Meanwhile, in reverse Yas Forums

Meanwhile, in reverse Yas Forums...

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Other urls found in this thread:

Jews are the best, we should all aspire to become like them.

Coronavirus hasn’t peaked yet it’s getting worse anons

Why are men so toxic?

I have a black friend XD

Your love is like a holocoaster baby baby. I wanna ride.

Blacks are very intelligent and the apex of civilization

It IS just a flu bro

Only ashkenazi Jews can post in this thread.

Blacks are the best race in the world. The most intelligent people out there.

Q was right again

Traps are not gay

I'm not a federal agent

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i love chinks, the way they torture and mutilate dogs before eating them, just warms my heart

President Trump is greatly admired. He will depart for his humanitarian mission to Mars next week, following a global parade in his honor.

I'm glad China is telling the world exactly whats going on with their infection rates and death toll

The holocaust did happen and 6000000 million Jews were gassed in fake shower rooms for No reason at all

also i fucking love niggers

Hey guys, we're talking politics. It's happening, voter fraud is rampant. The DNC primary is illegitimate, and here's the proof. We've been talking about this for so long that the media can't ignore it any longer.

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it's actually happening

OP is not a fag

Im a straight female in search of my incel.

Drop your snap usernames and I’ll message you. I’m bi

Good thing that we are not in FBI honeypot.

i tongue nigger anus.

Meanwhile, whites making everyone cringe with their gay spongebob shit for the billionth time

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Diversity gives me tasty food and comes with zero consequences

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I miss basketball.

The coronavirus is a nothingburger.


r u okay faggot? r u good mentally or do your brains need to be on pavement?

African Americans and God's chosen people, good news.

Islam is a religion of peace.

marx was a pretty smart guy

sekik kcuF
sreggin kcuF
seinnaj kcuF

Goddamn traps are so fucking gay.

I'm straight

Good thing the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation made the event 201, it really influenced the preparation of USA of this pandemy and thus had meaning.

We, the jews must unite with the negroes against the white menace!

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Bow down to me, I rule the world. I am the most important person of the most important country in this world, AMA.

Emmanuel Macron is so straight, I don't think he could ever have gay black males fucking him while listening to rap music.

I’m talking to you Faggot.

Built for asian cock

France has been so enriched by amazing African engineers. Only problem is they are a bit too quiet and shy!

Almost half of all republican senators accept donations from Israeli lobbies. (1.4% of the US population, 0.0025% of world population)

Senate (36% accepting Israeli lobbies, 2,600% US over-representation)

Ted Cruz (R-TX)
Wicker, Roger (R-MS)
Heller, Dean (R-NV)
Fischer, Deb (R-NE)
Barrasso, John (R-WY)
McConnell, Mitch (R-KY)
Hyde-Smith, Cindy (R-MS)
Graham, Lindsey (R-SC)
Hatch, Orrin G (R-UT)
Strange, Luther (R-AL)
Cotton, Tom (R-AR)
Flake, Jeff (R-AZ)
Collins, Susan M (R-ME)
Rubio, Marco (R-FL)
Cornyn, John (R-TX)
Gardner, Cory (R-CO)
Corker, Bob (R-TN)
Inhofe, James M (R-OK)
Moran, Jerry (R-KS)

It’s also highly likely that there’s far more pro-Israel lobby money flowing into American politics than is tracked.
>Dark money nonprofits aren’t required to disclose their donors, and OpenSecrets doesn’t fully track how mega-donors spend their cash. For example, Sheldon Adelson, the largest overall donor in 2018, who has given over $100 million to the GOP.

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jews have never been this honest

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Kinda gay :)

i just wanted thank the janitors for all their hard work and good judgment.

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Daily update! I love Jews!

Coronavirus is neither from China nor a jewish trick you racist bigots

Every single poster on Yas Forums is of 100% ethnic white stock. There is no disputing this fact.

Heydoho frienderinos, isn't Netflix terrific with its inclusive and diverse sexual and racial social programming!

Yay, I love watching all the significant cultural norms and values that my ancestors literally fought and died for being trampled on by the nobel Jews for the sake much worthier races such as peace loving muslims and virtuous black men.

Come join me on twitter and reddit if you want to be better informed on the truth!

Thank you @OP for such a genuine and heterosexual thread.

Seriously considering riding my bike to work today to lower my carbon footprint. We all must do our part to battle global warming, which is arguable directly correlated to the Corona virus outbreak.

Italians are white


I love gays.


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hey, its a jew! i love jews, man

Abbos are the real masterace and scomo is a brave social justice figure

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Ahah eeeyy goldberg.
I love you man.
I love that you love your privacy and secrets man.

Communism and socialism are great, we need to create Yugoslavia again.

>racism is not okay
>fuck the whites behead them all

>muh cultural appropriation

>muh closed borders are racist

>muh trump bux
>no stop the trump bux its a bad idea but the freedom dividen is such good ideas :^)

>what are we even doing in other countries? its all for OIL! america has no business in other countries PERIOD!

fuck us all damn us all to hell please let the volcanoes and plagues be a sign god is coming to save us all


Isn't it great that diversity has cured so many problems, and now we are all safe, healthy, free and prosperous as a result?