So, this image has been around for almost a decade now. How true is it, really...

So, this image has been around for almost a decade now. How true is it, really? Have we been lied to when they said the aryan race is the most powerful?

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Define power and you'll have your answer.

Killing drug dealers on site mandated by the government

Damn straight.
Jews have NOTHING on flips.

I work with Filipinos! Ignorant smelly shit any vice and they do it, booze, drugs, cigs hardcore, love basketball ball and rap! Basically niggers of asia, to Americanised now to be saved..

>How true is it, really?
It is because Pacquiao, yes he was good, now he is senator there.

I kinda miss 2011

>Filipino is
Definitely true.

>This pic is all you need to know about flips:

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this is so true

It's a fucking cope made by an indio incel

Donald Trump is 235% Filipino

>this image has been around for almost a decade now
It's been a hell of a ride

Flips are the best cruise ship employees, and I say that with love. They are great.

flip women are whores

this 100%

t. seattle

Flips are legitimately subhuman

They are tied with Chinks for the being the absolute worst race out of all the asiatics

“Being powerful” is Philippino slang for being smelly. It’s a play on words.

He is a shit senator, our nation's problem is that they vote "celebrities and famous people" in seats of government yet lacking of administrative skills or know how what so ever, yet majority also whines about incompenentcy

Flips are kinda dumb, but they're far more likeable and enjoyable to be around than Chinese. The analogy "Mexicans of Asia" feels pretty right, minus the part where they cut people's heads off.

When are you going to kick out the sexpats? Why do you let them do this

I’ve never met anyone more retarded than an average Filipino. Full grown men, I’m talking like 40-45 years old, still think it’s appropriate to wear flat brim baseball caps and basketball shoes. I’m not talking about Jordans because most Filipinos are dirt poor, even the ones who sell drugs and stolen car stereos, I mean some bootleg basketball shoes that “look” like Jordans. Pretty much the men permanently suffer from arrested development, meanwhile their women LOVE bareback sex because they all love to get pregnant and pop out kids.

Never in my life have i encountered a highly educated Filipino, or a Filipino in academia. Even the ones who squeak by on gibs and diversity can’t manage to do the bare minimum and drop out 3 months in.

They all pretty much exist to do low level labor jobs, get their women pregnant to qualify for subsidized housing, and then get by on a mixture of under the table cash jobs, gibs, child gibs, and the odd criminal thing like re-selling already shitty cheap cocaine at a markup and stuff their cousins managed to steal from a Walmart at near retail price.

Also ugliest people in existence.

Why would you ever put the word "powerful" on that image? A Filipino toddler could probably take those two down.

>but they're far more likeable and enjoyable to be around
So you enjoy abrasive screeching, disgusting odors, and acting like a pack of diseased baboons?

When we can allow to beat the shit out of women again

Well, there's the theory of a Phillipine national figure that was in Germany in and around the time Clara Hitler was in Vienna as a domestic servant (with passable hair) that fathered Hitler, whose name escapes me. But it is a meme.
*Jose Rizal

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Isn't the picture itself answer enough?

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It's fucking dumb, how would he a fucking 5'2 fuck clara hitler, he was a known womanizer and a fucking ungrateful little shit

Uncanny resemblance. When I first saw Hitler, I immediately thought “why has no one mentioned his very obvious Filipino ancestry?” From then on I knew I had been, like billions and billions of other people, lied to and misled about the genius nature of the Filipino.

>So you enjoy abrasive screeching, disgusting odors, and acting like a pack of diseased baboons?
All of those things describe Chinamen better than Flips in my experience. But hey, to each their own.

Okay but you do understand that almost all Filipinos meekly claim some Chinese heritage in order to distance themselves from other, less Chinese Filipinos and to be accepted by other asians as their own, right?

>that flag
You are a Kike and/or retard. Now that that's out of the way:

Filipinos are cursed. They are another victim of Catholicism. Everything about Filipino culture is fake. "Oh Filipinos are SOOOO nice and kind". In the Philippines there are homeless children. That means their community isn't so nice and kind. Their community = Filipinos.

CATHOLICISM IS A FALSE RELIGION. Killing drug addicts is not based, idc what Yas Forums says. Show me in the Bible.

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show flag retard

Come on, man... you’re grasping at straws here. It’s just a small island nation full of what used to be aboriginals that various conquerors attempted to civilize, but despite all those efforts the only thing that stuck is religion. Not art or architecture or medicine or politics, only religion.

I just did

All countries have homeless people dipshit what is your fucking point?
>Killing drug addicts is not based, idc what Yas Forums says. Show me in the Bible.
You may have a fucking relative that maybe gun down by a drug search that's why your so triggered by that, good riddance motherfucker hopefully thousands more will get the lead

Imagine beeing marked as a literal rape island in many old maps. No, really. Every conquerer that came to your lands slaughtered your men and raped your weamon. This hapened so often that nothing of your original genetical code is even recognizable beeing part of basically every untermenschen there are XD.

Better a rape island than a buttfuck peninsula, “Deutschland”

In addition to Sexpats here, i don't even see why we can't allow to beat the shit out of sexpats and our whores here

I've knocked up 14 different filipino women (that I know of) in 4 years of visiting on and off. Online dating is a joke there. If you are white and have blue eyes, you can literally tell a woman on the first date that you want to fuck a baby into her, and they will agree that its a great idea and that we should begin trying immediately.

All told I've probably barebacked and creampied over 100 different filipinas from all backgrounds, including 'hiso' rich girls who are bored and looking for foreign dick to ride. After spending so much time there I just ask them straight up if they are on birth control or not. Most say 'no', and I tell them I'm going to blow my load inside of them, and they are happy to agree that this is also a good idea. The occasional one that 'doesn't want to get pregnant' for 'x reason', is easily convinced that she is mistaken with a moment or two of discussion on the subject.

At some point I just decided to go all in on the coloinization strategy, and began planning my monthly dating strategy around the women I had in my harem being in their fertilization cycle on the nights we would meet to ensure the greatest possible chance of breeding them. I would fuck them, tell them I wanted them to sleep with my semen inside of them, and they could happily cuddle up next to me to be fertilized. 1 or 2 months later come the Line or Whatsapp messages about missing their period and worried, which always gives me a chuckle because I am totally open with them about trying to get them pregnant.

>what did you expect? you dont have birth control and I told you I will cum inside
>but what am I going to do???
>you're going to have my baby, looks like :thinkingface:

I'm not even especially fit or handsome. I just have light blue eyes and am 6 feet tall and dress well. It's enough to make filipina women treat me like a movie star, and to (literally) thank me for fucking them bareback and giving them my sperm. Absolutely unreal. Will be back 2021.

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I'm an American, idiot. Grew up in America all my life, joined the Marines, then traveled around Europe. Moved here to help poor people because I'm half Filipino. We don't have homeless street kids in America, neither does most of Europe except small pockets of Roma.

And I don't know anyone who was gunned down. Listen to yourself. You've got the spirit of a psychopath, not the Holy Spirit, moving you to say murdering addicts is a joke. Show me in the Bible.

I don’t think you can, to be honest with you. Despite your fixation on boxing, like 99% of you are small and frail, that’s why your only best boxers never got taller than 5’6 and 130 lbs.

seriously forgot they fucking exist for like 5 years hahaha.

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>i don't even see why we can't allow to beat the shit out of sexpats

Well, flip monkey, it's because you are 5' 3" and weigh about 120 lbs, and I am 6 feet tall and weigh 200 lbs. I know that you do beat your women, because they fucking despise you, and would rather(literally), get pump and dumped by the occasional foreigner, than associate with a disgusting brown manlet with faggot feminine mannerisms.

Now mumble "ok po" and go back to your slum shack. I'll take care of your women during this crisis. I'm already keeping my favorite fucktoys supplied with rice so they don't lose their tits due to starvation.
You can raise my kids though, nursery care is the best job for a filipino 'male', since they are basically women anyways.

Nice larp indio why are you hiding your flag?
>We don't have homeless street kids in America, neither does most of Europe except small pockets of Roma.
Still bullshit, yet other third world countries that is not catholic have more homeless population compare to us, yet i don't see you talking about it.

Flips are borderline retarded, yet carry around an attitude of superiority.

Lol I bet you fucking yokels have never even heard of Magic: The Gathering.

It's because of our grain based diet of fucking rice and onions sauce. Most meat product and canned foods contain fucking onions no wonder why most of our men are bunch of sissy effeminate piece of shit

Filipinos are somehow more pathetic than Indians. At least pajeets have a history, culture and cuisine.

Ok buddy

From my experience growing up in Hawaii as a kid most flips are faggots or absolute low IQ nigger tier beings.

I’ve met a few who were cool though.

Filipinos have a proud culture of being the one stop shop brothel for the rest of the world. The first totally international shared condom. Sadly, they are even second class at this compared to Thailand, because Flip women are afraid of sucking dick due to sunday school.

Why would I wave around a Filipino flag, I just told you I'm American. Did me calling out your religion trigger you this much? Get right with God.

>downplaying the homeless situation in the Philippines
Disgusting. I have been in war-torn Syria and Afghanistan, and the situation with the poor here is the worst. Your only solution was to cheer on killing a bunch of them. Genius. I came years after those murders, and the poor situation is still bad.

I knew this one Filipino who got a folding grappling hook from somewhere, it was attached to some kind of rope, and he always carried it in his backpack and bragged about how many burglaries he did with it and how much money he makes. Well one day this group dared him to climb to a 2nd story apartment building balcony and he hesitates, eventually we egg him on and he went for it. I mean it was obvious that he never fucking used the thing before because it took him 12 tries to get it stuck in the railing of the balcony, but then he absolutely had no idea how to climb a rope or even have the strength to do it. So after like 3 minutes of struggling, the goddamn rope breaks and this guy breaks his leg and gets a concussion.

It's made the rounds for so long because it's a meme. They're the most muttified people in the world, after the British.

There's only one professional Filipino fighter

-Jews bow to Fillipinos
-In contact with aliens
-Possess psychic-like abilities
-Control the drug trade with an iron but fair fist
-Own castles & banks globally
-Direct descendants of the ancient spanish royal blood line
-Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Pinograd will be be the first city)
-Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
-First designer babies will in all likelihood be Fillipino babies

You're wasting this opportunity to start your own ethnic clan in the Philippines and carve out a territory for yourself when SHTF

are flips Asian or Pacific Islander? if they're Pacific Islanders then wouldn't nips also be pacific islanders since they're an island in the Pacific

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Im 5’3 filip with a 6+ in cock and savant skillset

Fuck thousands more and you'll get another class of filipinos higher than indios and subpar with hapas

>help the poor
>poor use the help to have more babies

the only solution is forced sterilization, or ghettoization and forced starvation (to death)
filipino poor exist like tumors, produce nothing, take everything, and breed out of control to continue to cycle of parasitization and enslavement of future generations of poor to their parents
culling a few tens of millions of poor now, would prevent the suffering of hundreds of millions of poor in the future
nobody has the balls to do it
I would if somebody paid me to and it was made legal, but whatever

I already have a ranch in an undisclosed location in northwest USA. I also have white children with a white woman. Colonizing sea monkeys is just a hobby.

No they're idiot who ask help with the people who created Kung-flu and release it upon the whole world

Flips are subservient to the chinese, and have sold an enormous quantity of their land and real estate to chinese. They are basically a chinese colony at this moment in time, and are slaves to the chinese. Most factories in Flip land are chinese-owned, and most raw-materials processing plants are chinese-owned.

Chinese are untouchable elite in philipines, to the point where they will not even be prosecuted for raping children or teenagers, unlike koreans who will at least be deported.

The solution is to get them saved according to the Word of God, and not the satanic cult millions of them follow. That alone WILL fix the problem. I believe that 100%.

Most of billionaires here are fucking Chinese. How much is a 10 acre land in the midwest?

>the people who created Kung-flu and release it upon the whole world
Why don't you just say "the Jews"?

Ok Chang

No, the solution is to cull them like the out of control population of wild animals that they are.

A controlled burn will save far more in the long run than it would kill.

Yo are you being serious? Cause I go to PH occasionally and girls always seem like they straight up just want to get impregnated but I say no cause I don't want to be held responsible. What do you say to them about that?

powerfully deluded jungle monkeys