

Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white

I never got why men want their woman to cook for them. Baking, sure, but I'm the one grilling meat or preparing sushi or making cheese, would never trust my wife with my proteins.

Because they chose selfishness over reproducing. Babies must be bad to them for the same reason incels must see women as not worth it. It's a way to cope with something your instincts scream you must have. It does crush their world because they will never have kids. If kids are actually worth it, they have nothing except selfishness to not choose them. They need the excuse babies are bad or they betrayed their instinctive drive for no good reason. Good news is kikes are actually placing strains on whites that encourages only the most conservative, anti shit skin, resistant to brainwashing, white women to reproduce. Roasties being left behind improves our race for the better.

Well fucking learn to like it
Unless you prefer corporate slave work forever

Fuckin based and diet pilled.

You don't have to like it. Men don't like work but they still do it. You do what you have to because you are a team.
I'm a stay at home mother and wife and I hate it but I still do it because my husband can afford to care for both of us and our children with one income. I get happiness from making my family happy and caring for them. Really that's how you redpill women. Just show happy traditional wives. Feminists have betrayed women and shown them being single and alone does not lead to happiness.


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Based if not a larp.

>Really that's how you redpill women. Just show happy traditional wives.
Reminds me how pissed the aussies were at this women:

women are followers
cute babies is natural, jews promote the unnatural as popular

Your benis isn't feminine.

>mother and wife and I hate it
Someday your husband and children will figure this out.

African guy here. Every white girl I message about having kids is down with it

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I mean I know that white women date any other race but white, but I'm not too sure this girl is white herself. Looks Latina

Exactly. Even if the babies are a different color!

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True, latin women are so down for mixed babies. After all, their whole race exists cause they couldn't resist the conquistadors

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Thats not a white woman doh

None of these are white. Wew.

Tradcucks are afraid of real women and need someone to portrait their unrealistic caricature of femininity

This meme format is really being abused. Lots of low-effort variants

you sound like a faggot white women are the cream of the crop and you settle for a gobino like the beta bitch you are

Lmao stay mad

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Women hate how they compete in a different way. Yas Forums thinks most "trads" are just pretending, and to be fair I think so too.

>haha people printer go brrrrr brrrrrr

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Shoot yourself in the brain simp ass nigga.

Imagine saddling your children with genes from a woman with severe lordosis. Pathetic.

>their smiles, fading.

Why are there so many women in their 20s who think they want to be single and childless forever but then turn 30 and change their mind? Why are women so bad at understanding the consequences of their actiosn? There are so many women like pic-related
>36 years old
>"wants kids someday"
not going to fucking happen. If she decided she wanted that 10 years ago she'd be married with a family by now, but obviously when she was in her mid-20s she didn't have any interest in marriage or kids

Attached: 36, wants kids someday.jpg (1080x1080, 561.26K)

imagine thinking anyone cares about your weird nazi memes.

>memes killed 6 million jews

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Coomers and nu/pol/ types both still abide by libertarian ideals.

Same applies to USA, their white race is natives mixed with britbongs then with blacks then with irish then with ialians then with jews

I‘m a stay at home mom too and i really don‘t get what there is to hate about it.

That's the state of Western civilization right there.
If you want faggot parades, faggots fucking your kids, piles of niggers everywhere, and police protecting the niggers and faggots while arresting you if you dare to complain, then continue to hang out with the USA.

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Why are you angry? He's clearly shitting on whores, not trad women.

found the flat-ass chinkess

>putting women on a pedestal
simp harder. Also that women looks like a whore.

Hella nice

Literally nothing, the issue is, in the past one salary was enough for a nice house, car and a family of 4 or 5. Now you need two good salaries to come close to that and instead of wondering why the fuck the work is >= but the pay is much less they just decided to push that a housewife is inferior to a woman that works, since someone got to flaunt superiority and mass media pushes it everyone bought the idea.

This is how you save the world folks. Based.

Meh, we live on one income just fine. Granted, my husband has a good salary now, but when we got married and had our first baby, we had to be frugal to make it work. But for us, me being able to stay home and raise our kids instead of letting some 16yo daycare intern do that was a luxury we were willing to sacrifice other non-essential luxuries for. If people would stop being such narcissistic spoiled brats that need to go on vacation twice a year, buy the latest apple gadget as soon as it‘s released, spend hundreds of dollars on some nonsense ingame purchases, fill their homes up with hobby gear they will never actually use, waste it on eating out 5x a week and get a wardrobe overhaul every year, one income would be sufficient no matter where you live.

America is the prime example on how being mentally retarded gets you the attention you so desire. All these LGBTQ+ faggots are all retarded with an average IQ of 70 or below. But yet, we allow them to exist because of the first amendment of freedom of expression. The right we have to call someone of faggot simp is also given to them to call us Nazis. However, they are too retarded to see what they preach is slowly eating up all our rights as free human beings. They are so engrossed into their pleasures that they fail to see the Government(s) are using them to get their votes and stay in power, despite making 3% of the US population.

bad girl!

>the great replacement

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You replied to the wrong post.
Say "wrong post, sorry I suck cocks"


You show her how to cook it.
I taught my wife so many recipes. Then she would cooked what I liked.

>White women don't like me. All the minorities I've dated "loved dating a white guy"
This this this. Trying to score a white woman is like playing the dating game on hard mode.

Why play if you can‘t stand a challenge? Pathetic.

African guy here.

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Because he's a Swede and they're a nation of spineless cowards.

That's a hard 36. Looks more like 45.

KyS iNcEl wHiTe WoMEN aRe AnGEls

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>posts fat Mexican chicks
>white women
Seething niggers

Based and redpilled

If you're a hot young Ukranian gril you can still have a place to stay if you're willing to suck my dick three times a day

lol imagine being a boomer LARPing on Yas Forums as a tradwife. the fucking state of you

you already know even with a nigger chadfish you get less matches than an white boy nigger

What would i gain from doing that?

They hate white people, that's why

probably whatever seething betas get out of pretending to be their ex gfs on r/relationships

Well, i wouldn‘t know what they get out if it other than humiliation. Which wouldn‘t surprise me since porn has brainwashed both men and women to get aroused from being humiliated. Pretty clever move to be honest.

she looks like a massive slut

meh the meme format seems lazy and uninspired

I've always seen it as mocking the concept. Trad girls must be nurtured not made fun of

>fat thots
>le white girls want to fuck niggers
mutts law in action folks