Trust the plan

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God I hate NPCs

Q retards are a uniquely American thing. Only can America, a nation of Cheeto swallowing, soda slurping, Bible thumping, science denying retards that believe Jesus walked with the Dinosaurs can produce somebody that stupid.

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That guy got reprimanded for wearing that patch.

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VP Pence with a bunch of immigrant Sheriff Debt mudmanoids.
Solid plan you have yourself there bucko.

I am an American.
The Sergeant-Major of your mind.

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DJT should hire him and promote him to BATFE or US Marshals Service...he is /ourguy!

>Trust the plan goy
>Trust Comey, the FBI, NSA, DHS, ATF, and all the other 3 letter agencies. Now that trump is in office he magically controls them all and they follow his every order. They're all totally based and redpilled
>Assange and Snowden should be locked up they were mean to the CIA/FBI
>Don't worry do nothing and ignore the demographic collapse, gun rights being peeled away more and more, and any semblance of constitutional rights being evaporated.
>Barr, Kushner, Netanyahu, Pompeo, and Bolton are gonna save us with Trump. Just don't look Barr's early life or his connection with the Clinton's and Waco, that's not trusting the plan enough
>Look he tweeted, that fixed everything and sure trigs the libs
When shtf anyone with some Q shit on their vest is grounds for easy pickings.

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>trust the plan
>talk of indefinete detentions without a warrant or judge sig
>talk of banning encryption
>talk of scanning all messages and texts online
how much of a low IQ mutt does one have to be to trust ANYTHING going on right now?

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Sadly, there are quite a few.

these are your average Q retards
>gullible women and senile facebook moms and boomers

Bunch of self loathing people hating on an actual operation that’s been in place for 4 years with multiple proofs. you idiots actually think thousands of pedophiles that traffic kids and make billions are going to get away with that shit forever. It just takes one troll to become president and fuck their whole system up hard. you guys have no idea the resources that his office holds clearly. He’s removed the corrupt from offices so he could gain more access to the intelligence agencies, military and proper funding. he didn’t become president to be a normal president, he’s a billionaire, he became president to make a staple in history as the best. the operation will happen and these fucking Brroney brainwashed bitches will suck their own cocks and say “I knew the plan was real the whole time” cause you faggots never fucking change.

Those grunts look Jeiwish.

Also bump. Now fuck off.

>science denying retards
I know, too many Americans believe that evolution stopped with humans roughly 50,000 years ago. Stupid, right?

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nice cope lad. See you in the FEMA camp so I can tell you I was right and you fell for unironic schizo posting on a chink board

Okay fbi.


>tfw i still want to believe.

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After the pograms, are you and El Al coming to retrieve the remains, or should we just landfill/pet food?

Where are the fucking “Lucy” species?

the only plan here is pozzing the nation 100x worse than after 9/11.

>You're shitting on something that's been happening for years you goddamn kids
You mean shit WE'VE been doing. Tracking and naming them, not just sitting around and contextualizing tweets from Trump and accounts with punisher skulls as their pfp.

>You think they're gonna get away with it?
Really, who's going to stop them? You're going to do what? Unless it's anything short of actual violence you're going to rely on the very system the entire world order has been built on to prevent it all from falling apart. And guess who's in control, and guess who's in an office we've known to be a puppet position since before WW2

>Hes removed the corrupt from office
No he hasn't, and what he has removed he replaced with Jews and neocons. Also that implies they're loyal. Removing and putting your own in doesn't make them yours and the amount of leakers inside his adminstration has shown that

>He didn't become president to become a normal president

>The operation will happen
Ah yes, that's right, someone somewhere else with all the power and connection will be able to do something that'll change the whole system and world order, magically push back decades of demographic change, and erosion of gun rights, etc. We just need to wait and do nothing a little longer and vote and when that fails we always have tough guy eye patch seal Crenshaw.

Qtards get the bullet

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Trust the plan sweetie.

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this user gets it

oohh man, tomorrow im gonna buy a shitload of puts for this ticker!!!

Anybody got the post that Q made that said that a 2 week Quarantine was supposed to happen today?

Can someone post that "prediction" image that was swirling around for days talking about how today is the day they begin arresting celebrities. It had various dates from march and one or two in April
Something like
3/11 blah
3/16 blah
3/23 - arresting celebrities
4/10 -alien disclosure or something

>oh everything will just fall apart and a revolution will happen and he will break the system yeah sureeeee
brainwashed brainlet fuck, you really think this can’t happen? are you really that fucking hypnotized to believe a few thousand pedophiles won’t be locked up ? You’re an autistic believer in “fake truths” they’ve taught you since you was a child. Baby brain

Murica is fucked. You voted for an incompetent narcissist to be your president and now you're going to die in massive numbers. There's a kind of lovely poetic justice in this, though.

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You should have it saved you retarded fuck

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it didnt exist.

It really is.

>Crazy, believe, trust, don't trust, paranoid, fearful, crazy, believe, trust, don't trust, paranoid, fearful

Best fucking psyop ever created

Lol meanwhile your country is our bitch and does everything we say. we are going to be completely superior and fine for the foreseeable future of your life cuck.

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>Lol meanwhile your country is our bitch and does everything we say. we are going to be completely superior and fine for the foreseeable future of your life cuck.
Enjoy your cremation. In the meantime, we'll get to keep shitposting about you dying. Hehehehehehe

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Pure coincidence that they are on schedule.

>Everything will just fall apart
I didn't say that, I wish it would. But relying on something else to do it and all the hard work for you is even worse

>You think pedos won't be locked up you're stupid dumb idiot blah blah blah ad hom
Who's going to do it? The Presidential position has been a puppet since before WW2, if you had been around in the older conspiracy communities you'd know this (like when Wilson signed the act that gave them power and later bankrolled FDR into helping start WW2), or maybe one of his general or intelligence units would. You don't think they don't have strings to pull, even if they weren't united? He's going to have them arrest what, the democratic party, some republicans, the media, Hollywood, and some other liberal billionaires. Unless that's be overnight (not possible) all he'd manage at best would be to take some, those who survive would just begin to rally forces to oppose. And anything short of airing their blackmail (causing his own to be released, he isn't an exception he was in Hollywood too) would fail. So how is he going to do it? Through the courts and legalist means he hasn't and wouldn't achieve a thing, and any extrajudicial attempt would not only be known about long before (thanks to the numerous subverters and infiltrators in the state and administration) but be seen as a power grab and fail. Just as the democrats run into the question of who's going to take the guns, you do too with the elites. Because decades of it have been layed to counter this, everyone knows the shit Hollywood and the elites do. That doesn't mean they're going to throw their lives away to burn down the place and drag them out, and using military/intelligence forces runs into the same problem of legalist vs extrajudicial and who can you trust?

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You're so pathetically naive and have spent the last year's reading schizo posts of "any second now" that you didn't bother reading anything related to history, philosophy, ideology, or pretty much anything that wasn't already chewed and processed for you, that you couldn't see all of this has been done before in different places with different names and with slightly different colors and flags. You're a fucking retard who expects other people to do his work for him, at least an armed revolt would put the possibility on the table at least in the long run. Instead you trust a guy from that very same intelligentsia, who let his children be married Jewish, who openly defies things he stood for on the campaign

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Cant wait for the police state. Please please please!!!!

HAHAHA KEK!!! they take your guns before they take your life you idiot. Gun control comes before genocide XD. educate yourself instead of making your country look dumb. I work in an er in the us and I don’t have and won’t have corona so fuck off.


Dude you watch anime you’re practically brain dead. wait and see bitch.

>you idiots actually think thousands of pedophiles that traffic kids and make billions are going to get away with that shit forever.
Nothing I've seen so far indicates otherwise

Sealed indictments that are only known about by a select few. the local police will get an envelope to open on the same day and will proceed the arrests.

You don't even have an argument for anything I've said. You can't disprove a thing, you're last line of defense is name calling. I get to post the anime face on the anime react and meme dump because I have put forth an argument with solid backing. Absolutely kill yourself, destroying Qtards like yourself makes my night in this forsaken timeline

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That's the spirit. Don't look into Google being uncensored suddenly or Saudi Arabia's arrests and oil prices or all the current silicon valley resignations.

Checked. But, I have been to Europe and seen an entire continent of people who cannot fathom how to board a plane or train like fucking adults. And Q threads are full of eurospergs. Other than that, pretty spot on about the US.

>Q retards are a uniquely American thing

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>being a New Atheist in 2020
Thats a yikes from me dawg

there are tons of people in the Sheriffs Dept that are Q boomers. they don't have the same operations as other law enforcement. it's basically what you join if you want to be a "classic" american police officer and not some boot-licking drone.


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Is it just the art style of the 1800s or were people really so different looking just 200 years ago? You know the face shapes I'm talking about right?

Anyway my understanding is that evolution tends to happening quickly over a few generations in response to an existential threat to which the species must adapt.

FWIW this virus may be a threat that may accelerate human evolution by a few magnitudes as they've theorized that viruses did play a role in shaping our past evolutionary advances.

take the meds
sadly we got these retarded autists here too

You’d be surprised. But honestly I think a lot of people have had it with all em


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Honk honk



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>Sealed indictments
You trust Barr, a Jewish judge not only connected to the Clinton's but played a role in Waco. God how they managed to get you guys to worship the people apart of Waco and the NSA.

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Suprise suprise. SA controls like 80% of media.

Taking credit for shit 4 and 8 Chan were doing for years prior to your gay ass q bullshit
I’m blown away that people like you are so ducking low iq.
Trust the plan got trust it till the very end

THIS. Take a lesson from it in how easily people can be duped.

Oh yes because Google is now on our side and totally not still doing the same thing as before but worse with them using bots to replace staffers due to the virus, and it's not like the Saudis have been making themselves the most hated Muslims in the ME for the past decades.

the shills are out in force and manufacturing checked's to elevate their point. we must be over the target and any day now the 900000 indictments will be unsealed as predicted in revelations. WWG1GBQT

LMAO Q retards.

is this a new pasta attempt


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It’s actually great. If we go. You all go