Has there been any actual evidence about China lying about their numbers or is it just memeposts?

Has there been any actual evidence about China lying about their numbers or is it just memeposts?

Attached: 1584876390671.jpg (1280x720, 75.37K)

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.5 yuan has been deposited into your account.

Attached: 1569121685732.png (1196x562, 1.15M)

Common sense. Do you really think a country of 1.3 billion bug people have quelled the virus down to zero? And then all of a sudden started getting imported cases again?

The communist party cares only about the communist party. They need to save face. They probably have 2 million cases by now. But they're doing what the US should have done, not gave a fuck and let people die. Completely crashing the economy over 250k deaths...

Equal common sense would be; if there are two million dead how can there not be ONE SINGLE witness, picture of video on it?

They're chinks and chinks are nothing but yellow jews.

Attached: chinese.jpg (600x701, 48.91K)


Chink telecom services have reported around 5.6 million chinese accounts being deleted. They get auto deleted when people dont pay for them after two months.

The Jew fears the indoor chicken farmer...

Source about auto-deletion? Regular subs are 1+year and simply get written off your bank account every month.


Attached: 1484013959352.jpg (3264x2448, 1.1M)

Get back to the rice field, Chang.


well here's a source for where I got the numbers.

Take it for what you will.

he said 2 mil cases, not 2 mil deaths


pick one.



Attached: ualldumb.jpg (702x492, 49.37K)

I can't fathom how they could keep this a secret when everybody has phones, internet access, social media etc.

they probably cut all forms of uploading in the country of china. So it doesnt matter if they have a VPN or not. If the ISPs refuse you from uploading then there's not much you can do except go somewhere else, another country, to upload it.

>china best medical
>cured corona, open borders now, please buy
>oh no, new cases imported from west
>its all wests fault, new strain, many "new" infected
>Italian corona virus
>american corona virus

They cancelled 14 million phone numbers in a month

china doesn't have what we call "internet". Foreign press has been reduced. Even Russia and UK are managing to downplay numbers by just not testing.

The virus is real. People are dying but the number is so insignificant to total number infected it has become a joke.

The fucking chinks lied about Tiananmen Square

>80000 cases to 0 overnight

Fuck off

it's called not beeing a retarded zoomer and having common sense

Their official numbers almost perfectly fit a (IIRC) quadratic distribution, +/- 10. You'd expect to see uneven changes in 'real' numbers, in much the same way as daily changes in the stock market contribute toward a larger trend.

Get me monthly statements from Wuhan Power Co and I'll tell you.

Because China tightly controls the chinese internet connections now. You may have noticed a decrease in customers.

>how can there not be ONE SINGLE witness, picture of video on it
Very effective internet screening team.

it takes weeks before you die but it only takes one day to get infected. Which means number of new cases massively outpace the death rate. Better check recovered vs died ratio.

>actual evidence
Like whe Fang Bin was taking videos of vans full of bodies, and countless body bags stuffed in bins. Then got dragged away by masked men and has not been seen since?

Attached: Fang Bin.png (940x550, 250.64K)

Wechat and weibo have also been programmed to basically auto-delete anything which is gaining too much traction. Something can be posted and then taken down in a matter of minutes. Considering the amount of people who use weibo, the replies to the trend can hit 100s of thousands before it is 'shut down'.

>it takes weeks before you die

No it doesnt. You can die within 7 days of exposure

>Any actual evidence.
hmmmm let's see, videos of full hospitals, people dying in the streets, officels locking people in and rounding up insectoids into vans, trying to shift blame on the US, infection rates and number of cases is skyrocketing in every developed and non developed country in the world, meanwhile, somehow, no new cases in glorious PRC except those filthy outsiders coming to bask in the magnificence of the great leader.

No, no evidence at all user, China strong.

Attached: 1584436877671.webm (202x360, 1.7M)

>China lies and says numbers are far lower than real numbers
>Western media lies and claims Chinese numbers far higher than real numbers

China is already getting ready to send people back to work because the coronavirus has fucked off from herd immunity. Chinese government will lie and claim they defeated it themselves, western media will ignore it because good news is no good for clickbaiting.

>evidence about China lying

dude, its the ccp. they have been lying about everything since forever.

Attached: chinese flu.jpg (1280x720, 115.8K)

The proof is in their race.

China fails to control virus but shows equal or more competency completely covering it up.to exceed the ability tof just preventing the virus in the first place

Mutt logic is really something

>Has there been any actual evidence about China lying about their numbers or is it just memeposts?
How about the fact that the Communist Party of China has a special censorship department that employs tens of thousands of officials in addition to a political bureau in every major company?

lying about everything for so long that your dishonesty backfires. governments and medias seem unable to understand that lying can have consequences and that reputation is something to maintained with honesty.

what is machine learning AI. Just give it the youtube treatment and instead of demonitization, just have it auto delete/shadow banned/shadow hidden.

i bet you believe their gdp figures are real too

Am half Chinese with most of senpai in China/hk/Kyoto. I'd rather not talk about the numbers they are fucked and lol just fucking nuke china for the love of God.

RIGHT NOW THERE IS A CONCERTED ATTACK FROM RUSSIA/CHINA. They tried to break the USA power grid and actually waiting for a few weeks to a month after Dow drops around 15-13k. They plan to fuck up all USA utilities. The world leaders right now hate China and don't trust it anymore but are too weak to say no to cheap tech. So please all you anons, if you know whats good for you and your senpai prep like a schizo you will need it and much much more.

Well he is from Netherlands. Historically only country that competed against Jews in lying and kikery. Fuck, their pristehood even made a rule that you can steal shit and be good christian because "I stole it and God didn't send thunderstorm to punish me, so what I stole was destined to be mine thus I am good Christian". Literally niggers of west europe


>Has there been any actual evidence about China lying

Attached: wat.jpg (480x343, 13.55K)

here ~500 tests ~105 cases and 250 ICU beds in the entire country, are we fucked?

My point is that it is harder to cover up an outbreak than to just contain it to begin with

>assuming everyone has access to actual numbers

Remember they lied about the virus exist in the first place so why would you believe them now?

Sauce? That would be an extremely big happening.

When have communists not lied

Have you ever had to deal with a fucking bug demon? If so you would know they are fucking burning, killing and destroying millions of their own kind to save face

this looks like any minwage slaves house in america to me ?
am i wrong ?

>No evidence
There were a lot of videos showing shit loads of dead and doctors/crematoria workers outright saying the Chinese government is lying. Also the numbers don't add up.

Attached: 1584190043667.webm (368x640, 969.71K)

>Chang thinks if you have a vpn it means you’re really in that country

Time will tell.
Watch the availability of Chinese knockoffs on Amazon. If they start to dwindle, you can bet they are lying about productivity.

It's much easier to cover up an outbreak if you have full control over the information flow in and out of the country.

Or not sending medication to certain countries

Apparently Amazon has already implemented an opt out option for Chinese goods

So when will be know there has been a large scale cover up?

Once this is over, we'll be able to see changes in data regarding food purchases, electricity usage, telephone accounts and possibly traffic flow.

Depends on how quickly the weaponized autism can assemble.

The chinese seafood market corona fears the chicken farmer bird flu

Try checking youtube for videos coming out of China from the last month, and you'll see it's only main stream media that are allowed to post anything

There is no evidence they are lying. WHO says their numbers are accurate as does many Western nations that were there and verifying


The WHO and the likes of the UK has to suck Chinas dick and need Chinas cooperation. So we will never know.

I'm starting to think that the indoor chicken farm is a good idea

Yeah if you want to start another pandemic