how trustworthy is Alex Jones? He talks about a lot of interesting shit that does sound more believable than not.
How trustworthy is Alex Jones? He talks about a lot of interesting shit that does sound more believable than not
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100% full of shit. just wants to sell his snake oil. just got arrested for dwi. had to pay back sandy hook parents.
His intentions are genuine but his information is not all accurate. Treat him as a resource but not gospel.
everything he says is right.
he refuses to name the Jew or call out Israel.
99% bullshit, the remainder he takes from credible sources but then adds a spin to sell his pecker pills.
kike shill
Says a lot of ridiculous shit so that he remains too much a meme to be seen as a serious threat, but he’s 100% right about everything if you can just look past the metaphors, the yelling, and the ADHD changing of topics. It’s so big and complex that you have to be ADHD to see the whole picture.
That’s because there is no Jew and Israel has been as bad to us as every other euro country who takes advantage of us.
im sure he was trustworthy years ago but he's probably being paid by a 3rd to pretend to be a maniac at this point
2 weeks ago he told all his listeners that they were going to die in ten years from corona reinfection... the guy is having a nervous breakdown
where do you even find this guy he has been knocked off social media all platforms
hes a member of the Secret Order of the Royal Jesters, that's all you need to know.
he said the chinese ching chong flu came from america you fucking morons
you idiots leave me speechless
He’s (((allowed))) to spread the truth but not the whole truth, just enough to keep ppl interested and buying his shit
Ok jew
muh sandy hook.
If he wasn't so autistic he be taken a lot more seriously. Right most of the time.
>men clutching pearls
He warned us of all of this shit and renames the jews in other ways and still got shoah'd cause they hate him.
They know, and if you are too fucking stupid to see the truth I hope you corona.
england loyalist
Honestly i don't really like the guy, he's more of an entertainer, not really serious when he talks about most things like reptilians, i think.
But i remember searching on youtube something like"US accidental airstrike" and he was only motherfucker talking about it at the time zero news companies most videos below 300 views and then him pulling like 10 000.
>how trustworthy is a radio show host
Reminder for everyone to instruct OP to KYS
You've already failed as a human.
David Knight is better
Don't you have some sabaith strings to hang up faggot?
He's been right before. He called multiple false flags before they were eventually declassified. That said. Any intelligence agency source he has would obviously be running cointel, giving him bullshit info to spread. I think he's genuine though.
Now I'm not the most learned man, but to me he seems like an entertainer first and foremost. The yelling, the theatrics, the overdramatic speeches...He's trying to keep an audience engaged, because he's running a show. What makes him unique is that he probably believes what he's saying, and often has some form of source upon which he bases his evidence. If I were to take a stab in the dark though, I would say like many conspiracy theorists he gets sucked down the rabbit hole of mis and disinformation, and thus is not the most reliable source due to his wild extrapolations.
No one would know about build a burger without him.
Alex Jones is a national treasure
>ok jew
then alex would be slurping on his cock like he were one of his favorite trannies
fuck off kang
the superflu is already out there, i don't need GRIDS to go with it
I love the guy but he is probably an (((agent in place)))
can't trust no one. sad.
watch Waking Life, youll know
How do you guys feel about the Ethiopian Nile Dam?
He's legit. 95% accuracy, learned more from him than anyone else. Using Alex, Yas Forums, personal research, and prayer, one can become extremely aware and knowledgeable of world affairs.
Alex Jones is a zionist gatekeeper. He wants you talking and thinking about everything except the jews. Nobody buys his fucking snake oil, he is paid by Mossad.
lol amen
Colbert shouldnt you be worried about your andrenachrome supply?
niggas stealing my water SHIEEEET
it was gonna happen eventually though, everyone here has like 40 kids because they are braindead so the lack of water was an inevitably gonna happen anyway
That podcast where he started talking about being weary and just dreaming of being a farmer then somehow turned him into fighting to death
>how trustworthy is Alex Jones? He talks about a lot of interesting shit that does sound more believable than not.
Let me explain it to you, I can't believe you haven't figured this out yet: We are living in the culmination of thousands of years of chemically induced hysteria used as facts by extremely insane and sadistic and perverted pseudo-religeous interconnnected cannibalistic cult members bent on world domination that gain their "power" by drinking the blood and eating the living or dead brains and bodies of adults and children that they have raped and/or tortured to cause a natural chemical release of biologically manufactured secretions produced within the bodies of their victims or through newer and government subsidized synthetic options derived scientifically from the genetic material and cells and whole organs of harvested fetuses through older mature humans and other animals believed to grant them magical powers to communicate with interdimensional shape-shifting pedophiles that they call gods or demons or aliens or elves or spirits that they may have actually created with their own internal sentient consciousness and unknown aspects of the human mind during their induced group hallucination ceremonies where they articulate interconnected and biased policies in politics and business and culture and finance to increase poverty for various groups and manipulate the entirety of the remaining masses into believing and promoting the idea that the actions of the most elite of these degenerate characters and what they are doing is fine so that eventually everyone thinks it is the correct and benevolent and humane path to equality while also using the combined skills and messages and symbols and codes (1/2)
He's Schizophrenic.
Uh oh I triggered a jew
Hes called out the jewish mafia before. Also this idea that
>he isn't 1488 24/7 you can't trust him
Is a kike talking point it's literally "hello fellow nazis" tier
money bomb, Y2K, Nuke in the US, he's full of shit and he talks a lot, sometimes [rarely] he's right.
(2/2) that have been passed down through the generations of various members of various individual organizations traced back through what is remaining of the documentation to a variety different geographic and historic locations around the Earth secretly delivered as subliminal as possible through image and word and song and sound and technology to brainwash everyone and prevent the trouble of being revealed to have been working to make humanity into engineered and refined unintelligent cattle-like herd indistiguishable from each other specifically for complete control and future consumption because the entities that they met while intoxicated told them that only specific adherents to their other-worldly doctrine can live forever and be in charge if they perform this neccessary process a specific way and there is no possibility it was made up in the users own minds or that it could be a malicious lie by vindictive beings in order to see that the dominant and most intelligent species of the solar system in this dimension does not suceed in the best possible way where the truth about how to put the universe under watchful care is revealed and understood and used for the near infinite righteous future that is available.
Right now you are supposed to be freaking out and destroying, specifically, the things they hate and the things that have no value to their plans because we are at a tipping point where they may begin to lose all of their "power" in a never ending downward cascade failure.
This is because of Trump, I don't care what you think.
If you continue to peacefully organize and use the functions of inherently endowed laws to ensure liberty, instead of doing what they need you to do, these psychopaths will continue their never-ending warpath of destruction, out in the open, no matter what, to the point where it is well beyond what any rational person could considers a last ditch effort style suicide mission.
It's just so obvious, really.
You're a limp-wristed faggot who has never done ANYTHING except post about black cocks anonymously on your little autism board.
This dude has been exposing them before you were even born.
gnerally correct on the big picture,
you may think athiesm blah blah,
but for THOUSANDS OF FUCKING YEARS. as long as humans had shamans,
as long as people could communicate,
the research is that there are lower level entities who are trying to experience this reality through humans,
there are also higher level entities who are trying to elevate people to become more divine like
(ie thought is creation )
all else is benal politics and religious bullshit.
but bro who is fucking correct,
fucking thousand upon thousand of years of human civ and pre civilization
or just a ting insignificent of modern hur dur atheism bro hahaha
even simulation theory is just a rehash and retelling of old ideas.
so triggered, my zionist boomer fren
I dunno, I don't have access to his head. He's just a person. Protect him like everyone else.
this. he has been calling out chinks, shit talking soros, and always state that you'd call him a zionish shill which Eddie Bravo keeps calling and he just says he doesn't give a fuck since he knows what it is.
checked, goes for everyone on his payroll too
I hate israel and am not jewish, I thought it was funny a jew acts like a nigger.
How serious can one take his show when he offers corona inhibiting toothpaste?
Hicks was right so why not Alex?
I know that aj triggers the fuck out of msm and jidf, so I believe him more.
Bill Cooper was significantly more credible than Alex. Too bad he was killed after 9/11 and Alex was pushed hard.