We practically invented civilization? Can I be a member of the white race?
Can Egyptians be part of the ethnostate?
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Why do niggers think they're Egyptian again
i thought it was sand
> niggers getting angry that a Coptic Egyptian, closest ancestors to the ancient Egyptians is playing an ancient Egyptian character
Because ppl call the "Africa-Americans" and Egypt is in africa.
because its in africa, thats the only claim besides KAAANGZZ
>Can arabs be a part of the white ethnostate
The ancient Egyptians were not Arabs, most modern day Egyptians have nothing in common with them.
Dude is Greek. Modern Nubians are actually the closest living relatives to ancient Egyptians.
I guess not and you shouldn't try to. Be happy with who you are and impove to make it better for your own people.
It's a way of honor and respect.
>Can I be a member of the white race?
Nope. But you know what?
You're not a NIGGER! So great win there.
Jewish brainwashing
Hahah. No. Not even close. Sub-saharan Africans were only ever slaves in North Africa with few exceptions.
>modern nubians
Lmao no. Show skin obongo
He's a copt, and you're a nigger. Actual Nubians or east africans in general don't larp as Egyptians unlike african american KANGZ
Egyptians arent Arabs.
What white ethnostate ? That sh*t is currently illegal under the established religion of political correctness.
Pan Mediterranean European ethno state? Egyptians are the only people to ever have beaten the Jews remember that.
holy shit blacks are obnoxious i hate those people with a burning passion
then that applies to the greeks as well
because greece seems to be a shithole
no way they are the real greeks
Spencer thinks we're white. Sorry nordcucks it's over.
I'm probably whiter than you, but I'm "black" though whatever that really means.
Coptic white(ish) Egyptians are fine, but not the Arab sand niggers.
If you're of actual Egyptian decent and are capable of living in a nice polite society you can come.
They think the entirety of the African continent is comprised of niggers, when it reality it's really just the sub-sahara. They're too stupid to even know where black people actually are.
ok well you can be white in your own country
please don't come to mine
It’s funny that the Egyptians had slaves, so if African Americans were Egyptians they invented slavery millennia before whites
egyptians are 25% french since napoleaon raped the north.
Not fully white at all, but much better than their neighbors
Egyptians aren't white as people understand it, they are Mesopotamian. Which is still a good thing, Mesopotamians are basically the proto-white people, just with different looks.
Most of you are Arab mutts. How does that work out?
No, we have our own thing. But what you should do is make your own ethnostate. We won't bother you, you don't bother us, and we work independently to make own our people the best they can be.
>widder than u
>those lips
Tyrone... I...
Most Egyptians have more genetic similarity to coptics than Arabs
I've been to Egypt and from a purely objective aesthetic standpoint, it was black-ish though they would likely not identify as such due to stigma.
If you're going to bait, at least try.
I Love KANG posting
You're a mutt.
Are you an Arab? If so: You didn't contribute shit to this
I don't understand, how is this bait?
The kikes have really pulled a number on us bros. They've been trying since we kicked them out to destroy our civilization. Egypt today is a nothing more than a shithole that can never develop due to the tons we own to the (((IMF))). theyve been using the US military firepower to attack us multiple times and they want to make sure we never become a civilization again. It's ogre.
Every Egyptian dude I met irl is based.
North African can mean all sorts of things.
Personally I didn't care much, but it's obvious by now that Arabs are incapable of living in an advanced society.
I've been through the suez canal enough to not trust you guys. Anyone who can bare that kind of heat is not to be trusted
You probably meet hundreds, every time you walk outside.
What do you think is the biggest problem holding Egypt back from being great?
Yes if you're genetically and intellectually mediterranean
Abandon your current faith and return to the old Gods and we have a deal.
Leave your Semite sand cult and start worshipping the gods of the old and things will get better. The Jews have ruined your country by allowing their Islamkike cult spread across your lands.
Nigger hybrid abomination
Jews and Israel. Egypt has been raped by semetic religions. It's a very interesting case study on what can happen to civilizations that host Jews. We were nice to them in the beginning and accepted them in our host countries. Instead they subvert it and destroy it from the inside. We kicked them out and then made a mortal enemy for life and just like Europe they are now trying to make sure we can never achieve what we did before.
The torah basically contains fanfic they made up about Moses beating the Jews. Which never happened we kicked them out.
What do you think Egyptians are? Pure?
>intellectually mediterranean
You don’t have to shit on the guy
No. Actual Egyptians are rare, seeing as the Arab invaders murdered or raped them all out of existence.
This. Mr. Robot is welcome
Fine. As long as you pray to the old gods and not this Muslim bullshit.
Modern Egyptians have less to do with ancient Egypt than Trump has to do with native Americans, stop larping faggot.
No, because you and us probably have different ideal conditions.
However, I have no doubt that you're capable of forming your own civilization, and we'll happily sell you consumer goods, luxury produce, and chemical weapons to deploy against Israel.
Fine but stay over there
Because of the 25 Dynasty and fuckign arabs not wanting to accept it.
>Can I be a member of the white race?
You already are, friendo. You're Caucasoid, but not European - but I like Semites in general, except for a certain group who hate us. You can be our friend.
Bantu American niggers came from the sub Saharan ivory cost and had nothing to do with Egypt..the state of American niggers.
lets be honest. egyptians got raped by arabs bigly. if you can cleanse everyone that has a low iq then MAYBE. white nationalism aka EMPIRE is in reality just highiqlism.
Do Niggers think that North African look like them?
LoL we wuz Kingz
Only the Coptic Christians are related to the original Egyptians. The current 86% that's not Coptic are Malmuk Turks. That's why Egypt is a barbaric shit hole now and the Copts are being murdered and raped.
Look at this ugly goon; he steals $6 billion from his country so he can do stupid shit like have a pinstripe suit made from a special cloth with his name woven into it.
Black people cant live in a peaceful society because of their iq
Arabs problem is “just” Islam
This that's why they've been trying to erase us from collective memory. They try to make movies with Sub-Saharian Africans as blacks.
>lets be honest. egyptians got raped by arabs bigly
And Greeks and Romans before Arabs
La creatura...
>This that's why they've been trying to erase us from collective memory.
greeks were just elites in egypt, not very common among the mass population.
Dios mio, que un abominacion
Ie. hebrew nonsense
Blacks enslaved the jews.
Eddy Murphy isn't a good fit for that role, but the woman definitely is
*Moses beating the pharaohs.
Kill yourself, Mocanu Țîganu
You are a cancer greater than niggers. You have nothing to do with ancient Egyptians. You are Arabs.
She looks caucasoid but that's still too black. Coptic Egyptians just look like southern Italians.
So you're saying... 110 countries?
Eqyptians were white
Basically tanned romans
I'm gonna rule this constitutes mutt's law.
>anything worse than niggers
Oke moishe
disgusting cuck
We kicked them out in ancient times and in 1956 when nasser came to power. We were literally the only ones to have ever beaten them.
sharia law is basically:
Is your friend a Muslim?
If yes. Good religion of the peace.
If no. Try to convert him.
If he refuses he is an infield that refuse the glory of allah.
I don’t need to explain what happens to infields right?
Coptic ppl come in a variety of shades. From a purely objective aesthetic standpoint modern nubians look the closest to what is seen in hieroglyphics.
You're such an ugly nigger holy shit.
They've pretty much always been hostile to you because of their fanfiction I guess
but hey, they class us as Edom, so we're in good company
Basically an elaborate gentile control mechanism
Imagine a world without the cancerous kike religions. North Africa, Europe....
Fucking kikes. The satanic evil that thas has plagued this earth for thousands of years.