>A 21-year-old Spanish soccer coach was killed by the coronavirus while also battling leukemia, according to a report.
It's happening! 21-year-old soccer coach dies of coronavirus
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Literally who gives a fuck dumbass?
>While he was also battling leukemia
Nobody dies. Its a globalist trick and the Chinese are in on it.
They are fucking desperate to refute #BoomerRemover.
que deliciosa nadamburguesa
ok satan
>while also battling leukemia
This is old news and apparently he had leukemia or some shit but didnt know about it
>Dies of Corona
Also had cancer of the blood. The question is how the fuck does this get labeled as a corona death. Some real fucking evil people out there.
They have to push this angle because Burgers have about 3 days of goodwill left in them before the fucking worm turns and we start realizing Gram and Pepaw can fuck right off cause we have shit to do.
He went to he hospital for corona and then found out he had cancer, he probably died from Corona, with the weak ass immune system
Doesn't look Spanish to me
How the fuck do you go undiagnosed with leukemia?
>Some spic is dead
Dead beaner is ok.
>while also battling leukemia
so a sick guy died from being sick? and?
So he died of lukemia with the virus being the final nail in the coffin.
Nothing burger with extra chilli plus tip ese.
Seems like no one told him that he looks pale, that skin color could mean only 2 things, Leukemia and heart disease/ problems.
Because he didn‘t have it lol
Are we really at the point where media is so desperate to stoke fear that they downplay Leukemia in order to prop up the common fucking cold?
Denial is a river ...oh nevermind
This is like a week old.
My dad died of pneumonia while in hospice for terminal cancer
Shitskin dies who care
>23 year old died from corona! Reeeee!
>blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,
>blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,
>blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,
>had leukemia
The media in a nutshell
>while also battling leukemia
>Had leukaemia
good bait tho
he died while having it, not because of
Same here, he was about to get discharged but got pneumonia and 1 week later he died.
Based aryan
Poor kid, dont give a fuck about his race but it sounds like he coached kids to play soccer.
>While also fighting cancer
Good job burying that crucial piece of information
>while also battling leukemia
Nice misleading headline
>muslim flag
why havent we killed you yet?
fixing my flag
sounds like he died from leukemia
I'm no threat Israel so I suppose your zionist masters felt no need to use your military to blow the f*ck out of me.
How you gonna be a coach at 21?
This isn't real
This is actually part of why Italy's death numbers are so high. They aren't bothering to do autopsies to figure out the actual cause of death, so anybody who was infected at the time of death is listed as a coronavirus fatality, even if there's some other factor present that is just as or more likely to be responsible.
>was killed by the coronavirus
> while also battling leukemia
nigga he died of leukemia. all this shit is fake.
Wogs can't handle the coofs
You’re a fucking retard.
What a tragic loss. The Chinese Virus prevented him dying a slow painful degrading death from leukemia.
Not just leukemia, but an "aggressive" form of leukemia . So, the Chinese Virus was basically just along for the ride.
> Garcia was coach of the Infantil A side at Malaga-based Atlético Portada for the past four years.
So, kid's coach, right?
in worldometers info there is in the bottom several lines about people dying that are between 30 and 40 yo without preexisting medical conditions
outliers in 20 yo doesnt seem too far fetched
>while also battling leukemia
Imagine being fit as fuck and being athletic your entire life only to be given cancer and then dying from a virus at 21.
Does God really exist? If he does, should we worship a God who allows this to happen?
What is it to really die? I'm not talking about the afterlife, I'm talking why people die.
When we grow old, we often say that we die of old age. So what do we die from when we die from old age?
Usually it is that our lungs stops functioning like they should, and we produce phlegm that can't be cleared out and we choke to death.
So really, what we died from was a organ failure and not old age at all, but we say that we die from old age.
Same thing with cancer.
What do we really die from when we die from cancer? The cancer itself or... something else.
Usually it is the same thing we die from when we say of old age, some organ stops functioning because of the rapid cell growth and the body can't take it.
In a way, we can say that dying has no natural cause in this way. It is system failure that kills us.
So all deaths have "underlying causes", some "underlying causes" just helps speed up that process.
Aubrey De Gray, a man that is working on ending ageing, says that people that are in their middle age now might live to experience immortality outside of being killed by someone.
When people say they "died of X" they mean they died due to complications directly caused by X.
Nobody dies of AIDs, technically, they all die from AIDs allowing diseases/sickness to have free reign over their bodies due to their immune system being ruined.
muh ball
>while also battling leukemia
Who gives a fuck
>leukemia patient dies after compromised immune system gets compromised further
Who’d a thunk
Exactly, that's what I wrote. And the complications or underlying causes are usually organ failure.
So all deaths, even "dying of old age" is due to complications or underlying causes.
We can not in this sense isolate covid-19 and say oh but the died of underlying causes, because dying of AIDS or cancer or sarcoidosis or old age, all kill you from shutting down your organs. It's all underlying causes or complications.
pre existing condition= hes a soccer fag
>has literal blood cancer (leukemia)
>'allegedly' tested positive for Coronavirus