ok chinkcel
get fucked roasties
link old fren pls.
>But one of the most striking effects of the coronavirus will be to send many couples back to the 1950s. Across the world, women’s independence will be a silent victim of the pandemic.
>The coronavirus smashes up the bargain that so many dual-earner couples have made in the developed world: We can both work, because someone else is looking after our children.
Kikes get the rope. Never forgive, never forget.
Yeah, true
Only in clown fake world can women even play pretend to be independent.
The microsecond shit hits the fan womyn all flock towards men, all of them.
>no archive link
two bombs weren’t enough
how is japan doing these days?
Fuck whores
pls no bully archive.vn
shit feels 95% normal here in japan. Only globohomo stores like Apple are closed.
>We can both work, because someone else is looking after our children.
holy shit imagine thinking like this, the only reason I could think of to justify this would be if the couple were poor as fuck and genuinely need that money to support a family
It only takes one dose of nature to destroy the feminism hypothesis. Its not natural.
Ok dont you have movement restrictions?
Is it a good time to visit?
what the fuck even are these "concerns"
More men are contracting the Shanghai Shivers than women, yet somehow feminists find a way to make women the victims.
checked. 80yo still looking like a sloppy college kid. Even a senator can't iron his damn flag??
And after all this, they only talk about women's rights than about those who can stop the disease and help save everyone. All these social causes should be taking a backseat to health problems that are plaguing the masses.
Nigga, is not a good moment to visit anywhere.
Don't even think about it.
Exactly. It is a decadent luxury born our our current (temporary) excess of peace and prosperity. It cannot survive contact with the natural world. That same natural world formed our patriarchal structure for very good reasons.
I keep seeing article after article about the "homeschool panic"
>we've only had our kids at home for TWO DAYS and we're already going CRAZY!!!!!!
imagine having a life so dysfunctional that being with your children is unusual and causes massive stress
It's not the NATURAL ORDER of the things, it's not even an appeal to nature, women don't even belong to themselves.
Im poor so i wont visit shit.
I’m not saying all women are pea brained and hysterical
But it’s obvious now that most women are in fact pea brained and hysterical
Begone, filthy ohnono poster.
Nice one Roast, Chad's bastard sprog needs looking after, be a shame if you had to choose between it and work that week
>both work because they want to
>not both work because they wouldn't have enough money to survive otherwise due to decades of wage flattening
Are people seriously this dumb?
I wonder if maybe that's not true.
There might be a certain adventurous allure we're missing out on. Or else a self destructive death drive? Not sure.
>For those with caring responsibilities, an infectious-disease outbreak is unlikely to give them time to write King Lear or develop a theory of optics.
If only she didn't have that bundle of joy weighing her down.. She might be a secret genius!
There's a virus killing thosuands of people and shutting shutting down the entire economy of the world and these fuckers are still pushing stupid IdPol shit. If there was ever a time to punch an SJW, it would be now.
>implying men will go out and work to provide for the women
>implying THAT is their bad scenario
Wait until they realize we won't
Coronavirus singlehandedly KILLED feminism in Spain (the most cucked european country by far).
Their stupid march caused the deaths of thousands.
Are you retarded?
If a woman's salary goes directly to childcare.. She's playing dressup to flee her actual responsibility
Straight out of the packet. Didn't even bother to iron out the creases.
There's a Sam Hyde quote that goes something like "I don't hate all women, only 29 out of 30 women"
LMAO you can't make this shit up
that's what they *want* us to think!
Jesus..."My husband lost both his legs in combat. Poor me." How fucking selfish
you can still survive on one wage if you're willing to do without some/many/all of the modern "comforts" people take for granted (and are brainwashed to "need")
kek 7/10 shitpost
Cute prank
This is propaganda targeted to hardcore feminists... they're mentally ill.
Some people i know are already in hospital because of corona-chan.
It is true, mate.
Stay home.
based corona-chan
I've been hearing for decades that homeschooling children will make them "socially retarded". This has always irked me even when I was a child. Because I went to public school from K-12 and all that happened was I learned math at a snail's pace, learned literally nothing useful about history or literature, and to top it off, the "socializing" I got was just being harassed by a bunch of third worlders and embittered middle aged boomers who hated their job and hated children. And anyone I did make a friend had room temperature IQ. I much preferred the company of my siblings and parents.
Conan the Barbarian is obviously fantastical escapism, and Robert E. Howard was a bit larpy, but he was ultimately correct: late-civilization is a rare, happy chance, not the 'norm' at all.
It's like how a lot of 300IQ breadtube transsexuals are spiraling into depression/hysteria because they can't get their hormones, whereas far-right Amish Grug von Grugsen and his wife Matilda are doing great making even more children.
No kidding. What's worse, this mental illness seems to be contagious
Maybe needs a tiny lecture about being careful with TP at most. Cute creative kid though.
Honestly kind of doing a wait and see how the cops are and if it comes down to it I will start punching commies
I've been reflecting lately on how much time in school felt wasted...I'm thinking about 80% of it, and I went to a very good school. It's basically prison for children, and both the adults and the children treat it as such. I couldn't wait to escape.
There's almost nothing you can learn in school you can't learn out of school. Exceptions would be sciences, because most homes don't have the equipment for a chemistry lab or observatory, for example
if you could trace this idea back to its roots I bet it's Jews who just wanted every kid in school so they don't have to worry about independent thinkers
it took me nearly 15 years to break free of my programming and I'm the rebellious sort anyway
it's hard to completely hate white leftists because they're just the weak ones who couldn't resist the programming
wow rare id
To conclude, I think the criticism that "homeschooling makes children socially retarded" is borne from the same low IQ thought pattern that says "circumcision is cleaner" or that "hardship/spanking builds character"
The average person is not mentally sophisticated. They are dull-witted and not particularly empathetic. They want fast results and don't care about dedication and love. They don't want to spend lots of time with their children. They don't want to think what's best for their child. They don't want to talk to their children and take time to explain right from wrong.
They want the fast easy solution.
>Send him to public school, he'll learn how to "socialize".
>Cut off his foreskin, it's cleaner.
>Spank him when he misbehaves, it builds character
All of these choices conveniently are the choices the most lazy person in the world who wanted to take zero time to think critically would take. The low IQ normie takes the easiest path of least resistance then vehemently attacks anyone who acts differently. If you lovingly devote time and energy to your child, they'll call you a helicopter parent. Basically, normies are crabs in a bucket. But that comes as no surprise to anyone with triple digit IQ
>feminism works when everyone is complacent and gov is throwing money at you
Whoa, I didn't even notice. I like it. Sounds like a DJ or band name
>Man dying, woman most affected
I would be laughing if it wasn't so sad that this is what our society has turn into.
>Coronavirus kills men 2:1 vs women
>Women most affected
Can't make this up. Kikes only have 1 method of attack, and it's retarded
The day of judgement is here bros
I wouldn't be surprised to see this as an actual article
>To Protect Our Mental Health, We Must Send Our Children Back To School
>Yes, they could get sick. But that's a risk they run every day. With hundreds of runny noses and unwashed hands, sickness is a constant presence in the average school...
They already want your kids home rotting.
>We can both work, because someone else is looking after our children.
This is sad on so many levels. I want out of this timeline.
Numerous studies prove the opposite: homeschooled children are better socialized, more confident, and better adjusted than public school kids. Public school is basically prison for children - why does everyone think that will be good for their socialization? Because they get to interact with the other prisoners? The way we educate children is fucked.
To be fair, the studies are pretty vague as to why that is. One of the reasons being floated is that men are more likely to be smokers than women, which would men that its our own damn fault.
Then again, I read another study that suggests estrogen actually causes the body to have a much more effective response to the virus. So if you want to protect yourself, now is the time to transition!
>Surrounded by hot underage teen girls who are legal to fuck, a waste of time.
>yes goy
>take the tv jew
>take the sugar jew
>video game jew
>"Purely as a physical illness, the coronavirus appears to affect women less severely."
>New virus kills loads of men. Women suffering most
>We can both work, because someone else is looking after our children.
Why yes, I would never want either me or my wife to be involved in raising our children, I'd rather leave it to random strangers, how could you tell?
What is bad for feminism is good for women