Over the last four years I've grown to literally HATE most celebrities. There are words to describe them such as, but not limited to: selfrighteous, narcissistic, sanctimonious, stupid, etc. But I dont have the vocabulary or linguistic skills necessary to really describe a guy like Robert DeNiro or Ron Perlman. I can't put into words what a piece of feces Stephen Colbert is. How can I better vent my feelings of hollywood and celebrity hatred?
Celebrity hate
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What a odd picture.
They forgot they were acting, they think they are the tough guy, the funny man, the mafia boss. But really they are just mk-ultra’d zogbot goyim.
I cant wait until Robert Deniro kills himself
— Cher (@cher) March 21, 2020
Cher is a deranged high school dropout
If the system collapses, these false idols will fall from their heights the unwashed masses put them in.
I know what you mean OP
It's absolutely incredible how millions of normies care about some literally whos that act in movies
the television and the internet fucks with our mind, the brain reacts to everything it sees at face value and takes it for real and granted. After some exposure you become attached to whatever people you saw in movies and the line between reality and myth is blurred
I would also add sportsmen to your list
basically 95% of the population gives it's money and emotional energy to the 1% of people, while the rest of 4% are schizos browsing Yas Forums that see the charade for the sad thing it is
God please accelerate
Actors are quite literary Whores. You pay them to make you feel better. There is nothing more to it. They prostitute themeselves before us, we pay them if we like what is presented.
>But I dont have the vocabulary or linguistic skills necessary to really describe a guy like Robert DeNiro or Ron Perlman.
Their behaviour is explained by cognitive dissonance.
I'll fill your ass with sphagnum
Not true. You pay first if you don’t like it too fucking bad.
why does de niro literally want to slap a pile of steaming shit in Trumps face?
I just look forward to psychos actively targeting them. In Minecraft.
Herbed because Yas Forums is not your fuckin blog, diary, journal, or social media.
This. Pedowood btfo by Yas Forums poster.
When exactly did 'celebrity culture' start? Was it the invention of TV/Radio?
Imagine this being your progeny
Shes ok with a little makeup.
Celebrities are human beings too. With feelings.
Imagine DeNiro being your sperm donor.
Not really
the eternal mutt
Here's the new Brie Larson car commercial, the content section is gold:
I don't understand why people idolize them. They are not worthy in my eyes.
Most celebrities are scum but we should recognize, that no matter how shitty his politics, De Niro is probably the most accomplished living actor. I don't think he's a fantastic actor like Nicholson or Rourke, but he's given a lot of solid performances in a lot of great films like:
>Once Upon a Time in America
>Deer Hunter
>Taxi Driver
The most based actor to ever live was Charlton Heston.
where's that faggot brad pitt to explain why he loves and supports bolton so much if bolton was the dick head who apparently 'did away with the cdc response team' or whatever these fucking douche bags moan about. he sucked his cock super hard when he was getting his little golden idol, fuck em i hope cali burns and falls into the ocean with absolutely zero survivors
lol this nigger too?
since when did they literally all start being the brain dead shill of the chinese communists?
I want to see a mass murder at the next Hollywood red carpet event. I don't want a single gunman or a truck of peace. I want an angry mob that just beats the fuckers to death over the course of a few hours.
when literally all the comments are shitting on the sociopath bitch
But he has a beautiful family.
We’re being antagonised and baited. No one cares if it hurts the brand or not. This is the last loosh harvest and they’re going all out
>Celebrities are human beings too. With feelings.
Does anyone have an idea who this is supposed to be?
De Nigro
One of the repubs that got accused of "insider trading" because they took out millions from the market before the crash that any non retard that pays any attention to the market saw coming.
>a odd
I wish the mob would do them french revolution style.
Wtf are these companies even trying to do? How does this help then sell cars? Do they even care about selling cars anymore, or is the only goal “tearing down the white heteropatriarchal power structures” or some shit?
Their ivory tower is collapsing and it's glorious.
I guess a good way to look at it would be from a capitalistic perspective. Capitalism has not corrected the behavior of these celebrities yet but it's about to. The creators and the directors and the artists who make advertisements and stuff like that are all incredibly leftist nut jobs but they're not going to have jobs soon.
This, oh so much this, soo soo much.
Propaganda. The sad truth is most people still believe everything they see and hear from the (((media))).
Can't wait
This is sad but true
Holy fuck why do celeb threads keep getting made, put a bullet in each of their heads and move on.
We are getting people to question what's really going on. Keep it up.
I have kind of gone Mennonite, and stopped watching movies. It feels liberating to not think so much about celebrities anymore, whether they are actors such as Robert De Niro, or singers such as Taylor Swift. I simply reject them out of principle.
Is it just one autist who keeps spamming this picture?
Even liberals and normies are starting to see just how repugnant these celebrities are. That “imagine” but that that Israeli Gal Gadot bitch did was apparently a big redpill for a lot of people.
They’re literally millionaires who are high school dropouts that play make-believe in movies that are secretly tailored to the Chinese markets, while pretending to be American.
It’s funny when I point out that all the new Star Wars films removed the black actor from the posters and cover art, and covered the Black Panthers face for Chinese adverts because the Chinese are so racist. Then I see their faces as they have to wrangle with the fact that “racism bad” and “multiculturalism good” in the same thought. If you watch any movie made after 2014, the only thing you can see if messaging for Chinese audiences, and adverts.
I watched the new Jurassic Park film, and even on smashed up destroyed golf cart, the Mercedes logo was still prominent and shiny as hell. The Mercedes logo must have appeared on screen 600 times in 90 minutes.
Every movie is just advertisements and political messaging disguised as a reboot of a franschise or film that is already good on its own and doesn’t need a reboot, while kowtowing to Chinese markets - played by drug addicted rapist retards who act morally superior to the audience despite the fact that they’re all transparently horrible.
If you can name 5 movies that came out in 2014-2020 that doesn’t expressly cater to Chinese audiences or have explicit on-screen advertising, anti-white/male political overtones, and isn’t a reboot or an unwanted sequel - I will eat a shit sandwich.
I’ll even get you started.
>1917 - original script, no adverts, no political message about how women are le saviors.
Now try to name 4 more.
Posters like you make me sick.
You don't have to read the thread or you can filter the catalog.
Just STFU and go back to your trap thread you cum burping faggot
Problem is I can’t tell my family and friends how funny it is cause they are totally plugged into msm and constantly taking the bait. Their awakening will be slow
If you hate them it means you will consume their products and they're still s part of your life. Indifference will solve that.
Waot, didn't that movie shoe a bunch of poos and nigs fighting on the front lines or something?
Hey Donnie how’s it going little Donnie is that you?
I counted 3 black people who all had non-speaking lines, and 1 Sikh, who actually did fight, historically, for the British, so that one was forgivable.
All in all, the very best they could possibly do.
>How can I better vent my feelings of hollywood and celebrity hatred?
Legally? Not sure. They deserve all of it though.
They all smoked Weinstein pole
nigga please
>Ford vs Ferrari
>Once upon a time in Hollywood
Forceably removed