>With the coronavirus epidemic now set to last for many months, and government introducing stricter controls, the need for good clear medical information has become paramount.

>This week, Q+A turns to the medical experts to answer the countless questions still swirling through our community.

>Q+A is live from Sydney on Monday, 23 March at 9.35pm AEDT.

>Dr Norman Swan
Presenter, RN and Coronacast

>Dr Norman Swan is host of ABC's Coronacast, as well as a multi-award winning producer and broadcaster.

>Norman Swan
>Professor Sharon Lewin
>Leading infectious diseases expert and Director of the Doherty Institute

>Professor Sharon Lewin is currently involved in developing new testing kits and treatments for Coronavirus.

>Professor Paul Kelly
>Professor Paul Kelly is Australia's Deputy Chief Medical Officer, a public health physician and epidemiologist.

>Watch with us

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Other urls found in this thread:

Praise him

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fuck boys just praised him, might praise again later idk.

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Stay mad wagies

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Fuck so keen

Does anyone have the bingo card?

You mean like the one in OP?

Ahh yes. Sorry, I’m fucking retarded.

This week on qanda...

>Abo: "Muh oppression"
>Woman: "Muh oppression"
>Tranny: "Muh oppression"
>Random shitskin or White guy: "Multicultralism is great!"

friendlyjordies says that qanda is boring so i'll not be watching

all the wagies know the pain of cerno website now

At least the bottleos are still open....right

Has been the bingo card for many a Q+A thread

Angryjimmies is an ok guy

at least we are on it already neetbros

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just need colder weather

did you see him interview rudd?
i swear he was gonna get on his knees and start suckin
>i painted this warhammer figurine for you oh you broke it? thats ok "giggles like a whore"

and a gf

Why hasnt it started yet?

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>one time stimulus payment
>second stimulus payment
>now there's an on-going supplement
>now more payments are eligible for that supplement
So how long until we get Universal Basic Income?

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until the coffers are suitably in the red

holy shit I don't like what's gonna come in the next few years

Quick rundown on the promising drug to fight Coronachan

French Gandalf (see pic above) and his team have found that hydroxychloroquine, an old anti-malarial drug, seems to be very effective against Corona.
Many people are enthusiastic about it (including Trump), but many big pharma shills are trying to discredit it.

So watch out tonight for what people have to say about this treatment.

i hope you neet lads hoarder tp you will be able to get all the stacey's you ever wanted

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Studio has suddenly come down with coronavirus

>until the coffers are suitably in the red
What does this mean?

Saltyfaggot is a complete and utter shitcunt.

UBI would be easier than maintaining current ceno system, just give everyone across the board $700 a week

I heard they are a lot of gooks there ? I heard you also have more food then I am
I am in

big line goes down... very far

I remember in the walking dead when they discovered you need a head shot to kill the zombies the relevant authorities quickly got to work and resolve the situation And everything went back to normal


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I have not watched this in any capacity, ironic or otherwise, in 6 years. Sometimes I catch short clips of the latest boring "outrage" they've conjured, and nothing has changed. They are so creatively bankrupt that even watching it to see insanity is pointless, because it's just perfectly lucid, c-grade method acting as insane.

The only episode worth watching will be the one where someone takes a sawed off shotgun into the studio audience and wastes the whole panel.


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well you can't get in mate

Damn the intro is shit

when they're a few months from choosing between being unable to cut funding for any other part of the budget or continuing the new cenno gibs and cant borrow anymore

S o f t c o c k

hows it going in best korea

Senate still sitting lads. Greens going off.
Will probably be referenced in QANDA.

listen to the ((((((((experts))))))))

How many people did they test it on

Wash your hands lads

IN audience tonight lads, have corona, coughed heaps in small balloons in my jacket, gonna let it all out during the show, watch out for "two genders" signal

what body type is this?

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>chris mcmememan
did I hear that right?

>In the audience
>no audience


ANNNNNDD what does that mean? I dont understand sheckle science. Should I withdraw my money? Should I cash in my supper? What will happen if I sdo.

Fuck travelfags

Anyone else here use Tinder? I'm fucking sick of not getting any matches. Could use a bit of help

Fucked in the ass.

>have disabilities
>go on cruise after coronavirus outbreak

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>watching Q&A

This kills braincells even harder than MAFS

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literally this. It’s the same shit every week, i don’t even bother anymore i just get the highlights from you cunts


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about 5 cats


MAFS is good

Rules 1 & 2.

doctors are idiots


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I think I'm attractive. How to test this hypothesis?

aussies are all in a state of disarray and currently disorganised headless chickens desperately seeking outlets by any means so expect some hysterical behaviour in the form of multiple aus/pol/ threads. plus many of them just became unemployed so they're disgruntled and want to focus their rage on ethnic groups.

not your financial advisor m8, I'd look around in the whirlpool financial subforum for more aus-specific discussion

Analslut is a body type, right?

Be careful, I hear there's a bit of Nick Xenophon in her.

Do you get matches on Tinder?

If you accept the fact that it is alley trash, it can be appreciated in an ironic way. But even then watch it with the mental equivalent of PPE.

> According to a recent Chinese stud, about 80% of patients present with mild disease and the overall case-fatality rate is about 2.3% but reaches 8.0% in patients aged 70 to 79 years and 14.8% in those aged ≥80 years
Pics of stud?

post your picture here, faggot

And so they should in minecraft

MAFS is good

This really wasn't worth shutting down half the economy for, who gives a fuck if some boomers die?

will pc parts drop or increase in price


>I'd look around in the whirlpool financial subforum for more aus-specific discussion
>on aus/pol/
you are a fucking snake

fuck. qanda WITH audience was already boring .. but THIS ... fuck me dead!


>trusting Australians to self-dilate.

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U first

>qanda thread
>no discussion about qanda

Just coooomed

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gonna have 10 000+ deaths over next two weeks. screencap this

Get a female friend to look over your profile and give you some tips then.

What's wrong with whirlpool apart from their strict moderation and the few deranged lefty posters? apart from Yas Forums there's almost no specifically australian internet forum for discussion on australian topics.

Don't you think it would be a good thing if everyone focuses their rage on the Chinese?
I do

The worst health epidemic in Australia was 15,000

There's no one fun to screencap in the audience.

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