Will coronavirus change the world for better or for worse?

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Other urls found in this thread:

duckduckgo.com/?q=replacement migration conspiracy THEORY times&t=h_&iar=news&ia=news

It will change it for the wetter


>virus rids the world of man
> ever a bad thing

If it kills all the kikes and halfanese freaks, then it will change the world for the better.

Covid-19 death rate by age in Italy

Ture blame happen.

-usa and the Italy at fault.
-american flu lives at 100000+
-america army at Wuhan
-china solved American flu.

Why is the responsibility of the world because of bases American not looked at for spread virus?

>change the world
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, dumbed-down, easily controlled subdued sheep. They make up 1.4% of the US population and .0025% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

“A celebration of the jewish people”:

Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why we are in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

The full history of Jewish subversion in the west:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale: Anti-White Advertising

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

The anti-white post-WW2 psyop:

Attached: jew covers.jpg (1776x726, 504.11K)

Attached: ADL on Israel imm.png (927x731, 458.47K)

It's really only up from here.

Enjoy the ban hammer Muhammad.

This. 100x this. It is so obvious at this point it's revolting.

>chinkoid cope

Fake cover, some cuck made it. Don't make up niggerloving bullshit when National Pornographic and its jew operators have plenty of degenerate, geonocidal covers

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best fake english in a while
i mean perhaps try to understand how other languages work so you could better fake it
just some advice tho user
no need to follow it
but I found for my trolling it's helping a lot to understand the basic of the grammar I'm trying to fake

Kill all Jews

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>benefits of biracial children
Like not having a donor for bone marrow because the DNA is incompatible in mixed race offspring

>tfw no 4 foot 10 asian gf

Feels bad


-GREASE AND BULLGARYA have shut their borders to T*rks and the refugees coming from there, Fortress Balkans is in position against migrants

-Italy has been a major sources of migrants into the EU due to shitters migrating to Lampedusa and further in, Salvini was already winning in the polls before this and unless Conte takes a hard line against foreigners after the Chinks sunk Northern Italy then Salvini will probably get a landslide win. Also refugees aren't migrating to a country with fucktons of viral infections so that's route 2 closed.

-Spain is the only one left they can enter. Spain is KEKED even harder than Sweden, their birthrates are like 1 child per woman and they are projected to shrink heftly. Endless sudacas and moroccans in the streets praying in churches that used to be mosques and calling for Caliphate 2. Abascal and VOX are an inevitability now as the shitskins wash into Spain.

-Spain is a direct route to France, shitskins will migrate from Spain to France on their way to Germany. Macaroni was despised before this, but has become a little 'popular' as a result of this, however he is a terminal faggot and will fuck up his popularity. The strongest candidate on immigration has a strong shot at winning the next election (might not necessarily be Le Penis since she's kind of dumb).

-German voters are retarded but at the least Die Linke wants mass immigration at a time of mass non-white bullshit and Merkel is stepping down, so we'll see how the crisis and the EU getting shitty affects things.

-Sweden (lol)

-Ireland (who knows)

-Britain (no one can say)

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>It is so obvious at this point it's revolting.
The elite globalism organizing jews are one thing, but the elite can only exist because of the 'regular' jews. Jews are far more politically engaged and culturally aggressive than other peoples, it's why they are so 'successful'. There are basically no jews who just want to be left alone, the type of person that makes up the vast majority of other races. 99% of them are in a constant state of striving for dominance and ethnic self-promotion.

They get into everything, any institution, and steer it towards protecting and enabling the tribe. Many of them aren't even fully conscious of why they do it, it is just completely ingrained into their culture. So, there‘s the grand jew globalist conspiracy at the top, and the overall trend in behavior (that results in various smaller schemes) towards the bottom.

Here's a (((report))) titled "REPLACEMENT MIGRATION" on the (((UN's))) OWN WEBSITE:


MSM sources who claim that this is a "conspiracy theory"
duckduckgo.com/?q=replacement migration conspiracy THEORY times&t=h_&iar=news&ia=news

This document is from 2001 - it was all planned decades in advance.

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God help us all. That's a disgusting pic. Here's a better one.

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How do they run so fast with flat feet? Feet in general disgust me, but nigger feet?! They’re like a flat, fucked up lump of nigger flesh... what the fuck?!

Thanks for this. I’ll never know what it would be like but one can always dream

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All thats missing is a bbc.

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Death is bad. We should fix it.

Better. All the old white boomers will die, to be replaced by multi-ethnic immigrants. We're seeing the end of racism.

Jews really do control all the media, don't they. It's interracial porn everywhere.
Purge nao!

National Geographic was bought by Fox News several years ago

Some already sick and elderly people will die. As sad as that is it think the world will change for the better, if people can stop being panicking retards.

Ban for what?

Built for BBC

Commicuck typical stuff
Get some dick on yo ass maybe you wont like it anymore

The Chinese are clearly laying the framework for a shooting war by the end of the year. I suspect they’re facing near total collapse, and are trying to shore up support by focusing on an exterior threat. Just my guess

What possiable motivation could a government have for this supposed hoax?
If you say something like q rounding up pedo elites you are retarded.
If you say something like chipping everyone or NWO you are retarded.

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so instead of Europe? its ur rope?

Okay kid.
The Chinese government is well liked internally outside of a few malcontents and is no where near a collapse.
Every war game has the U.S. gaining air and water superiority in a few weeks but without the manpower for a ground invasion leading to a arbatrition into truce. And a nuke war is suicidal for both

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Run it through google translate one more time Chang

Coronavirus proved that globalism kills and borders save lives

> Evolution Europe
More like evolution U Rope

The obvious fakeness of this "poster". Goddamn Irish goblins

Why did that photo make my blood pressure go up?

BBC in training

whatever spic flavored chink

There is nothing more beautiful than a big black cock in a white pink pussy.

what a beautiful picture.

"Do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny."

Once it hits Africa properly the death tolls will be insane, that can only be a good thing.

They're likely anons trying to drive others here into a murderous rage against our enemies, and it's working.

Why didn't she just bring the basket with her instead of carrying that fruit in her dress, probably making a bunch of round trips each time? Do women really?

You Germans are the ones guilty of all the problems that Europe is suffering so shut up.

Reminder that National Geographic magazine is now owned by NewsCorp and crypto-jew (((Rupert Murdoch))).

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Never seen that cover
Fake and gay

Your head on a pike

we will finally banish the niggers

Attached: auschwitz.gif (345x259, 2.34M)

>USA obama army vilus
>wuhan no mole vilus now can eat bat soop nigga
>I have small dik dog good food hahaha

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Fake cover that hege art or whatever fetish site that is.

And now it's owned by Disney

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA keep dreaming white boy


Disney owns the Entertainment branches. News/info still belongs to Murdoch.

It's weird, OP, where did you get that version of the magazine? The original one is in pic related.

Can be found here: psv4.userapi.com/c812521/u423424436/docs/1b717a6bf671/National_Geographic_USA_May_2017.pdf?extra=VW6unz0bybYGYfKlvaG1bVIEb-QNJW5FMfnWeeduB4yy2SBjUFopLuowBgD_fR7aDoM6TlzAMPks2PByI54VbtEFlKpoVi-freGOpwFmM6luI6Sda7tzK1sLtLeeQ6LMfNuvod7YuO3l6w

Why so much effort put into creating fakes?

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