Why does Reddit allow Chinese propaganda?

I just got linked to reddit.com/r/Sino/ and it's a cesspool of Chinese propaganda and anti-American drivel. Why isn't such a cesspool banned?

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Who do you think pulls the strings

Report them if you believe they are breaking any rules
Reddit admins have literally cuck mentality so they’ll probably won’t do shit

reddit is corrupt

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Tencent threw $300 Million at the website.

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You know that Reddit is owned by China, right?

Waaa why are people allowed to say stuff I don’t like

Because Reddit takes a lot of money from China.
Tencent (a Chinese she'll company) has invested BILLIONS there.
So has bill gates and Snoop Dogg in case you are wondering why they have a vaccine and weed fetish


That was meant for but yeah that to.

Reddit took Chinese money. They are now part owned by chinks.

See and I'm pretty sure the Chairman Pao saga was no coincidence either.

>In February 2019, Chinese company Tencent invested $150 million into Reddit as part of its Series D.[289][290] This resulted in a large backlash from Reddit users, who were worried about potential censorship.[291][292][293] Many posts featuring subjects censored in China, such as Tiananmen Square, Tank Man, and Winnie the Pooh, received popularity on Reddit.
Basically they get money from tencent which is owned by China

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china put 150 mil into Reddit for "5%" to give Reddit a fake 3 billion evaluation
they took a smaller slice for more control behind the scenes
the people running Reddit are very literally guilty of treason

Oh well that sucks.

Because Jews aren't about to let nationalism take over America without a good Jew fight.

Don't let anyone fool you. A company that invests $300M absolutely will have a say in how things are run.

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China is like the more noticeable Israel.

what would she prefer

Chinese bat soup


a White husband



why does Yas Forums allow redditfags to make plebbit threads?

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>MIGA faggots talking about their time on reddit again

I didn't. I thought it was American-owned and its HQ are still in the Bay. I mostly shitpost here and go there to troll.

I heard Tiananmen Square is enough to get a ban from r/sino. It just reads like a weird, curated universe

thx 4 proofs

>why does reddit destroy free speech
Lol imagine being this naive

Because its profitable. Same reason facebook was in trouble. Their greed is subverting their own country.

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Free speech for me but not for thee


This is "soft power" and it's a bunch of shit.

It's pretty much treason. Prior to this Coronagate, I gave two shits about China or chinks (I basically ignore both). I never knew how much of a shithole China is and how inhumane chinks are

its probably 75% putin bots

The NBA and Activision-Blizzard were once American owned as well.

We are in an emergency. We should be a me to deplatform them shortly. See you for work tomorrow, senpai. God bless America and God damn China.

Same here. Coronavirus has truly caused chinks to show their true colors and has turned my indifference into red hot hatred for their kind.

Free speech doesn't apply to mainlanders, they should be treated the same way here that they are in China.

cause reddit, all be it shit, has impact on how people think. If we don't address it and combat it, it could get out of hand.

The cold hard fact is that r*ddit is worse than facebook for information and they like it that way. You want to know why they are the way they are? It's because they ONLY want easily manipulated college kids and sympathetic liberals on their site.
Look at who funds this shit.
Literally the Chinese government. They gave $150M for 5% of Reddit. Think about that. China partially owns one of the largest websites in America
>Bill gates
Ever wonder why R*ddit worships vaccines? That's why. I'm pro vaccine but there is a reason antivax subs are banned.
>Advance publication
Likely the most benign and largest of the owners. They own a series of media corporations, most notably wired and discovery. They also own angelfire and the New Yorker.
>Snoop Dogg
Ever wonder why /r/trees is allowed (a subreddit which openly sells a federally banned substance) but The Donald gets shut down? It is because Snoop also owns a series of marijuana related investments.
>Peter thiel
Most famous for the hulk Hogan lawsuit this homosexual, this libertarian activist owns millions in shares.
They don't care about free speech. They do what is best for business. They will allow darknetmarkets but ban run of the mill conservative shit. They don't like you.
This. People think these things don't matter. They do. They actually do. If you buy the town square so people can't organize, that means they can't organize. Imagine trying to run a social movement without r*ddit, Twitter, Facebook, Yas Forums or YouTube. You literally could not do it.

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The chinks ive net have usualy been high academic achievers ,they lack any sort of empathy though. Mongolian girls suck dick like champions. When this is over, find a mongolian girl for knobbers, you wont regret it.

Lol I'm a chink and I know the admin of r/sino.

I dare Yas Forums to try your best to troll us or brigade us.

We've handled tons of brigades and trolls and we have a censorship system that would make the CCP proud.

Do it!

>it's a cesspool of Chinese propaganda and anti-American drivel.
just like Yas Forums

Why waste time on that shithole, I can call you bat eating chinese niggers out on here all day

How about stop try to troll our subreddit and get a life racists thanks

Hi chink!
Internment camp for you soon

reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit.maybe post your trap gay shit there.althou probably 70% of Yas Forums uses that shit site.

Mainland China isn't a race, it's an economic zone filled with literal cockroaches, and it'll be appointed a new CEO soon.

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Your government starved/killed 50 million of your ancestors while ours were getting lit to Elvis and The Beatles. How can you possibly believe shilling for the CCP honors yourself or your family?

>The spacing

Because they have free speech unlike Yas Forums where Chinese posts are deleted

Why u don't join them? Burgers are retarded an a cancer to this planet.

maybe Yas Forums cares about the safety of the American public despite its stupid Jew this, Jew that and party warfare. We're not actually trying to see China rule the world. That would be hell on earth.

lol this is fucking wild its a literal chinese proapaganda subreddit

though I would go so far as to think actual chinese people are running this and pulling the strings, its mostly white college extreme lefty faggots

The actual initial figures showed 15 million from higher death rates than normal. Then some Americans did some statistical magic and, BOOM, 50 million.

Also the initial figures were released in the '80s by a Chinese government determined to make Mao Zedong look bad. Deng Xiaoping wanted to pursue an economic policy which was the opposite of Mao's.

Finally, it wasn't as if Mao intentionally wanted those people to die. The deaths occurred because of big policy failures that initially aimed to improve the economy.

Same reason I don't say Bush murdered a million people because of the Great Recession.

groomed by confucius institutes probably

your thread about open borders didnt do too good huh larper?

*wouldnt go so far as

go back faggot

Reddit is partially owned by Tencent.

>He doesnt know.
They own reddit senpai

Tencent owns a good portion of reddit.

It’s not just them. Activison. In Call Of Duty they banned the word “WULFLU”. Comes back as profanity.

can you say Tiananmen square?