Yas Forums general - lmao

Hey Yas Forums, I’m an assistant to a prominent US senator. Everyone in my office was making fun of this site all week and I finally decided to check it out. FUCK, this is more cringe than actual Reddit. In fact, it’s like Reddit but for literal nerds. And not the cute kind of nerds chicks are into, more like dorks I guess. As a USA insider, I have to say, not a single bizarre conspiracy theory you guys come up with is accurate, not even close. Your “/cvg/ general” Is literally being posted by two mother fucking retards (I had the posters identified, took 3 minutes) that are battling to have the most comments, which is crazy to me because this board is semi-anonymous so why would they even give a fuck? Anywho, the reason I’m here is because why do you guys like to larp sooo hard and pretend you hate blacks and Jews? Idgaf about the racism & bigotry but I’m perplexed as to why you spend soo much time here? From my research I’ve deduced the Yas Forums demographic to 3 types:

-1 Dad with too many kids (has nothing else to do and can shitpost from phone while he hides in the bathroom)

-2 stay at home neet, literally has nothing better going on in life

-3 the “simps”, literally everyone else is a simp that thinks they found an obscure message board trading underground information.

This is so pathetic either way you look at it! Hahahaha, anyways. Peace out faggots, first and last time I come here, this is literally garbage tier information you should all be embarrassed of yourselves but
I’m sure you already are which is why you’re here. Makes you think...

Also, pic related actually did kill himself and I have the video it’s just too gruesome to go Public so the authorities decided to “lose the security footage”, it’s really that simple.

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you took the time to write this
remember that

no u

It took 30 seconds, “fren” lmao or are you a “glow-nigher”? Hahahaha fucking pathetic, I’m literally LOLing rn.


"Hanging by bedsheet" is "too gruesome to go public" yeah sure nice LARP, try again next time.


Nice one LARP fag

1/10 bait, you made me reply so I could tell you to stop typing like a Yas Forumstard if you wanna convince people on your shitty LARP

Here’s your (you)


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>2 posts by this id

my dad works for Nintendo

Welcome to the club

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bruh thats alot of damage control


Not even pasta worthy try harder mutt

Welcome aboard. You are here forever.

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fake and gay just like AOC's eyes

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Too much board knowledge and correct board terminology to be taken seriously. Fuck off, larper

>being this insecure...

Hey Faggots,
My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash).

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Haha beat me to posting this.

we all are assistants to prominent US senators, idiot

stay off the Internet until you learn how to express yourself without writing an essay you stupid fucking kike

I can tell you are a retarded larping schizo boomer by the simple fact you used Epstein as the fucking thread's pic.

so for your deepstate analysis to the accuracy of /cvg/, did you just have click the "proof" links to Twitter accounts?



Attached: shekleon.png (360x394, 87.21K)

Yep. Nancy Pelosi's aids here, AMA

this epstein guy looks handsome.
maybe he fucked little girls but at least I'm sure he didn't kill and eat them afterwards.


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t.kikenberg also tl;dr

>”As a USA insider,...”

Your post definitely sounds like authentic English written by a native speaker. No doubt

>haha anyways peace out faggots

im still looking for who the fuck asked and im still wondering why u made this post before u,"peace the fuck out lol"

just leave noone care about you user not even your own family. why dont you exploit some more niggers after u clock in tomorrow or do something else useful

>insider here lol
I'm inside your mother's vagina right now, what do you have to say about that?

Kek, fpbp
>all fields

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The level of same flagging, again, epitomizes this boards “culture”

I’d reply to everyone else but what’s the fucking point of telling the same 5 people how cringe their lives are? You already know.

Actually, I admit there is a lot of humor here. It’s fucking hilarious, the only reason I’m still lurking.

>inb4 “oh faggot tranny jewish guy u r still here HA HA”

It honest takes zero effort to keep an extra tab open in the browser, don’t feel too special because “muh 3 posts by ID”

Unironically lulz or “top kek”.

Hah I’ll prob get quads on this one.

Fuck off to reddit kike.

this is the most cringe post ive ever read on this board and i ONLY post cringe

darn it 9 away from Tripp’s Ok I’ll delete this post and try again on a different vpn until I finally get digits.


“Ok new meme flag”

kek quality cingeposting m8

There is no way you’re an assistant suck nigger cock you mega faggot 9000 v8 2 door dickhead

I doubt it, you suck, fuck off libtards

O-ok then what would you suggest where we should get our info from?
Serious question

This reinforces everything I’ve said. I really wish I could respond with three crying-laughing emojis but ya’ll are literally too autistic to interpret facial expressions accurately.

You must be a shit assistant if you are wasting your time here

Holy fuck is this a serious question?

Ok, so you don’t trust the media “muh fake news”? Am I right?

Why don’t you actually research things you want to know? Nobody reads a doctor’s journal and starts parroting medical knowledge... but all you mother fuckers read obscure news sources and compare it to mainstream media, and WOW you find discrepancies! Holy shit mind blow! Lmao

What’s worse is you guys start spreading UNIRONICALLY & LITERALLY FAKE NEWS when in reality all the available information is out there, you just choose to take a twitter post as fact and construe it with other garbage information.

Open a tab on this thread on your phone.

Go about your life.


lmao this board is fucking cringe

> “Hippie” meme flag

You’re either being honest, and are an assistant to a pedo insider trader “public servant” who will be crushed by a future scandal and you’ll fail to escape the stench of pedo-victim years later. Or, you’re a faggot LARP’ing as a double faggot

Lurk a while longer you Reddit spacing faggot, you'll learn to spot the difference between someone who actually belongs here and the 2016 schizo boomers.
Hell, hang out long enough and you'll see why this place is constantly astroturfed by double digits iq mongoloids like you

Can we please stop being mean to each other

Literally everything that ever becomes news eventually, can be read here first days to weeks earlier. You need to lurk more.

So what do you suggest, read reports from actual doctors?
There's nowhere to get such information from

Homie, if you throw infinite darts at a dart board you’ll eventually hit a bullseye.

Hmm maybe contact a doctor irl? You faggots literally are the most spoon fed individuals leaching off of eachother, perpetuating nonsense and cheering eachother on. Spoon fed in the sense, non of you are journalists yet you all constantly criticize journalism. Yes I’m talking about the act of literally walking outside and talking to real people to get real information (journalism). You’re all fucking dumb it’s just funny, sorry to keep ranting about you. :D

Ps. I guarantee none of you are actually racist and would feel really really bad if you’re friends and or family saw the things you talk about on here.


You’re a massive faggot with Corona aids and someday you’ll look back and realize that idly shitposting was preferable to wasting years sucking bureaucrat pizza dicks for $40k a year.

> corona aids


>still a faggot


You suck at this.

Congrats on the new pasta.

You really have the audacity to call someone a "dork" and you use the word "Anywho"... ?

>"Hanging by bedsheet" is "too gruesome to go public" yeah sure nice LARP, try again next time.

Do you understand how many people “kys” in the world each day? And I’m not talking about nobodies, there are 1,000s of prominent members of society that off themselves yearly. Do you expect each story to make news?

What really irritates me is that you guys are so fucking shallow, you completely miss all the actual conspiracies and instead focus on the things every normie see’s because that what you all are, literal normies.

Do some actual journalism, get outside and discover information instead of reposting twitter posts from wannabe Illuminati.

Oh and here’s a real tip: Tom Hanks son (I won’t mention his name for obvious reasons) is literally a dumb fucking guy. To even associate his name with one of the cooler conspiracy threories going on here is giving him ALOT of fucking credit. Hmmm, I wonder if all the shitposting about him was from somebody close.. or maybe, I don’t know, himself?
