'murica, you've done it again.
Perfect uncontained exponential virus growth (graph is logarithmic). Look at how straight that line is. The world bows to your excellence in displaying the proper way to spread a virus.
'murica, you've done it again.
Perfect uncontained exponential virus growth (graph is logarithmic). Look at how straight that line is. The world bows to your excellence in displaying the proper way to spread a virus.
shut up leaf
I doubt thats actually the graph of how the virus spreads, its more like the growth of testing capabilities. The virus is probably much much higher and we're just finding it.
wow that's literally a line
This is going to be the textbook example for introducing logarithms
its a good indication how the spread goes, i mean how its spreading
Possibly, but still alarming. Unconstrained virus growth is exponential, testing capability growth could be possibly as well.
But even if this is testing capability growth then we're seeing virus growth at a much greater scale. If you follow the trajectory, we're looking at 4 days until 100k, US is easily going eclipse Italy and China.
look at the numbers on the side
a log scale?
This, of course
Same in Sweden, except worse likely
Spread is completely uncontained, and we're only testing people that are to receive treatment (so symptoms bad enough to be hospitalized)
We also don't test and just wait who shows up at the hospital.
Since there's been talk of testing, here is a chart of the amount of testing each country has done.
All countries we've talked about here have tested above their current infection rate, though United States only by a factor of 3 (US currently has a confirmed infection rate of 106).
Sweden has a confirmed infection rate of 191, and Canada 39.
So Sweden is testing at 7x the infection rate and Canada, hard to say since the numbers are by province, but Ontario and BC are the most affected so let's say 35x the infection rate.
Certainly in Canada this gives more confidence to the infection numbers as being truly representitive.
That's actually close to perfect.
>Italy and China.
We will eclipse Italy. China will never release real number, if they even have it themselves.
One my acquaintance who is a doctor and works in Sweden posted this on the day Czechia closed its borders. Just a flu bro.
Stop laughing at other's suffering, chicom chink subhuman scum. Wish your subhumans all die because of wu-flu and you die with your lungs fully red.
BC has been ABYSMAL with testing, an absolute disgrace.
If I survive this I'm going to be going full force against the health minister next election.
i bet the number will just keep going up, unbelievable
1 million in about 15 days.
I'm not really laughing at it, merely observing the Karma of a major world leader who initially treated this as some "hoax" and was more worried about the stock markets, than doing any sort of preparation. North America had the warning of both Asia and Europe.
Everyone in every province has been complaining about this. But this goes to show that most of the world is fairing even worse than we are, so we should put that into perspective.
I am so tired of this attitude in Canada.
Just because the US is a disaster zone doesn't give us an excuse to be. We should be up there with South Korea or the UAE. We shouldn't settle for one above the worst on every stat but income.
No one is giving excuses here, of course we should aspire to better.
Also realize people everywhere are suffering. It's a little inconsiderate to call our situation "abysmal" given the circumstances.
We should have started N95 mask production full bore 2 months ago, we should have had 1000 ventilators per day being pumped out by now.
Just look at the response in Taiwan or South Korea, we don't even have temperature checks at every mall, go outside and nobody is wearing masks, the government is even lying that they don't work. I think it is very fair to call it abysmal compared to what we should expect from our tax money.
the WHO does indeed estimate that the actual number of infected is likely anywhere between 2 to 10 times the confirmed cases, depending on the country
I think they do it doing some statistical analisis on how many people they test per day and how often a negative case comes up
countries with relatively high testing ratios that have a lot of their results return negative are getting super accurate numbers, and countries that do few tests and every single one of them returns positive is likely going to have an obscene number of cases that are never confirmed
I'm pretty sure the US is on the latter situation
>world leader who initially treated this as some "hoax"
Ah yeah when this world leader closed travel from China he got called racist. Any and all measures were pushed back against by democrats
In Asia people sometimes wear masks going out even when there isn't an epidemic. Thier supply chain is already primed. Population density is much higher which makes the logistics of getting things to every mall easier.
I question if they have this level of deployment in the smaller villages of the country. I was in Japan last week, traveling around. In Tokyo everyone was wearing masks, not so many when I reached towns the size of London, Ontario.
We're not really comparing apples to apples. Canada has logistical population density challenges. We forget that.
I prefer to compare us to Australia. Granted, Australia has done more testing than we have.
Masks are pointless user. Unless you are going to a place with sick peoples in it or are sick most facial masks are pointless barring ones designed for hospital staff. Also when you busy a hospital face masks are meant to protect the people in it from (you).
Here's the thing. That's been his approach to dealing with any world issue since day one. That's it's not America's problem, so if we keep the ones who are the problem out, America will be fine. Other than that, he's acted as if there's no crisis, until a couple days ago.
The WHO has been saying that limiting travel is not necessarily effective in combating Covid, and he really hasn't done much to follow the expert guidelines.
If you leave the house sick and wear a face mask(like a lot of asians do) that renders it pointless.
We need to shit the borders with the US forever. I don't want these fuckers spreading their germs up here.
i dont think mutts can handle this. looking forward to their catastrophic panic
>That UAE number
What the fuck?
Yeah, I clipped it, else the image would be really wide. It's 12,738, literally off the page.
I assume they just shit their pants when things started going down in Iran.
Canada being 6th in testing and only getting 1,000+ cases gives me hope. We need to keep testing and quarantining people. Make sure they don't break out. Contain this shit. The past 4 days have ups and downs with regards to cases. This is different than countries where it just keeps going up and up. We may have flattened it.
Wow, never thought they had it in them.
American minds are too powerful they'll blame everything on the Chinese and democrats and from there on for some reason this means nothing has to be done because it's no longer the governments responsibility
If you get sick with Corona do you have to pay for all the medical fees yourself in the US?
Are you sure? I mean Canada is a big place right? Is there any sort of extreme measures you guys are doing? Apparently its chaotic out there in British Columbia.
Canada has 30 million people. We're smaller than California. Everyone lives in mega cities. Toronto's metro population is 6 million. Montreal is 4 million. Vancouver is 2.5 million. Just these 3 cities is 1/3 of our population. And those are the cities with the most tests. We have about 1500 cases and 20 dead.
My understanding is that BC was affected by the outbreak on the US west coast and many travelers coming up from the states. They were the loudest at criticizing Trudeau when he shut the boarder for all countries except US.
Many of the measures are Provincial, but as I understand it most Provinces are moving forward with closing businesses which serve as social gathering places. Ontario certainly has. Hospitals were also given new powers to increase capacity and responsiveness, which previously required provincial approval.
Quebec is going as far as issuing fines for people going out in public, I've heard.
Why does it need to say its logarithmic in three places? Isnt that obvious to you or?
That's the dumbest shit.
The US's first cases (or was it first deaths?) were from Seattle's nursing home, right? As soon as they were hit we should've closed borders. But every country was scared of stepping on toes by doing it first. We had to talk with the US and make sure they want to close the borders as well.
I thought czechs were fairly normal people?
I hear you. One thing to keep in mind though, is that we're risking a global recession which could be as large as the Great Depression of the 1920s depending on how this Coronavirus thing plays out. So, yes, we want to do the right thing to protect people's health, but we also want to make sure that everyone has a job and income to come back to when this is over and done with. How would you feel if the virus was dealt with, but then you find out there's no money for you and many around you for the foreseeable future?
The border with the US is complicated, because most of Canada's companies cannot survive without trade with the United States.
Nice 2004 meme. The virus has a fuckton of cases because it was released in a packed city of 8 million kikes and niggers, it has no relevance to people not literally living in hive cities. However I notice literally every city in Canada is a hive city, so good luck with that. Fucking chink.
A question for Amerimutts. Since Nigs and Spics are generally more obese and prone to diabetes, do you think that Covid will cull some of your welfare leeches? Just looking for potential silver linings here. I know in my country the nigs have high levels of HIV,TB and Hep B prevalence. Hoping this might cause a bit of a clean up.
Also tweakers and junkies in general. Surely they have highly compromised immune systems.
>linear rather then exponential spread
i mean... it could be worse
maybe this is good results?
I wish there was a way to track suicides from people who recovered and thought they were covered only to receive a letter from Shlomo that they didn't have full pandemic coverage.
thats the smart move. only leftist academics think it can be contained (through communism)
south korea is STILL under full quarantine after months
That is a beautiful fucking line I gotta admit
Muahahahahaha told em trucking will make it happen. Fuck if I care just kill the mad scientist that made it.
Theres no such thing as 'having it in you' with these matters. There are two types of gov, one that gives a flying fuck about you and the ones that dont. The arabs are religious so its not surprise they did that, the rest of the world however is not and thus does not care about human life.
Probably trolling but whatever. The graph is logarithmic, check the numbers on the right. That means the growth is actually exponential.
7.6b people on the planet
>look guys, we tested them all, it's a nothing burger
shamefur dispray, grorious CCP China defeated COVID-19 in a singre day!
The USA is a nigger-infested joke.
Certainly not the ones that decide to emigrate to Sweden.
boomers about to be removed, life might be better after that
NJOOOOOOOO NOT THE AMERICARIONS TRUMP IS BASEDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :''''''((((((((((((((((((((((((
I'm paying sick people to coof over your border.
> exponential
> look how straight that line is
Another laughably dumb retard posting nothing and getting hundreds of replies. RIP Yas Forums