SHILL FLOOD EXPLAINED: strategy exposed in Bill Gates' Pandemic Event 201 Hoax

Massive shilling explained:
>Bill Gate's Event 201 pandemic hoax role play exercise determined the need to FLOOD social media to push back on anticipated "disinformation"

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Other urls found in this thread:


Delete this

Oh it definitely shows.

>"The demoralization process in the United States is basically completed already for the last 25 years. Actually, it's over fulfilled because demoralization now reaches such areas where not even Comrade Andropov and all his experts would even dream of such tremendous success. Most of it is done by Americans to Americans thanks to lack of moral standards. As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him, even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents and pictures. ...he will refuse to believe it.... That's the tragedy of the situation of demoralization."
- Yuri Bezmenov

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Notice identical response

A lot of the flood began immediately after this most recent ja.nnie hire drive. On many threads you can't even post the J word anymore. It gets deliberately classified as spam so you can't post. This is the end of Yas Forums if not rolled back now.

They also freeze and shadowban dangerous threads as they are doing now.


Quick rundown about this thread?

If you watch the video you'll see them role-play how they want to attack "conspiracy theories" - they mention several interesting ones, like that their anti-virals are causing the disease - and the word they keep using is "flood" because they don't want to simply shut down the internet and make people anxious, they want to slyly control the information instead, the "flood" method being key, and using AI and tech tools to do that. Well this is obviously playing out now on Yas Forums etc.

Soviet subversion strategy outlasted the Soviet Union itself. Who really won the Cold War?

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I noticed things seemed a bit off. Event 201 seems like their playbook.

they 404'd last thread on this

Didnt even watch. Dont need some faggot to explain me why hundreds of MIGA faggots have been recruited from reeddit and sent here to shill.


show flag shills

So /cvg/ is made by shills? I still don't understand user, I will watch the video.


America is ruled by a propaganda network

>didn't watch
>completely clueless

You have no idea what's going on.

usa and the Italy at fault.
-american flu lives at 100000+
-america army at Wuhan
-great china economy now.
-we link supply countries europe no thanks.
-china solved American flu.

Why is the responsibility of the world because of bases American not looked at for spread virus?

This is why I just ignore any "official" and "mainstream" narrative. Fake news. Its all just rich assholes with agendas shoved far up in them.

Try that again in English, shitskin.

I can't even understand what you wrote, is this a new meme? Ultimate Chang Posting. A+.

Ok, so I skipped to the part that talks about propaganda, it needs to be explained in layman terms because, if you don't watch the video and read this thread you will have ZERO idea what it means and will just skip it. Word of advice when you make another thread related to it.

Well if all of you keep radio silence then how do you expect to spread the word?


OK shillster.

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Flood posting chat bots have been on Yas Forums for at least the past two years

bump for support. fuck bill gates.

oh boy I bet the slide threads are going full steam now. SLIDE SLIDE SLIDE IT !! OY VEY!!

>Soviet subversion strategy outlasted the Soviet Union itself.
Just because the snake shed its skin it doesn't mean that it's a different snake.

chang posting, kek


Running chatbots like this needs to be illegal

Slide threads/posts push threads they don't want people to see off the front page (afaik)

The shill level has been above average lately, though. And not just here, either. Just look at the massive spergout on normie social media after Trump said something about chloroquin being promising.

We need to make running these bots illegal. They are using it to influence public opinion and derive false consensus against children and effect mind control against innocent people. Bill Gates needs to be hanged to death along with everyone else who participates in this.

>Bill gates needs to be hanged

Who's going to do it?

Go eat bats

So, are news like Hidroxycloroquine being a possible treatment false and propaganda? Or does that mean Donald Trump is against Gates and company?

It's been pretty much the exact same since Trump got elected, ramping to about 2 years ago where it's remained ever since. At any given time there are more than 100 threads made by shills on the board at any given time, and many of the conversations are performed by AI chat bots. This isn't even touching twitter. The people who are making these bots run are trying to perform mass mind control. They need to be killed. Everybody who engages in this behavior needs to be executed. They are trying to swing public policy by mind controlling innocent people and little kids.

Slide posts can be in 'non-issue' threads. They can be related to Corona, as long as they're not something they want to hide.

The US military or the DOJ needs to do it

I'm with you. Seems unlikely anything will ever be done about it.

I'm not joking, people who run mass mind control against civilian populations trying to sway elections and public policy need to be executed. Everybody from the organizers down to the programmers is guilty because they all know what they are doing and they know what they are a part of. They are trying to influence people to go along with whatever their agenda is and they are using psychological programming techniques and exploiting infrastructural technology and government backed resources to make people do this. They literally need to be mass executed.

Maybe if Trump wins again, and another patriot wins after that, we've got a chance

Fuck jannies and fuck niggers.

Guy at 7:30 wearing a Kabbalah bracket.

Its the most successful psyop since 9-11.

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Usa and jews made covid. Spreading it with us troops on wuhan military games days before outbreak.

>Lord Hawhaw / Tokyo Rose

Does anyone on this board even know what the buzzwords spammed here mean anymore?

If true Id actually respect my traitorous guv but you know as well as all of us that chinks own the USG so quite spreading horseshit

When did Yas Forums go full tinfoil hat? You niggas aren't any better than anti-vaxxers or flat earthers anymore.

Says the false flagging cocksucker
The absolute stste of shills

Say flag, disregarded post entirely
I know what kind of loser piece of shit makes these posts

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The usg would collapse overnite without that band aid
The fact they are FORCED to do this should tell you how weak they really are
This pandemic bullshit means theyre on their last legs and desperate as fuck

Having actual strength would mean not having to resort to depserate and counterproductive bullshit

Chris Langan, 210 IQ (yes that's correct), has this as a possible theory. Source: fayceboook /groups/ctmurealitytheory/

Start a thread talking about any specific real-world case where anons from this site could all take collective action like we did playing capture the flag or all spreading the same propaganda message.

Threads that could lead to any action being taken by any number of anons are archived within two minutes, tops.

Shutting down Yas Forums was really easy for them, they just infiltrated the mods and jannies and now they can keep us totally isolated while continuing to study us to refine their techniques for defeating us separately.

In another few years, this will be a predominantly communist/left-wing website and meme war veterans will be relegated to the dustiest shadows. This is what always automatically happens when you establish top-down censorship of any kind, it attracts commies like the smell of blood attracts vampires. They need top-down censorship to breed and proliferate. And boy will they.

Board flagged my posts as spam

Not an argument

Good points

>the goyim KNOW. DELETE THIS

Agreed. You can see it coming. But once it does, this dispute moves to the open world. They won't like that.

>smart people predict the predictable
>smart people have millions invested in the status quo
>they did this
Frog fags are retarded.


You are right, it isn't an argument and I didn't make it out to be. I am just disappointed in Yas Forums as a whole because you people are supposed to be better than the average retard and turns out that isn't true at all.

It means theyre desperate and shitting themselves too
They definetly deserve to die too

If anyone ever admitted to me they were programmers working for google Id beat their motherfucking ass bloody for how many gay ass puzzles Ive had to solve to tell leftypol niggers to kill themselves

also not an argument. See Chris Langan's posts (210 IQ) about the Coronavirus, and you'll see the incorrect correlation you're making.

>Shills are now people who were paying attention before mid-January
No government gay ops at work at all guys.

I hope Bill Gates and his family and employees know that they are no longer safe in public. They're going to get theirs for this bioweapon.

Would take tremendous amounts of meme magic to make enough people aware of his involvement.

It's over. We were at 15% awareness already over a year ago. This does not get better for them. 10% was critical mass tipping point.

What do you mean when you say 15% awareness over a year ago?

(surely you don't mean 15% of the US population was aware of the villainous intents of Bill Gates?)



Once an event reaches that threshhold in public consciousness it proliferates naturally, This phenomenon occurred for PizzaGate / global elite child trafficking in the past few years