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I thought it was Sunday lol

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wakie wakie wagie

your McJob is waiting for you even in these perilous times

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>my company just gave me 4 weeks paid time off

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thread is /based/

Those dollars won't be worth much in 4 weeks. Enjoy the NEET life until then.

>tfw (((essential))) worker
funny how the underpaid cook at a rescare facility is finally considered as essential as the nurses. I'm asking for a fucking raise this morning. No raise? See you faggots in two weeks. Bad enough I'm already having chest pains and don't know if its just anxiety or slow chinky death creeping up on me

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>implying we won't blow them on gaming rigs the moment it hits our bank accounts

I plan on it

You guys will regret being a neet when you get older and realize that you have wasted your life with nothing to show for it

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Clearly not all men are wired the same, but they might.

Can I join? Was 80k wagie. Woke up this morning. Coof and a headache. Sent to bed and banned from job.

Kinda comfy. First Monday off in years.

I start work in 30 minutes. I work from home doing engineering consulting. No time off for me.

>tfw you always worked remotely

Delivery guy here, gonna so the same lol.
They can take the extra money from my boss who stays at home now.

>mfw literally felt 0 difference in my lifestyle through the pandemic

Oh no! Not the horror of SOCIAL ISOLATION! What would I ever do?

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Keep at it wagies. Need those NEETBUX flowing.

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Daily reminder that if you are a neet, you are the laughing stock of the world. Those who don't laugh at you behind your back just feel sorry for you. There is nothing..more embarassing and shameful than being a neet. Enjoy suiciding yourself someday when the shame becomes too much to handle.

The center must hold. You will work. You will not complain.If you show symptoms to the FEMA camp with you

I'm on reduced work time (zero hours) since months. Do I qualify as NEET?

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Get back to work, wagie. Chop chop!

nah, I got a bunch of neet friends and we're all laughing at you

Tbh I run a biz and I age 20 times faster. I feel old and have constant stress. I just wanna go back to playing games and eating microwave food. Stress killed my horniness and dick, I have this constant weight on my chest and wake up every morning feeling angry and bitter, partly due to being a turbomanlet.

Same. Isnt it nice.

>go out for some munchies
>2 weeks later


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your friends are losers like you are. You are all are just parasites.

I'm getting so booooooooooooooored of hearing nothing but "CORONA! AAAAAA" in the news and media. Why are the wagies so scared?

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I might have to disagree, I noticed that ive been drinking waaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy more almost everyday now just to get back to my comfy state i used to have when i was sober. I dont think its coming back unfortunately.

Fuck bros my dad got laid off an now I have to help him with chores around the house all day fuck Chinese virus for screwing up my comfy lifestyle

who gives a fuck what people think lmao. people are fucking retards

being jobless is comfy in all this but really my only ritual was driving my caddy to dunkins and getting coffee and a couple donuts throughout the day while listening to radio. since my pup died its the only thing that gets me out of the house. i make coffee at home now but i miss that.

Fuck you. I'm a goddamn hero.


I'm sure your pupper is in doggo heaven as we speak, NEETbro.

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Kek because those words are coming from a leaf flag. Work all your life in this country and you still will not have anything to show for it.

I haven’t gone to bed yet so what’s the difference?

im an hourly employee and im taking two weeks off but not getting any pay
but i make 55 an hour and have 200k in savings so i guess im okay

What if i get 1200 a month for being bat shit insane?

Right because anyone outside of giant cultural icons will surely be remembered for slaving away 50+ years of their life

why cant this collapse the economy so fucking hard we can all neet

Blood monday in the American stock market soon

nofap and lifting during this lockdown has given me a new perspective

isn't that literally what a midlife crisis is? the thing that hit boomers who worked their entire lives? working is a bad fucking joke. If you told me I could be a NEET for life I absolutely would do it

How comfy is this coronachan shit NEETbros? Normies seething double time while we do the usual. I'm about to play some vidya while my "essential" normie neighbors go wagekek for Mr. Shekelbergstein

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I don’t have to be up, but go make me a hash brown and McMuffin. Then make someone drive it to me.

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Its impossible to care when youre dead

>spend most of your life working
>finally retire and free to do whatever you want
>too old and tired

He's right, and wrong.
He's right in the sense that being a NEET for decades becomes incredibly depressing. Friends eventually becoming non existent as they don't constantly want to have to pay your way, and let's face it. They don't want to come over just to enjoy your company, because you're a boring person.
Completely forget about a girlfriend. Your hand is now the only thing that will touch your penis beside maybe a doctor.
All this is loneliness is compounded with the fact that you may have all the free time in the world, but you don't use it for much of anything valuable. You're kind of just living.
That's when the overwhelming depression sets in. Once that sets in everything gets much, much worse.

I'm just getting to work now

Feels good being a essential cog in the zog. Unironically, with Jews you do win

lmao kys leaf

Loneliness is a choice. The only reason you feel lonely when you're alone is because you allow yourself to be held to other peoples ideals, other people need to be around people therefore you think you do too.

>claims he's a hero for being exploited by Mr. Jewberg
good goyim


I'm an introvert through, and through, but everyone needs some form of human contact every once in awhile.
Most of you in this thread use this website as a substitute for actual human contact.
There's a reason why people who are put in isolation go insane. We, as humans, are wired to be social creatures.

never been happier

based user stick it to em