Poland Strickes Back! COVID BTFO

Polish scientist isolated an enzyme, which disabled kills the COVID-19 entirely. The scientists patented the knowledge and made it available world wide for free.


>article in Polish

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Other urls found in this thread:


Built for BBC(whitey can only watch)

I bet she fucks black guys

Flag checks out

Hello e-thot my old friend
I've come to fap to you again
to a vision of you nude, streaming
I dump my seed watching you sleeping
and the feelings of regret and coomer shame,
still remains.

After the sound of cooming.

In restless nights I coom alone
with eight porn tabs on my cellphone.
'Neath the pale-glow of my phone screen
Traps and trannies, cuckolds, B-B-C
until my eyes are red from the six hour pornofest --
I return to rest.

Soothed by the sound of cooming.

Attached: doom_coom.jpg (1280x720, 73.1K)

Man i dont give a fuck who does it just fucking fix this shit already

Why do women like this only ever date black guys?

my fucking sides

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where's the pills which kill the enzyme then

top kek

enzyme was found in the last drop of a vodka bottle

Don't even reply to their posts, they'll either get banned or just get bored.


I'm unbannable wh*te boii

absolute gold

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How to learn this power?

Cooming doesn't have a sound
Oh wait, now I get it

Learn to history faggot. Not our job to educate you, except by saying anyone that knows anything about the scientific field knows you are an absolute retard.

They never do, sucks for you man.

You have to be a BLACK GOD

Attached: Black bull.png (366x588, 288.33K)

Why's that dude have tits. Fuck it I'm going to sleep

But you ignore you ward the leaf?

>he's lying it's impossible

COPE harder cr*ckkker
Living in Yas Forums's head rent free


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Habbening cancelled :DDDDD


lets pick it from " In restless nights I coom alone"

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What kind of fucking homosexual keeps this photo on their computer. Good god these shills are pathetic cucks.

If you worked really hard on your body and took alot of care into being healthy are you just gonna settle for some pudgy unfit loser who plays video games all day and thinks he's part of a master race by default? No, you're gonna wanna match your top tier stats with another man who is genetically perfect, this is where The Black Man comes into play. Better bodies, bigger dicks, more fun to be around, better protectors, etc...

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Shut up leaf

and they say Yas Forums is dead
fucking kek!

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The leaf is right you nigger memefag

>better protectors

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a thing of beauty

Women want strength and masculinity, black men provide that. Simple biology. Their is a reason white women are flocking to black men in record breaking numbers, white men have become weak. You snowflakes are getting his hardest by the virus, nature is weeding you out..

fuck off faggot

Why would you do this to me?

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Yeah but they're not flocking to them though. But please continue to try and bait

Clown world

Shitty post and only liked because it describes the life of the wh*Tecels on this board

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what is madame curie?

>Meme flaggot posts actual relevant article
>Leaf immediately follows up with interest in black cock
> Burgers immediately follow thru with huge interest in black cock


I may be a leaf but at least I'm not a clip dick sodomite that whacks off to shirtless men.

Attached: theclap.gif (250x327, 229.13K)

Continue raising mulatto babies faggot whiteboy, you guys only get em after we are done with em.

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Niggers are 70% obese and almost 50% have diabetes. Take your cuck fantasies to Yas Forums

muh science

Enzymes have nothing to do with "science",you brainlets. Have you heard about virology or microbiology?

Only white "men" jerk off to Black Men.

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Put me in the screencap

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The Black Mans biologically bigger penis designed to reproduce disagrees. We are God's chosen men

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So is there any validity to this technique? Like, I can patent my farts if I wanted to... But I don't think they'd be any good here.

would impregnate


Cute girl.

People on this board are as dumb as fuck. The Poles have a long history of being brilliant at maths and the sciences. The Brits made extensive use if a polish cryptographers throughout the War.

Hopefully it comes through.

The amount of shills in this thread leads me to believe that OP is probably real.

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He also used coomer bait to get clicks
Should have known better

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Yeah seriously they are a smart and hardworking people that have just been down on their luck because of soviet.

Why is no one talking about OPs article?

like clockworks my friend

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Let me archive that for you.

>Substrate specificity profiling of SARS-CoV-2 Mpro protease provides basis for anti-COVID-19 drug design

>mutt bioweapon btfo'd by retarded poles


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>2800 followers on instagram
>When virtue signalling doesn't work.

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north americans need to be fucking banned

"in a testtube"


I think we develop these ideas in the Colonies that people like Poles and Italians etc aren’t that smart because we get the terrones.

T. Anglo Irish Terrone, stole a loaf of bread

We don't want to reconcile with the possibility that we might not get out neetbux...


finalny someone said that but i would pass on other NA countries only ban usa and canada

Have a well-deserved (you) my leaf friend and include me in the screencap

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Built for BWC


Turns out the enzyme also kills people.

OP is a larp fag

this seriously needs to happen

I recommend anything north of the Panama Canal.


