Feminization of the western male

Read pic related.
Most of you will agree.
What would you say if I told you that the "male" point of view in the pic was considered to be the female point of you until around 15 years ago?
Until the mid 2000s or so, it was common knowledge that only women wanted feelings and relationship and men literally only wanted to fuck.

What happened? Are zoomers really that feminized? I'm old enough to think that all this shit about feelings and companionship sounds ultra-gay.

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I hate modern women

I hate modern "men". Because you behave like women. Can't expect hetero chicks to date you then.

>it was common knowledge that only women wanted feelings and relationship and men literally only wanted to fuck.

Only in women's minds and their shitty "culture".
You'd have to be a fool to believe that shit has ever been true.

The majority of men have always wanted to settle, while the majority of women have always wanted to be "adventurous", "travel", and shit.

Zoomer spotted.

Especially in the 80s and earlier, it was the exact opposite. When I was a teen in the 90s, the feminization started slowly and it was JARRING. People who grew up with 80s machismo were told they now had to be sensitive and show feelings. It was considered laughable even by young teenagers.

But you zoomers believe it. Why?

Loner chad reporting in

Women are man's greatest weakness and self-denial is the only way, do not give in to women under any circumstance.

> You should open up about your emotions more.

>Not like that Incel. I don't like you, I think you raped me.

Until women no longer have every legal advantage over men, this won't get better. Women receive more support in every level of society, whereas men don't "need" it despite evidence to the contrary.

That, and the massive devaluation of a single person's income means that men are on par with women for earnings unless they go for specialized STEM and heavy math/engineering fields.

And outside those engineering disciplines, women receive more far more financial help every step of the way. Anything other than a white male (or asian) is "amazing" to these people and they shovel money Into mediocre people.

The economic leveling is still the executioners axe. By forcing men to complete with women who are "equal" (despite performance differences, and despite massive financial assistance on the woman's side). Every step of the way a woman has it easier.

No, this isn't "wagh wagh" women have it so much easier than men. What I'm saying is Money pressure + time + different support treatment to men + legal protections for women on all levels = Men being legally and financially castrated and mediocre women workers wondering why there aren't any "good men" because all the good men went elsewhere for work and still aren't interested in a 30 year old used hole whereas a guy the same age with financial away looks much more attractive to a younger woman.

>and men literally only wanted to fuck.
But then why did Romeo kill hisself?

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Women say for decades they want guys to be more caring and emotional and hate that they're just after sex and when guys actually do that they just continue fucking Chad. Never trust a femoid

Machoism is so fucking stupid
>look I’m such a man I hide my natural emotions because I’m scared of being judged

It's all they've ever known, and any time they acted contrary to this as a child, especially when they were in school, they were promptly censured by the nearest adult. It doesn't help that their genx parents are nihilistic retards who don't believe in anything and fell for the "if I tell my children how to act, they'll just do the opposite, so I'll just let them figure out everything on their own" meme. As a result, their male role models didn't have their best interest at heart like a normal parent would.

I don’t even want to be in a relationship with the modern bitch. She probably sucked off 25 dudes before yo ur ass that same year. I’ll just fucking Jack off thank you very much lmao

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Are you 15? Stop being such a faggot

You say that but im a femboy on hormones and am having a lot more sex with women than before I started.

The overwhelming majority of men have always been betas and cucks used and disposed of by both women and society as a whole like a cheap condom. This has never and never will change.

Twitter doesn't represent real life.

Biological warfare via hormones. Why do you think they are pushing puberty blockers on kids now to make them trannies? Everything these days has xeno estrogens which feminizes men and masculinizes women.



I don't care anymore. I'm undesirable to women. So be it. I'll work, play video games, read, and exercise until I get too old or tired to enjoy anything and then I'll commit suicide.

listen here, buckos
it's called a shit test
collectively, white men are failing shit tests
the more you fail the shit tests, the more intense the shit tests become
once you reach a certain low point, the woman can no longer view you as an acceptable mate
with each failure of a shit test, the woman will slowly lose respect for you
this is doubly damaging, because a woman's love for her husband is connected inherently to her respect for him
is a great example of a shit test
women demand something of you while subconsciously hoping that you'll do the opposite or just not do what she says at all
the more you pass, the more the pussy tingles

feminism is the biggest shit test in the history of humanity, and white western men have fail so very spectacularly

Any girl or guy who thinks like the girls in OPs image are human waste

>hurr durr machoism is bad.
If your natural emotions are "fear" "anxiety" and "sadness" you're not much of a man are you buddy? Get a dad.

They really are horrible. This is what happens when they're left to make their own choices. There's a reason that men have always needed to have a heavy hand with them throughout history. We're witnessing why right now.

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Holy fucking cringe

Most guys i know just want sex aswell and dont give a shit
Girls are usually the ones who just want to talk all the time before they are ready for sex
And if youre talking about tinder whores
Its a literal hookup and sex app nobody looks for any relationship on there

Kike spotted.


Im pagan retard

Look mom I said “cope” again.

So if you’re family member dies you wouldn’t be sad, I think you’re a psychopath m8 take your meds

I don't give a fuck what women think about me at all. they've been so thoroughly destroyed by society that I do not care about them whatsoever. hiring a surrogate soon so that I can have a son.

I think most guys are just tuning out the "shit tests" and enjoying a life of solitude.

You don't understand women do you user? A woman is subject to her own instincts and goals, driven by her basic biology of achieving a proper mate.
Biologically, women have two primary goals. Secure their place in society, and secure a proper mate. Both are inter-related and based heavily on how they evolved to survive being physically weaker than men.
Though the former depends entirely on the type of society she's in. Women can't lone-wolf; they are almost entirely group-oriented people. They strongly desire on a genetic level, not to rock the boat. If you think about it, it makes sense. Back in the day, while men were frequently out hunting, women relied on being in a pack for security. An ostricized woman was an unprotected women.
Thus, they aim to fit within the society they are in as much as possible, to not be ostracized as a priority. They then seek a man within that society as a mate.

The second goal, of securing a proper mate, influences the first to the point that I can't say anything about the former without the latter.
Women like things they can't get, so they usually act like whiny bitches and demand things, not to get them, but to be told that they can't get them. There's a proper logical reason as to why so many weak people complain that women keep friend-zoning them and going for assholes, and that reason is that the woman they were after, saw them as weak and discarded them as potential mates.

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its true though. unless youre really fucked in the head or astronomically low t youll never prefer cooming to porn than in a woman

>B-b-but ZOGvision told me women are imcredible beings of emotional depth that should take care of people whilst I am a male so my job is being quiet and stoic and strong
Women are inferior in literally every aspect, when compared to men. In this world, you don't get a character sheet with attributes to put your points in. Some people are inferior, some people are superior.

and you are larping as a tranny. if you are an actual alpha male, you aren't (you wouldn't cry on Yas Forums about beta males), you would welcome this. less competition and more pussy for you. so you're either a tranny or a beta male bitch.

It's strange that most women I have known never were like the girls from that image. All girls I was in contact with were actually never trying to get any money from me. But I think I got psyoped by image boards and now I'm lonely virgin at 26.

This is because women at large have understood that serial-monogamy is flawed, and the way forward is polyamory.

All I want now is an indoor pool so I can swim every night.

What if these women are absolute shit and make your life miserable

At its core, the mate selection process for women is basically their instincts saying, 'if you can control him, then he's too weak for you'. This ties in to the concept of shit-tests, and why women paradoxically go for people that keep them in line or don't care about them. After a bit of thought, it adds up, and you understand why traditional methods fail. If you can't dominate her, then you can't protect her. Her biology tells her this, even if her conscious self denies it.
Women are a lot like a canary in the coal mine. The coal mine being society. Women adapt to what they see as the society, in an effort not to be ostracized as their instincts dictate. However, that society can sometimes tell them to conform to certain norms that conflict with their instincts to find a mate.
The society that tells them to be a 'strong independent wamen who don't need no man' is acting fully against their nature, but they adapt, because it's in their nature to follow, not to lead. The result of this is that they turn into feminists or whores or some other category that causes only weak men to follow them, while proper mate material strays as far away as possible from them. Unhappiness follows as they keep trying to find a mate, yet repeatedly fail, never stopping because they can't go against their instincts, until they die alone, surrounded by fifty cats, empty wine bottles and a history of thousands of sexual partners.
But it doesn't stop there. They are given societal power now. And with that power, they carry out that which their instincts tell them to. A woman in power without proper handling, will do to her society what she would do to a man: whine, demand, shit-test, and so on. But now the law is in her favor, and nobody will be able to do anything about it, when instinctively, the woman wants them to do something about it, in order to find a proper mate.

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I would hit random women on the street who dress to slutty if they were not insanely protected by law.

I hope some nigger sodomizes you.

I've never had sex and never will, so it doesn't matter what I'd "prefer".

You deserve to be pushed down a flight of stairs.

Never fall into the assumption that women are the same as men. Don't put them to the same standards, and don't use the same logic with them. Learn how to treat them, and you'll find someone who will madly want to bear your children. Traditional societies that encouraged manliness in men and proper values in women gave this to most women since the dawn of history, but when society changes, they adapt, for better or worse.
It's also no coincidence that the great majority of feminists always have rape, male aggressiveness, and sexuality in their heads 24/7 like a fantasy, and many of them even hold strong BDSM fetishes. Consider that they're surrounded by massive beta boys who worship them and give them everything they say they want, yet these feminists rarely pick to mate with them, and you'll get a clue as to what they actually want.

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More like, you fell the "women care about feelings" meme. Like others in your decadent boomer generation you've done nothing to restrain women or stop them from feminizing everything, and now you're attacking the young people to whom you've handed a broken Western society. If you're going to fork us the cost of your mistakes, at least don't play dumb.

Sorry I’m not reading this

The problem is other men who come to a woman's rescue when a man is actually being a man.

id just want one that doesn't constantly shit test and manipulate and bicker over fucking everything. and finding a woman like that is not possible

>literally only wanted to fuck
as you get older the vagina seems less and less big a deal and talk about getting dick wet and slamming vag just sounds like some adolescent boast and its boring.

if marriage is going to be on the table, sex isnt the most important thing. she needs to be a woman you can actually live with.


real men dont feel emotions

some become faggots, traps, trannies, etc. as well
that strain of degeneracy is only growing in popularity

Its the shitty food and the chemical toxins in it. Its that simple.

Roastie wanting men to “man up” and accept her blown out pussy with ruined eggs and a 100+ dicks . Fuck off and feed your cats

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Hello based department?

psychos make the pussy wet
once you accept that women lied to you about what they want in a man, your life becomes much less confusing and stressful

If I could sum it up in a brainlet-tier headline, I would. But it's a bit more complicated than that.
I'd suggest that if you don't like to read, that you should stick to sites that typically keep their comments brief, like Youtube or Twitter.
That sounds like more your speed.

user, you've got a complimentary call from our CEO. He wants to put you through to the Redpilled Division. Please pick up the phone.

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post nudes

so you let women control you

Stockholm Syndrome kills all shit tests.

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Quality post user. Good thing I'm a lesbian so I don't have to deal with any of this hetero drama. My Virgin body will remain forever unsullied by the clutches of men, I could settle down with a good guy. Give him children and grandchildren grow old together, but I'm not going to because I find penis to be a icky.lol.

Ok big man

t. tranny

Should there be a thing called love with mutual respect between wife and husband? Or is it just my idealist brain speaking and I should just kms or turn in to a trap for this to be real?

How do you treat them in what ways to get good outcomes?

I work in a new job environment environment which is almost 70% women who are completely clueless on how to get work done efficiently and act as if every minor correction my "male magic" brings is a stroke of genius.

I have to point out to them how wrong they are in their work or come up with systems if organization that they should have implemented years ago. I'm BTFOing all of them and I know for sure that I can argue for a damn decent raise in a few months but I know what I get won't reflect the efforts. I'm in a growing industry and I'm prepared to move to a different company with my akills, but it's a decent gig here.

you are free to ignore the cunts and just do whatever you want
I'm just saying you need to understand how their minds work so you don't drive yourself insane
this goes for you too
at least try to know wtf is going on in their heads
life's less confusing when you know why women act like schizos all the time






Lmao you're delusional, there is a reason the trope of the rugged man falling in love with a prostitute exists and has existed for centuries.

I used to think I was gay. Eventually (if you stop consuming media and actually think hard about it) you will realize that its a fake identity and that it is a way to feel special because of social failure and other issues. People can force themselves to find anything attractive and if you aren’t playing the role you were dealt well you will never be truly satisfied. Hopefully you grow up but women are much more juvenile than men so I don’t know how possible that is.

Don't let this assholes brainwash you. My parents and my twin sis and her husband are good enough examples of loving relationship without woman excepting benefits or machism from their husbands.

I wasn't talking about religion, I was talking about ethnicity. Or did you think they're just a religion?

Sounds awesome. I like jacuzzi pools.
Yeah but a lot also choose to read classic literature or involve themselves in world politics. Redpill masses.

t. zoomer

>"if I tell my children how to act, they'll just do the opposite, so I'll just let them figure out everything on their own"
That's the opposite of what Gen X is doing. It's called anti-authoritarian education and was a meme during the boomer hippie era, Gen X already made jokes about it.

Good for you then.

lol I'm 40 I already had my "wild years" and zoomers not getting their tiny dicks wet doesn't help me at all.
I'd actually have to have sex with 30 year olds or even worse 40 year olds. Yuck.

>you fell the "women care about feelings" meme
Nah, I never believed that.

>Like others in your decadent boomer generation you've done nothing to restrain women or stop them from feminizing everything, and now you're attacking the young people to whom you've handed a broken Western society.
I'm Gen X not a aboomer. We got the broken society and managed, you're just a bunch of pussies who can't get sex even though all women supposedly crave it lmao.

>Women say
Doesn't mean they mean it, faggot.

>gif cuts off before he shoots him in the face

My posts on Yas Forums are the only attention you'll ever receive from me or any other woman for that matter.


You can be sad all you want, you just aren't allowed to be mopey. lrn2high arousal emotions, those are the good, manly ones. Low arousal emotions are the pussy ones.

Based and wankpilled

I don’t think you understand how strong the propaganda is. Also with internet access every kid goes on reddit and is barraged nonstop with propaganda from people they believe to be “peers” it’s really bad man. It’s so bad that I believe this is the precursor to the end of days.

>Women say for decades they want guys to be more caring and emotional
Nah, the media (ie. gays) said it. Never heard a woman say it except in jest.
You just put your money on the wrong horse, so why don't you just change your approach.

Why do you think I pointed out to never trust them? I dated a hole for 8 years but I'm pretty glad to be single for a bit desu, get to bunker up alone

Nothing wrong with wanting your girlfriend to be nice and respectful.

Just stop believing what you read online and instzead believe what you see irl bro.
Gen X had a meme of "Don't believe everything you read", that would do zoomers some good.

You have to treat most women with kid gloves. They're extremely fragile. They don't tend to take criticism well. If you want good results from them, be like a father is to his daughter. Be firm but don't leave out the compliments, or she'll rebel. Their ego's are extremely important to them.
Put them in a psychologically submissive position to you, by making them desire your feedback.
A little negging here and there, combined with warranted compliments, even if small, will help a lot.

I fully realize I'm a degenerate. I tried being straight but I cannot stand to be sexually submissive, the second I'm not in control of my companion I am filled with panic I don't know why. Maybe someday I'll find some cute trap I can lovingly bully and bake bread with and spank.

fpbp. They aren't feminine anyone. Men like this are white knight fags. I know that term is played out, but I don't care. it is what it is. I want women to be like Disney princesses, that's the only way I'll be a Disney prince.

I don't agree, been with my gf for nearly 5 years and I'm poor as fuck. If the kind of women you affiliate with only care about your dick size or your wallet, find better women. The majority of people are shitty and self-interested, men included. That doesn't mean you have to throw the baby out with the bathwater just because Yas Forums told you that all women are evil.

Zoomers have no social skills as the internet has replaced social interaction. I know though man. I want to live and carve out a living for myself unplugged as possible

So true, condensed succinctly. Unfortunately Yas Forums is now Yas Forums and these faggots would rather feel entitled than understand this dynamic (like those they loathe, they expect things to be handed to them)
So happy I was a confident chad who got laid as much as I wanted until I settled down and had kids