Can HE undo the happening?
Can HE undo the happening?
Of course. But why would he? Spread it.
why would he do that ?
He could, but he won't. Praise Kek
>undo the Happening
He IS the happening user.
Because is not funny anymore, people are dying we are losing our jobs this shit stopped to be funny a week ago we have to go back to normal I think that most of us have learned their lesson
It's always darkest before the dawn.
It’s too late to meme the opposite way and you had your choice
6308 71 )95 63.3
De ce naiba ai vrea să nu se întâmple nimic?
OP e retardat rău
Yes, but why would he want to
Nici măcar nu a început cum trebuie lmao
No, we propped up that kike-lover Trump in his name.
It's time for this planet to die now.
Unguru’ s-a prins
Speak in a human language or fuck off!
Things will never go back to how they were.
Folosește google translație, cretin
what the fuck are you talking about faggot?
the real party is barely just starting
What exactly is your problem?
>People losing their jobs ?
You mean wage slavery!
At least the normies are out to see what they have been working for
They have been slaving and what's worst
they INSIST that we follow them in this !!!
"Noo you don't make a business that's capitalism
Profit is a dirty word!
Making money what are you a criminal ?! "
At least now there is a chance for a retrospective FOR THEM.
>As for the virus
It will be over in a couple of months
Vaccine will be out
you may or may not get sterile but by then but with modern medicine that might be fixable
just don't buy into whites only vacination !
Hitler 2040
Pic related went using only his travelled to the lords of the 9 and asked the King for his great work to be to help humanity for when he looked in our hearts he saw nothing but mystery even though he was the god of wisdom. Thoth was thought to have lived up to 30BC. Waring the men that if the do not listen to the wisdom he gave them that he would come back from beyond time and space to destroy them....Then Jesus dies for our sins comes back to life and vows to return and vanquish evil as well.
Are we about to see Thoth/Jesus come back in easter and BTFO the satanic dna experiment abominations that are feeding of our souls?
Wasn’t Thoth also Hermes?
yes, but only with bigger chaos
Yes, he was deified by the greeks. Jesus was just a jewish cope on the other hand.
Magic has a cost and the "universe" can backlash. In case some are wandering.
You yourself rolled the dice
Thoth is an atalntean that knew how to renew his life in the light and come back to live as many times as he willed.
I see the children of satan are hard at work even in the final moments.
rollan for 6 million
How do I become a wizard?
Make that 14
Didnt you want a happening ?
Well , now you got one .
Kek is here
You can just kys, matey
Symbolically the same .
Summoning in a kek thead, quads for apocalypse
>I can't form opinions that go outside of my desert manual
Please kys
I wanted some digits there
Oh well
well either kek is dead, sleeping, or there's no apocalypse. interpret it how you wish.
Religions=Mind parasites
If there’s something we can’t sense it anyway
You wanted a beautiful garden.. Well Kek is just preparing the fertilizer for the great Garden of chaos.. made from the flesh and bone of man.. Watered with the Blood of the unworthy. Silly user. We knew what we called upon. There was no mistake. Kek will not be denied.
Actually it's funny as fuck
Okay then what did you mean Jesus was a jewish cope?
Yes. Also i am tried of you idiot mortals fucking it up time and time again. So i am leaving you to Kek. It should be a enriching experience for you.
Imagine being a pussy like OP
It’s easy if you try
You mortals are all about gimme now gimme now! gods don't work on your watch mortal they work in their own time.. given their immortal that means slowly.
Rolling for next incarnation of Hitler to be successful
A phylosophy is like an operating system
without it you just stare without response
Even as your wife gets raped
like why should you
"diversity is our strength"
Jews stole the hermetic philosophies and integrated ot into their own culture because their canaanite religion was lacking actual wisdom.
This retard equates religion to philosophy
Nigger, I...
Man can make his own destiny
No slave mentality
But you agree that Jesus still died for your sins and will come back from beyond time and space to punish the aforementioned betrayers of sacred knowledge?
LOrd Kek save us.
No, kek will do that, not some cucked jew.
You are dumb as hell
Do you even know what Christianity contains ?!
Worship of God ?
Literally the 3rd commandment says do not make images of HIM and DO NOT WORSHIP THEM !!
Don't go around badmouthing things you clearly do NOT understand!
It is a religion with a God
Simple as
Philosophy by itself is good enough
Man is free
Your religions put the man in a box
Faggot alert