Why are men lusting over used goods? Their holes were fucked by strangers and you fight over who can be the next one.
Why are men lusting over used goods? Their holes were fucked by strangers and you fight over who can be the next one
Built for BBC(whitey can only watch....with a chastity cage)
niggers are actually in prisons you subhuman shitkin
Humans are programmed like machines to have sex and reproduce. Monogamy is religious brainwashing.
Fuck or don’t. No one cares faggot.
sexy girls are sexy, wow
Niggers fuck beta bitch ass whitebois because they make the best women LOL. Go dilate and kys tranny you ain't getting white bitches you can't compete with BBC. Just transition already fool
the term used have been undervalued by jews, today a whore blacked hundred times worth millions look bezos, i know by experience a wore dont worht the price, this is pure brainwashing, used goods should be back to the real price
Have sex
Shitkin? What is this, Tumblr?
Whenever I fuck a thot, I get hard thinking about her previous partners and how much their dicks must've stretched thot's vagina, at which point I proceed to stick my tongue into thot's holes with the hope that I will be able to detect remnants of her previous partners' cum with my tongue.
Gigantic titties
Because men have to like women to the point of obsession e.g. Eliot Rodger. Without this, women cannot complain of toxic masculinity or even "rape culture". Men have to be obsessed with women because women need to be repressed so that they can politically benefit from it.
Because I want the hole u dumb faggot
What r u gay?
Imagine being this gay.
High IQ post.
You're not wrong but I've had no problem being monagamus in the 3 long term relationships I've had and I'm not remotely religious.
thirsty guys assume they have lower standards (otherwise they wouldnt fuck so many men) so they are more likely to get on with them
now hes gay too
gas this shitskin
its not only the cum that remains genetialy in the womyn, is the irreparable psychological damage that suffer by 1000 different partners
I lament the global drop in taste for beautiful women that the kardashian brought.
Kek coping wh*Toid whoes going to gas me huh? The remnants of white nationalism and pride are left to you basement dwelling Yas Forums incel losers. Whites are self loathing sad creatures and accept BLACK superiority. That's why 99% of white males are cucks. Cope
you go into the gas you ugly nigger shitskin
Whose gonna make me? You and your thin wrists wh*Te boy? LOL
Be thankful that whites let you alive you subhuman shitskin
>Ethnicity: Mexican and Portugese
Portuchads always win babyyy
>y-you need us
Faggot cumskins repeat this excuse thinking it will delay their genocide, you guys are useless in today's area. Asians take all your top paying jobs, Black Men are taking all your women, Spanish are invading in rapid numbers, etc... white "me " are weak and inferior, it's over.
whites run the world you shitskin
why am i even replying to shiskins
filtered for having literal shit coloured skin
I think it's mostly latinos and blacks that give attention reason being you always see these two hollering at woman on twitter even if they get no response
A hole is a hole
Crying wh*Te boi LOL.hey wyboi did you get cucked by a BROTHA???? Is that why u hate us so much whyty don't worry you never had a chance KEK
Language is problematic, but based. Find a pure woman.
>Black Men are taking all your trash
they don't have to
monogomy is a peace deal between alphas and betas you would notice that the rise of extreme society changing politics whether it be islam or nazism or communism coincides with the rise of modern dating culture
ok chang
cuck logic
Yes, keep eating your cheetos and dying from the virus, thinking you contribute anything to this earth, loser.
This faggot is a larping basement neet that has never fucked in his life. Snubbed by women he goes on Yas Forums pretending and believing his own bullshit wishing that other men cannot get laid.
Pretty pathetic. I fuck on a daily basis with my blonde blue eyed wife, you got nothing on me faggot.
The difference being a low status male can flip his shit and cause serious damage. I'm not even saying violence, they can just stop going to work and the society collapses
Women's rights were a mistake
Your a LARPing doughy whiteboy that's all that needs to be said.cope whytey ibet your pimple covered face has never been near a white pussy.i fucked my first white hole in middleshcool and her beta white crush cried like a bitch when he found out. I bet you're like that LOL
At least it is true in your mind.
My "used goods" will cook delicious anything for me, suck my cock, sew, clean, and tend the garden & kids while we're in quarentine. It's pretty comfy. Enjoy forever alone waiting for your unicorn
I don't pursue women at all.
>blue eyes
Your wife definitely fucks black guys
she sucked other cocks with that mouth
kek so much animosity and jealousy.
Being jealous is unbecoming my friend.
So did you with your mouth user yet we still keep you
Sauce on right
Is that why this board is full of white "men" who browse here daily and have hourly nigger hate threads? I've found your little safespace where you're jealous of us, I'm here to make fun of you.
who's the thot on the right?
Cope. That's why africans still live in clay iglos. They have no good foundation for a strong family and no good foundation to build a house.
hello chang
>Asians take all your top paying jobs
BBC posters are always suspiciously fond of asians, show your flag Chang
insert mutts law image